Alaska Native Cultural Charter
November 2024
Waqaa ANCCS Families!
Important Dates
November is Alaska Native and American Indian Heritage Month!
Nov. 5 - ASD Remote Learning Day - NO IN-PERSON SCHOOL
Nov. 11 - Veteran's Day - NO SCHOOL
Nov. 15 - Rock your Mocs Day
Nov. 18 - Picture Day Retakes
Nov. 19 - APC Meeting, 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Nov. 26 - ANCCS Fall Intensives Day
Nov. 28 & 29 - Thanksgiving Holiday - NO SCHOOL
December 4 - SAEBRS Winter Screener
December 10 - MAP Math Winter Benchmark Testing, grades 3-8
December 11 - MAP English Language Arts Benchmark Testing, grades 3-8
December 12 - mClass Winter Benchmark, grades K-5
December 14 - Friends of ANCCS Holiday Market, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
December 16-19 - Spirit Week!
December 19 - Winter Celebration - 1:00 - 3:00 pm
December 19 - Last Day of School for Quarter 2
December 20 - Quarter 2 Grading Day - NO SCHOOL - Winter Break Begins!
December 21 - Santa's Workshop Holiday Event, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
November Update
November 26 will be ANCCS's fall intensive day. Our K-8 students will participate in a full-day of learning explorations and hands-on projects on a topic of their choosing. We look forward to seeing all of the learning our students engage on this exciting day!
Are you interested in starting an ANCCS Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)? It has been several years since ANCCS has had a PTO and we are hoping families this year can get one started again. A PTO can help with planning school and family events, fundraising, and enrichment activities that support all of our ANCCS eagles. Please contact our APC Board President, Manny Acuna, if you are interested in being involved in this effort, please contact: acuna_manny@asdk12.org.
Alaska Native, Native American Heritage Month
Rock Your Mocs - November 15
Yuuyaraq: Elder Wisdom & Words of the Week
Throughout Quarter 2, our students are learning about being prepared and sharing. This includes exploration of self, family, and school in regards to how families depend on each other and work together (cooperation), how families help others and contribute to the community, how families work together for the safety and betterment of their people; how individuals and families become prepared; and how individuals express well-being of self and others (empathy).
Boost & iReady
How can my child extend their reading practice outside of school?
BOOST READING! Every K-5th grade student at ANCCS has a Boost Reading account. This program provides personalized literacy instruction based on your child's benchmark testing. In Boost Reading, students enter a story world that grows as they do. Students encounter a series of quests and characters as they develop and reinforce their skills.
How can my child extend their math practice outside of school?
iReady Mathematics! iReady Mathematics creates a personalized learning path for every K-8th grade student at ANCCS. The program provides students math instruction and practice in the areas where they need the most support. Students can track their progress with a goal of completing 2 lessons a week to maximize their math growth.
ANCCS Fall Intensives
Tuesday, November 26, is our first annual ANCCS fall intensives day! Our K-8 students will participate in a full-day of project-based learning on a topic of their choosing.
These "intensives" classes will blend reading, math, science, and social studies skills with cultural learning and hands-on projects.
Please explore the Intensives catalog with your student in order to help them select their top three choices. There are many exciting options for each grade level!
3:30 PM Dismissal
Winter has Arrived!
It is essential that our students have the proper winter gear--a warm coat, snow pants, boots, a hat, and mittens or gloves--every day. Please check that your student is prepared for recess and has the gear that they need. Many items look alike; don't forget to label everything! If your student is in need of winter gear, please contact the front office and ask for Nurse Frost.
Awesome Attendance at ANCCS!
ANCCS Goal: Less than 8 is Great!
At ANCCS, we want our students to be present and share what they have with our community each and every day. We ask our students to strive to have less than 8 absences for the school year.
ASD Goal: Every student will attend school at least 90 percent of the time.
A missed school day is a lost opportunity for students to learn. There is a direct correlation between students who attend school regularly and higher academic achievement levels. In order to reach the 90% attendance goal, students can miss no more than 17 days of school per year. This may sound like a lot of days, but it breaks down to less than two absences per month.
When your student is absent:
Please log on to ParentConnection to report your student's absence or call the front office. Absences will be excused for medical appointments, illness, family emergencies, or religious observation. If your child's absence is not excused by 9:30 am, you will receive an automated “robocall” phone message at 11:00 am.
Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help with your student's attendance!
October Attendance
ANCCS APC: Founders' Report
Founders’ Report by Martha Gould-Lehe
"Be the change that you wish to see in the world." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Calling Parents to Action! ANCCS needs you!! As the school grows, it becomes crystal clear that a Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) is badly needed! The Academic Policy Committee (APC) is a made up of about 8 members and the Friends of ANCCS, the nonprofit board, is made up of 5 members. That’s thirteen people, most of which work, to plan, deliver, and setup/cleanup events that benefit the school’s effort in obtaining a permanent facility. A PTO would become the driver for many of these events like the Halloween and Christmas Carnivals – just to name two. If interested please contact Manny Acuna through the office or the principal.
The money raised through various donations and fundraisers for the year shows a balance of roughly $263,400. This is a huge increase from previous year of 2023 where the balance was roughly $123,000. Both boards are very grateful to all of you who have helped with the various events. A small amount came in from the Pick, Click, Give campaign and we know this will grow as more people become aware of the opportunity. Also, don’t forget the Fred Myer rewards – pick ANCCS when you shop! Most of this money, about 80% is placed in a building fund. The other is dispersed to operating costs and supporting ANCCS’s requests for various projects, events, etc.
Holidays Approaching
As always, with the business of the holidays, there is a need for us all to remember school is still going and attendance is crucial. This can be a hard time of year for many with icy roads and long, short days. Know, you are important to ANCCS, and we wish you one and all a safe and wonderful season of celebrations.
Alaska Strong: Atauchikun
ANCCS Holiday Market - December 14
Join us for our annual Friends of ANCCS Holiday Market from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on December 14! Our ANCCS Yugtun Choir will perform at 1:00 pm. If you are interested in becoming a vendor, please visit friends-of-anccs.com or contact friendsofanccs@gmail.com
ANCCS Winter MAP & mClass Info
ANCCS Winter MAP Info
MAP Growth is the ASD and State of Alaska required benchmark/interim assessment for students in grades 3-9 in reading and mathematics.
MAP Growth is an online, adaptive assessment that provides each student a personalized testing experience with data that speaks to their individual progress and growth in mathematics and reading.
The MAP Growth reading and mathematics winter benchmark will be administered at ANCCS on December 10 & 11.
MAP Growth practice tests and tutorials allow students and families the opportunity to become familiar with the types of questions and tools available on the actual MAP Grow assessments such as the highlighter and calculator. An overview of these resources with links to the practice tests are compiled on the MAP Growth Practice Tests Quick Sheet.
ANCCS Winter mClass Info
mClass is one of the Anchorage School District’s benchmark assessments and is administered each Fall, Winter, and Spring to K-3 students. Students are assessed in several Early Literacy skill areas which produce an overall composite score.
The mClass reading winter benchmark will be administered at ANCCS on December 12.
Screening scores provide a data snapshot that is used to support identification of students who are at-risk and in need of interventions and/or enrichment or acceleration. The assessments measure early literacy skills in grades K-3. The results are used to measure learning status and growth within the school year.
Donate Picture Frames
What Did You Say We're Eating?
ANCCS 4th graders and Ms. Riha’s 7th grade class have been treated with lots of goodies while getting some great information about Nutrition. Amounts of sugar in foods and drinks and learning how to read a food label are just a couple of the topics being taught by SNAP (Student Nutritional Assistance Program) instructor Patricia Kohart. Students are enjoying learning more about the foods we love to eat and trying some healthy alternatives that are quite tasty too!
ANCCS Hosts International Badminton Training
On Saturday October 19, ANCCS in cooperation with the organizations of USA Badminton, Badminton Alberta (Canada) and the Badminton World Federation worked together to bring the Shuttle Time Teacher Training program to Alaska. Twenty teachers and students from Anchorage, Mat-Su and some Alaska villages participated. Top Canadian Coach, Beth Richardson from Calgary, Alberta Canada, was the instructor and additionally spent a day with some lucky students in Physical Education classes and the ANCCS Varsity Badminton team.
ANCCS was represented by Ms. Ward & Coach Paul along with current and former students: Drake Hoover, Esther Vargas, Madison Matthews, Jayden Moore