R9 TIA News & Notes - October 2024

R9 TIA News & Notes
October 2024
Thoughts from the R9 TIA Team
Transform Your TIA Marketing with Our Fast & User-friendly Website Make & Take!
Dear TIA Leads,
We know that promoting your Teacher Incentive Allotment Local Designation System is essential for attracting and retaining top talent in your district. That's why we're excited to invite you to our upcoming Zoom training session designed specifically for school districts like yours! This session is designed for all districts in Region 9. Even if you already have a TIA site, you might find ideas and resources to add that will further strengthen your marketing!
In this engaging and hands-on training, you’ll learn how to create a dynamic website tailored to showcase your unique incentive program. We provide a pre-made template that makes it easy for you to personalize your site with your district's specific information. No web design experience? No problem! Our step-by-step guidance will ensure you feel confident in building a site that effectively communicates the benefits of your incentive program to teachers and potential candidates.
Join us to simplify the process and elevate your outreach efforts. Together, we can enhance the visibility of your Teacher Incentive Allotment program and attract the dedicated educators your students deserve.
Click on the image above to register!
Please ensure that your district webmaster is in attendance!
We look forward to seeing you there! Email chelsea.howells@esc9.net with questions.
The R9 TIA Team
Region 9 Rocks!
Thank you to Linda Borchardt with Burkburnett ISD for your invaluable contributions during the TEA Overview of Teacher Observations zoom session on September 18th! Your insights will be a great asset to districts beginning the application process. We appreciate you representing our region so well!
Region 9 will be hosting an R9 TIA Office Hours on the second Tuesday of every month from 9am-10am. The first one will be on October 8th. This Office Hours will be a Zoom only for Region 9 districts. We’ll start each Office Hours with any updates you need to know, and then give you time to ask our TIA Team any specific questions that you have about your designation system, your data for submission or anything else related to TIA.
Once you register, open the zoom registration email and add it to your calendar. This will add all of the dates for the year!
Recruitment & Retention Strategies
We’re proud to introduce the Recruitment and Retention section of the Region 9 TIA Newsletter! This new feature highlights innovative strategies for attracting and retaining talented teachers in your district. We’re here to support your recruitment journey!
Today’s spotlight: building a TIA/Teacher Recruitment webpage for your district. Refer to our previous Thoughts from the R9 TIA Team for more details. Join our upcoming session to get your hands on a user-friendly TIA template, ready for quick edits or extensive customization to promote your district's strengths! Please ensure that your district webmaster is in attendance!
Do your teachers have questions? We've got answers! Teachers can join us to learn the basics of TIA at any of the 3 sessions listed on the flyer below. This informational session is for any teacher who wants to learn more about TIA, even in districts with established Local Designation Systems. Click the image to access the zoom links. You can also email the PDF directly to your teachers by clicking the download link below! Email chelsea.howells@esc9.net with any questions.
Look down in the appropriate category below to keep track of PD opportunities, action items, TEA Zooms and deadlines. Each section is a one stop shop for all timely information for your category. We hope that this newsletter keeps you up to date with everything that you need to know in the world of TIA!
Applying Districts
Up Next:
🚨Statewide Rural Cohort Districts:
The next mandatory zoom session will focus on Stakeholder Engagement, one of the most impactful components of a successful TIA system.
Dates: October 10th or October 15th
Time: 9am-3:30pm
Who should attend: TIA Lead (required); strongly recommend the full Admin Team; Webmaster should join in at 1:00 pm
All Districts:
Optional Vendor TIA Sessions
Are you exploring options for your student growth measures? Do you want to learn how your current programs can be used for TIA? Join us for any or all of our Vendor sessions!
Date: October 16th
Time: YouScience (9-10), Exploros (10-11), NWEA MAP (11-12), DMAC (1-2), TEKSReady (2-3), Eduphoria (3-4)
Who should attend: any district representative (Applying, Accepted, and Approved)
💻TEA offers high quality zoom trainings throughout the school year. There are often testimonials from district personnel, and you can get your questions answered straight from the source! Click the image below to register.
Application Accepted Districts
It’s the time of year when you will need to plan for teacher observations and walkthroughs as part of your Local Designation System. Make sure you know how many are required and start adding them to the calendar now. By doing this early, you can avoid the stress of a last-minute rush later in the school year.
T-TESS Calibrations are an important part of strengthening your TIA system. If you would like more information on T-TESS calibration or would like to schedule a brief calibration meeting with our TIA team, please reach out to scott.slater@esc9.net to do so.
TEA Resources for Application Accepted Districts
Data Capture Year Planning Guide
Capturing valid and reliable data is a crucial step toward identifying and rewarding your high-performing teachers. Please refer to the Planning Guide for requirements and best practices.
*NEW* System Alignment Review Overview
This document is overview of TEA’s review process at the time of data submission, to ensure that the submitted data align to your district’s accepted System of Record (a district’s current local designation system, as outlined by their most recently accepted application, used to collect data for data submission).
*NEW* Sample TIA Implementation Calendar
A turnkey calendar plan for districts implementing their System of Record. Use the calendar to help plan out your year and stay on track.
Up Next:
Districts who collected data in 2023-2024:
TEA rolled out statewide Texas Value-Added Model (VAM) to districts last week. The report displays each teacher’s percentage of students meeting or exceeding expected growth based on Texas VAM.
- Data will be available for district testing coordinators, based on the AskTED Personnel Directory.
- The report provides a single composite percentage of students meeting or exceeding expectations for a given teacher across all applicable STAAR assessments for 2023-24.
- Data should be used to inform designation decision practices.
- Pressure test efficacy of other student growth measures.
- Level-set designation proportions for district.
- Determine if adjustments to designation standards need to be made.
- Districts should not use this data to directly change their designations based on their local designation system for data submission. This may cause issues with data validation should they do this.
Please reach out to scott.slater@esc9.net for support with using this report to prepare your final data submission.
🚨Data Submission for last year’s data is due to TEA by Oct. 17.
Data Submission File for Fall 2024 T-TESS
It is recommended to input your data into the “TIA Excel Analysis Tool 2024 T-TESS” and the "Designation Determination Tool 2024 T-TESS" to determine correlation and to help with designation decisions. If you would like us to look at your data or your team needs assistance with these tools, please reach out to scott.slater@esc9.net.
All Districts:
Optional Vendor TIA Sessions
Are you exploring options for your student growth measures? Do you want to learn how your current programs can be used for TIA? Join us for any or all of our Vendor sessions!
Date: October 16th
Time: YouScience (9-10), Exploros (10-11), NWEA MAP (11-12), DMAC (1-2), TEKSReady (2-3), Eduphoria (3-4)
Who should attend: any district representative (Applying, Accepted, and Approved)
💻TEA offers high quality zoom trainings throughout the school year. There are often testimonials from district personnel, and you can get your questions answered straight from the source! Click the image below to register.
Fully & Provisionally Approved Districts
TEA Resources for Approved Districts
Data Capture Year Planning Guide
Capturing valid and reliable data is a crucial step toward identifying and rewarding your high-performing teachers. Please refer to the Planning Guide for requirements and best practices.
*NEW* System Alignment Review Overview
This document is overview of TEA’s review process at the time of data submission, to ensure that the submitted data align to your district’s accepted System of Record (a district’s current local designation system, as outlined by their most recently accepted application, used to collect data for data submission).
*NEW* Sample TIA Implementation Calendar
A turnkey calendar plan for districts implementing their System of Record. Use the calendar to help plan out your year and stay on track.
Up Next:
TEA rolled out statewide Texas Value-Added Model (VAM) to districts last week. The report displays each teacher’s percentage of students meeting or exceeding expected growth based on Texas VAM.
- Data will be available for district testing coordinators, based on the AskTED Personnel Directory.
- The report provides a single composite percentage of students meeting or exceeding expectations for a given teacher across all applicable STAAR assessments for 2023-24.
- Data should be used to inform designation decision practices.
- Pressure test efficacy of other student growth measures.
- Level-set designation proportions for district.
- Determine if adjustments to designation standards need to be made.
- Districts should not use this data to directly change their designations based on their local designation system for data submission. This may cause issues with data validation should they do this.
Please reach out to scott.slater@esc9.net for support with using this report to prepare your final data submission.
🚨Data Submission for last year’s data is due to TEA by Oct. 17.
Data Submission File for Fall 2024 T-TESS
It is recommended to input your data into the “TIA Excel Analysis Tool 2024 T-TESS” and the "Designation Determination Tool 2024 T-TESS" to determine correlation and to help with designation decisions. If you would like us to look at your data or your team needs assistance with these tools, please reach out to scott.slater@esc9.net.
All Districts:
Optional Vendor TIA Sessions
Are you exploring options for your student growth measures? Do you want to learn how your current programs can be used for TIA? Join us for any or all of our Vendor sessions!
Date: October 16th
Time: YouScience (9-10), Exploros (10-11), NWEA MAP (11-12), DMAC (1-2), TEKSReady (2-3), Eduphoria (3-4)
Who should attend: any district representative (Applying, Accepted, and Approved)
💻TEA offers high quality zoom trainings throughout the school year. There are often testimonials from district personnel, and you can get your questions answered straight from the source! Click the image below to register.
TEA TIA Resources
Click any image below to access the resource!
Official TEA TIA Website
Data Submission & Validation Landing Page
TIA Data Submission (Application Accepted Districts) and Data Validation (Fully/Provisionally Approved Districts) Resources