GES...Where We're Wild About Learning
May 1st-31st
May 1st-31st - National Mental Health Month; Asian & Pacific Island Heritage Month;
May 1st-7th - National Physical Fitness & Sports Week!!!
May 1st: National School Principal's Day; MCAP Grade 3 Math Testing
May 2nd: "Let's Play" After School Program; Environmental Club
May 3rd: School Lunch Hero Day; MCAP Grade 3 Math Testing; First Grade Field Trip to DC Zoo; PTA Elections 5PM
May 6th: 10th: National Teacher Appreciation Week
May 7th: BOE Meeting 6PM
May 8th: Early Dismissal Day 1pm; National School Nurse Day
May 8th: Mental Health Series at GES - Emotional Regulation in Children 6-7PM
May 9th: Second Grade Field Trip to Adkins; "Let's Play" After School Program; Environmental Club; Spring Chorus Concert 6:15PM; Spring Band Concert 7:15PM
May 10th: Career Day
May 13th-17th: PPW Appreciation Week
May 14th: Fifth Grade Field Trip to DC
May 15th: Glee Performance 6PM
May 16th: Chesapeake Environmental Visit PreK; "Let's Play" After School Program; Environmental Club
May 17th: Field Day
May 21st: Summer Safety Event
May 23rd: "Let's Play" After School Program
May 24th: Early Dismissal 1 PM; PTA Walk-A-Thon
May 27th: Memorial Day - No School
May 28th: NCHS Grad Walk 2PM
May 29th: PreK Field Trip to Adkins
May 30th: "Let's Play" After School Program
May 31st: Reading/Math Monthly Incentive
PreK & Kindergarten Enrollment
The enrollment process is now open for eligible PreK and Kindergarten students, and all other students NEW to Caroline County Public Schools.
**If your child is currently in a Caroline PreK class, there is no need to enroll again. You're good to go for kindergarten!**
The enrollment process is explained on the Enrollment & Attendance page of the Caroline County Public Schools website. Families are encouraged to begin the process as soon as possible! For more information about PreK and Kindergarten, please visit the PreK and Kindergarten page of the website.
CCRP Summer Camp at GES 2024
Caroline County Public Schools has once again teamed up with our good partners at Caroline County Recreation & Parks to provide free summer day camp for all elementary school students!
FYI: Parents must attend an orientation meeting to confirm their child’s enrollment.
For complete information visit That page will have a direct link to online registration or printable forms in English, Spanish & Haitian Creole.
2024 Summer Career Enrichment Program (SCEP)
Attention 5th Grade and Middle School Families:
Registration is now open for the 2024 Summer Career Enrichment Program (SCEP).
This is a 4-week program for middle school students to engage in hands-on activities where they gain skills in delivering presentations, gathering requirements, problem solving, and working on teams.
Students can enroll in Animation, App Development, Careers in Healthcare, Chess, Cyber Security, Drones, Media Arts, Presentation/Video Design, and Robotics.
This program is in partnership with the People for Change Coalition, Mid-Shore Regional Council, Rural Maryland Council, and 3 County school systems: Dorchester, Talbot, and Caroline.
Here is link to register.
View highlight video here.
Summer Meals Schedule – Kids 18 & Under Eat Free
Choptank Health
Cook Center May Webinar
Upcoming mental health webinar for Caroline schools families:
Emotional Regulation: Recognizing What's Wrong
May 8, 6:00-7:00 pm via Zoom #CarolineFamily
For more information on mental health resources, please visit the CCPS website.
Parent Guidance Coaching Corner
After a long winter, spring blooms with hope. Parent coaching can be that breath of fresh air that guides you to sunnier days. Parent Coaching is a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL resource provided by your school district that connects you with a coach and content created by therapists. All coaching correspondence is HIPAA protected. Click here to register for on-going support from a coach:
Después de un largo invierno, llega la primavera con esperanza. Asesoría para Padres puede ser la brisa fresca que te guía a días más soleados. Asesoría para Padres es un recurso GRATIS y CONFIDENCIAL disponible en su distrito escolar que lo conecta con un asesor y contenido creado por terapeutas. Toda la correspondencia de asesoría está protegida por las leyes HIPAA. Presione aquí para registrarse y recibir apoyo continuo de un asesor
Early Dismissal Pick Ups
Dress Code
A. Applicable to All Students
1. Clothing should be neat and clean. As part of presenting a neat and clean appearance, children should practice good personal hygiene on a daily basis.
2. Articles of clothing, badges, or buttons that are suggestive of, or appear to advertise, in phrases or pictures or any other form, anything that is illegal for students or against school rules, including but not limited to tobacco, drugs, alcohol, acts of violence, profanity, sex, or weapons are prohibited.
3. Students are prohibited from wearing garments or displaying buttons, arm bands, flags, badges, decals, or other items of symbolic expression that are obscene, suggestive or vulgar.
4. Students are prohibited from wearing or displaying slogans, words, pictures or symbols on school property or at school-sponsored activities or events away from school which acknowledge or support racial prejudice including but not limited to the Confederate flag, the swastika, and pictures of individuals or groups who have been identified as promoting racism, violence, prejudice or negative images of other individuals or groups in such manner as to cause reasonable concern that the clothing or items of attire could lead to disruption of school discipline and the education process.
5. Students are prohibited from wearing clothing or items containing derogatory expressions or language regarding a person's race, color, gender, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability.
6. Male and female students shall not wear clothing that is unduly revealing including but not limited to halter or other tops such as tank, tube, see-through, or tops which leave the midriff bare, spaghetti straps, or clothes leaving undergarments visible. Sleeveless garments must fit closely under the arms. The determination of whether shorts, skirts and dresses (including slits) are appropriate in length will be made by the administration.
7. All shorts must be hemmed with no torn edges. Students are prohibited from wearing spandex or biker shorts.
8. Students are prohibited from wearing or having chains attached to their garments.
9. Heavy coats and hats (except as provided in #12 below) are to be placed in lockers or on coat racks upon arrival to school and remain there until such time as they may be necessary for an approved outside activity (such as recess or field trip) or dismissal. Students are advised to keep a sweater/sweatshirt in their locker for cool days. Students are prohibited from wearing heavy coats in school during the school day.
10. Shoes or other appropriate footwear is required. Students should wear shoes that fit securely and are appropriate for the applicable school activity. Rubber flip flops, shower shoes, and bedroom slippers are not permitted.
11. Sunglasses may not be worn inside the school building unless prescribed by a physician. If sunglasses are prescribed, a medical form must be completed and submitted to the nurse's office and a copy kept by the student wearing such glasses.
12. Hats, caps, sun visors, bandannas, sweatbands and other head coverings may not be worn inside the building. Head coverings for religious reasons or medical reasons are appropriate (with advance approval). Permission must be documented and submitted to the main office and a copy kept by the student wearing such a covering.
13. Pants and shorts must be fastened at the natural waistline.
B. Elementary Dress Code
Parents' good judgment is essential regarding what children should wear to school. Parents are to dress their children in a neat and appropriate manner that reflects pride in themselves and the school. Clothes should be safe, not disturb or distract other students, and be appropriate for weather conditions and for learning.
1. The length of shorts, skirts and dresses (including the slits) will be deemed appropriate by the administration using standards acceptable by the community.