Four Big Houses One Little Way
October 28, 2024
Congratulations to the 34 Football Team who will play in the Championship game on Saturday, 11/2 at 11:30am at Roncalli High School. Shout out to the following football players:
LF team members
#7 - Conor Dugan - 3rd
#32 - Elias Cline - 4th
#35 - Elijah Lee - 3rd
#49 - Zander McIntyre - 3rd
#54 - Franco Echegarary - 4th
#57 - Henry Wade - 4th
The next PPS meeting will be November 21st at 6:30pm in the cafeteria. We will do a short business meeting then Mr. Davis is going to let us know what all the buzz is about concerning the artist trading cards. Everyone can tap into your inner artist to create and trade cards. This is also the night of our dine to donate fundraiser with Papa John’s! PPS will buy pizza and collect donations to help offset the cost. Please email your favorite pizza toppings to if you are able to come!
The Parish Life Commission will once again host our annual Halloween Bash on Thursday, October 31 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. in the school. There will be games in the gym, hot dogs, chips, and drinks in the cafeteria, trick or treating in the hallways, and the night will end with a costume contest beginning at 7:30 p.m.
We are still in need of bags of individually wrapped candy donations in order to make our Halloween Bash a success. Please drop your donations off at school, the parish center, or the containers at the doors of church by Thursday, October 31st. We also need people to help with passing out candy and assisting with games. Anyone in 6th grade or above may help with the Halloween party. If you are able to help, please contact Peggy Clegg at 317-357-8352 x106 or
Family Literacy Night, Thursday, November 7
Holy Spirit School is excited to host an Eastside Catholic School Partnership parent meeting on Monday, October 28th from 6:00-7:30 pm in Early Hall. This meeting will focus on giving us all information to keep your student safe when using the internet. Mrs. Theresa Chamblee from the Archdiocese of Indianapolis will be our main speaker for the evening. Mrs. Chamblee works in Catholic Charities and has experience working on social and safety concerns for minors.
This session is primarily geared toward parents of 10- to 14- year olds to address the hidden (and not so hidden) dangers of all social media and gaming apps. Specifically, we want to focus on ways/resources to protect yourself and your children from online dangers. Participants will see the direct connection between social media/gaming apps, bullying, sexual exploitation, sextortion and worst-case scenario - human trafficking.
Federal and state privacy laws regarding the sharing of sexual explicit material of anyone under the age of 16 will be communicated. For example, did you know that minors who share sexually explicit pictures/videos with other minors can be charged with breaking state and federal laws, since it is considered the distribution of child pornography? This is important for parents/caregivers and children to understand.
It is absolutely vital for all adults responsible for children to know what is happening and ways we can proactively respond! We strongly encourage you to participate for your children’s safety. In preparation for the evening’s topics, we encourage you to preview this video link below that demonstrates the dangers facing students online.
En espanol:
La Escuela Holy Spirit se complace en organizar una reunión de padres de la Asociación de Escuelas Católicas de Eastside el lunes 28 de octubre de 6:00 a 7:30 pm en Early Hall. Esta reunión se centrará en brindarnos toda la información para mantener a su estudiante seguro cuando use Internet. La Sra. Theresa Chamblee de la Arquidiócesis de Indianápolis será nuestra presentadora principal de la noche. La Sra. Chamblee trabaja en Caridades Católicas y tiene experiencia trabajando en cuestiones sociales y de seguridad para menores.
Esta sesión está dirigida principalmente a padres de niños de 10 a 14 años para platicar sobre los peligros ocultos (y no tan ocultos) de todas las redes sociales y aplicaciones de juegos. Específicamente, queremos centrarnos en formas/recursos para que se proteja usted y sus hijos de los peligros en línea. Los participantes verán la conexión directa entre las redes sociales/aplicaciones de juegos, el acoso, la explotación sexual, la sextorsión y, en el peor de los casos, la tráfico humano.
Se comunicarán las leyes de privacidad federales y estatales relativas al intercambio de material sexual explícito de cualquier persona menor de 16 años. Por ejemplo, ¿sabía que los menores que comparten fotografías/videos sexualmente explícitos con otros menores pueden ser acusados de violar las leyes estatales y federales, ya que se considera distribución de pornografía infantil? Es importante que los padres/cuidadores y los niños comprendan esto.
¡Es absolutamente vital que todos los adultos responsables de los niños sepan lo que está sucediendo y las formas en que podemos responder de manera proactiva! Le recomendamos encarecidamente que participe por la seguridad de sus hijos. Como preparación para los temas de la noche, le recomendamos que miren este video que demuestra los peligros que enfrentan los estudiantes en línea.
Monday, October 28
Cyber Security Presentation for Parents @ Holy Spirit 6:00 PM
Thursday, October 31
Friday, November 1
All Saint's Day- 4th Grade Saint Presentations
All School All Saint's Day Mass 9:30 AM
All Are Welcome
Saturday, November 2
Little Flower Annual All Class Reunion
Monday, November 4
All School Mass 9:30 AM
All Are Welcome
Tuesday, November 5
Election Day
1:00 Dismissal
Friday, November 8
Grandparents/Special Friends Day
12:00 Dismissal
Good morning!
Little Flower Parish and its St. Vincent de Paul conference are once again working together to provide our school families with Thanksgiving and Christmas assistance. Sign up for Holiday Assistance begins tomorrow, Wednesday, October 9th! Information about how to sign up is attached to this email and will also be sent home today with your student. Reminder that the Parish Center will be open over fall break if you would like to sign up at that time. Feel free to reach out with any questions!
Elizabeth Pickens, LCSW, LSSW
School Social Worker
Thanksgiving-Christmas Assistance Letter.pdf
¡Buen día!
La Parroquia Little Flower y su conferencia de San Vicente de Paúl están trabajando juntos una vez más para brindar a las familias de nuestra escuela asistencia para el Día de Acción de Gracias y Navidad. Comienza la inscripción para recibir asistencia durante las vacaciones mañana miércoles 9 de octubre El ! La información sobre cómo inscribirse se adjunta a este correo electrónico y también se enviará a casa hoy con su estudiante. Recuerde que el Centro Parroquial estará abierto durante las vacaciones de otoño si desea inscribirse en ese momento. ¡No dude en comunicarse con nosotros si tiene alguna pregunta!
Elizabeth Pickens, LCSW, LSSW
Trabajador social escolar
The Little Way
Each month we discuss the Little Way. We take time to discuss one trait of the Little Way and how we can apply it to our lives at LF and beyond. This month we will be discussing
Middle school students discussed many ways we can be increase our empathy for one another and do all things with love and, based on their suggestions, we will be kicking off Mix-It-Up lunches and Buddy Days as ways to know each other, and care for each other, better.
As the film clip says "when one of us struggles, we all struggle; when one triumphs, we all triumph"
Empathy in children and teens
Little Flower
Phone: (317) 353-2282