The Silverhawks' Nest
"Soaring to Success"
January Edition
Silverhawk Families,
Happy New Year!
I hope you had a restful two weeks with your family and friends. I know that our students are going to be ready to hit the ground running when they come back in January. As you know, the second half of the school year goes by quickly.
Please enjoy pictures from our Annual Jingle Jog!! Students were able to walk or jog with their siblings and friends before we left for our Winter Break. Even our PreK students participated in this fun event.
Our students have been working hard on showing Safety, Ownership, Achievement and Respect on our campus, and will continue to for the rest of the school year. It has been a great, but busy 1st semester, and I look forward to the second half of the school year.
January events are listed below for your convenience.
- January 7th - School Resumes
- January 10th - 2nd Quarter Awards Assembly (By invitation only)
- January 14th - Dress Out of Uniform for $1
- January 20th - MLK Jr. Day-No School
- January 21st - 100th Day of School-Students can dress out of uniform ONLY if they are participating in 100th Day of School activities.
- January 22nd - 3rd Grade Field Trip
- January 28th - Peter Piper Pizza Family Night
- January 30th - Family Math Game Night, 4-5pm in the Cafeteria
As always, if you ever have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to email me at christine.fitzsimmons@dvusd.org or you can catch me in the front parking lot at drop-off and pick-up.
Have a great January!!
Principal Fitzsimmons
Jingle Jog Pics
Second Quarter Awards Assembly
Second Quarter Awards Assembly Friday, January 10th @9:00 in the gym. Your child's teacher will reach out to you to let you know if your child will be receiving an award for the 2nd Quarter.
The Traditional Academy at Bellair Preschool Updates
Preschool students enjoyed studying the season of winter. We discussed our weather changes, even when it was still somewhat hot outside. We enjoyed several holiday themed crafts, the Jingle Jog and some tasty treats. Next we are looking forward to studying seeds and how we can grow our food and plants for our school Science Fair!
Please remember to apply for Open Enrollment for Kindergarten for next school year as soon as possible at https://bellair.dvusd.org
Volunteer Training
If you would like to volunteer in your child's classroom, or go on any field trips, you must go through Volunteer Training. We will be having Volunteer Training in room 608 @4:30 on the following dates:
- Wednesday, September 4th
- Wednesday, November 20th
- Wednesday, February 19th
- Wednesday, April 23rd
Attendance Line - 602-467-5790
SchoolStore Fundraiser
Hello Parents,
I want to personally thank all the families who have already participated in our SchoolStore fundraiser! We are on our way to reaching our goal, but we need everyone's help to make sure our teachers get the essential tools they need to help our students succeed.
If your family has not participated, there's still time!
This safe and easy fundraiser is 100% online so there is no face-to-face selling, collecting money, or delivering products. Your child will receive a prize just for participating, and more prizes will be awarded when goals are reached.
Please help now. It really will make a difference.
Go to https://www.schoolstore.net/sid.t?0000005390 to show our valued teachers your support.
Traditional Academy at Bellair
P.S. Family participation is the key to our success, and we are counting on you!
- Week of January 6th - I bring effort to everything I do.
- Week of January 13th - I work through confusion.
- Week of January 20th - I plan my day to make enough time for work, sleep and free time.
- Week of January 27th - I find purpose in everything I do.
- Week of February 3rd - I am always improving.
- Week of February 10th - I drop my shoulders. I take a few breaths. I can handle this.
- Week of February 17th - Our school monitors help us because they care about us.
- Week of February 24th - I do my best because less is a waste of my time and potential.
- Week of March 3rd - I exercise my brain each day.
Breakfast & Lunch Menu
PLC (Professional Learning Communities) and PD (Professional Development) Dates
- August 9th, 11th, 16th, 23rd and 30th
- September 13th, 20th, 27th
- October 4th and 25th
- November 8th and 22nd
- December 6th and 13th
- January 17th, 24th and 31st
- February 7th, 21st and 28th
- March 7th, 14th and 28th
- May 2nd, 9th and 16th
PBIS Acronym S.O.A.R.
What is PBIS?
Our new PBIS Acronym is S.O.A.R. Silverhawks show Safety, Ownership, Achievement and Respect. Please help us to instill these behaviors at home, so we can all "S.O.A.R. to #Extraordinary Heights Together!"