Power Notes
September 9th-20th, 2024
Vision: At Colonel Richardson Middle School (CRMS) we create a safe, supportive environment where students achieve academic success, develop life skills, and build confidence for the future!
Kicking off the Right Way
Hello CRMS Families,
As we kick off the new school year, it's important to help your middle school student get back into a productive routine. Our Power motto this year is "the POWER to Pass the Test." While we know that students have to do the traditional tests at the end of units and the school year, there are daily tests that we know students will face and we want them to always do their best with passing those personal tests of their Kindness, Knowledge, and Bravery.
One way that students will have the Power to be their best in each of these three areas is if they are given the right structure at home. Establishing consistent schedules for homework, bedtime, and daily preparation will set the tone for a successful year. Here are a few tips to help ease the transition:
1. **Create a structured environment** – Set up a designated space for homework and study. Having a consistent, quiet area helps students focus and stay organized.
2. **Set consistent bedtimes** – Sleep is crucial for middle school students' focus and energy. Ensure your child gets enough rest by setting a regular bedtime that supports a full night's sleep.
3. **Plan ahead** – Encourage your child to prepare for the next day by packing their backpack, laying out clothes, and having any homework or other school needs ready for the next day.
At school, we've already taken steps to help your student succeed academically. Students have completed pre-assessments in both math and English Language Arts (ELA). These assessments provide valuable data, allowing our teachers to identify specific skills that need attention and tailor instruction to meet your child's individual needs throughout the quarter.
We’re thrilled to build on the incredible progress CRMS made last year in both academics and attendance. With your partnership, we are confident that we’ll continue to grow and achieve even more together this year.
Let’s make this a great start to the school year!
Take Care. Be Well.
Complete the Student Benefits Form Today!
The 2024-25 Student Benefits Form (Household Income Data Collection) information is used to help provide school meals at no charge to all students, along with other districtwide services. It also provides individual benefits to students and families such as:
discounts for summer and recreational programs
Discount internet access
Discounted fees for SAT and AP testing and college applications
Increased scholarship opportunities
eligibility for Maryland Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)]
Increased funding to the school system to support instruction, technology, student services, and programs like Community Schools, tutoring and free meals.
Questions? Please email student.services@ccpsstaff.org.
Attendance Really Matters:
Good attendance for your student begins on the first day of the school year. Consider the following facts:
Chronic absenteeism may prevent children from reaching early milestones.
Chronically absent students have difficulty keeping up with the pace at which they are expected to learn and grow.
Students who are absent even a day or two every few weeks fall behind their peers.
Irregular attendance can be a better predictor of whether students will drop out before graduation than test scores.
Consistent, on-time attendance is a habit that lasts into adulthood.
In addition to wanting the best possible education for your child, we also closely monitor absences because Maryland law requires that children ages 5-18 attend school. Students may be withdrawn if not attending school regularly; students not enrolled or attending will be considered truant.
How Can Parents Encourage Good Attendance?
Build good attendance habits early so children know that getting to school on time every day is important!
Set a regular bedtime & morning routine, laying out clothes and backpacks the night before.
Avoid scheduling appointments & trips when school is in session.
Don't let your child stay home unless he/she is truly sick.
Consider that sometimes a stomach ache or headache is a sign of anxiety. If your child seems anxious about going to school, talk to the school about helpful resources.
Upcoming Activities
September 26th-- Back to School Dance
6th grade: 5:30pm-7pm (must leave after 6th grade dance; may not stay through the 7th/8th grade dance to wait for sibling)
7th/8th grades: 7:30pm-9pm (cannot come early and wait for the 7th/8th grade dance if they have a 6th grade sibling)
September 27th--No School for Students; Professional Development Day for teachers
October 11th--Fall Picture Day
October 18th--No School; Maryland State Educators Association Conference Day
November 1st--Half Day for Students; End of 1st Quarter
November 5th--No School; Professional Development Day/Parent-Teacher Conferences
November 8th--1st Quarter Report Cards issued
Middle School Clubs and Organizations
CRMS will soon be sending out information about all of our available after school clubs and organizations with their meeting times. We look forward to having activities that all students can connect to and feel a sense of belonging.
Research shows that middle school students who participate in clubs and activities gain important benefits. These activities foster a sense of belonging, improve self-esteem, and help students build social skills like teamwork and leadership. Academically, students involved in extracurriculars tend to perform better and show greater school engagement. Long-term, these experiences support positive identity development and prepare students for future success by teaching time management and responsibility. Overall, participation in clubs helps students feel more connected, confident, and prepared for both school and life beyond.
Please contact Mrs. Jane Towers at 410-479-1462 or email her at towers.jane@ccpsstaff for your attendance and registration concerns.
Update your basic information through Powerschool all year!!
Promoting a healthy and safe environment for ALL students and staff.
CCPS is committed to providing a safe, respectful, nurturing educational environment where the worth and dignity of individuals are valued and their safety and rights are protected. Behaviors that compromise this environment, interfere with school operations or are otherwise contrary to the basic mission of our public schools will not be tolerated. Bullying, hazing, harassment or other discrimination affecting a student or a staff member should be reported by a victim, parent/guardian, witness, staff member or other person having knowledge.
Staff members with knowledge of such conduct are required to promptly report it to the building principal.
CRMS Contact Information
Mr. Eric (Neil) Lambert, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Tricia Bolduc, School Counselor 8th grade and 7th grade Last Names A-L
Mr. Michael Tyndall, School Counselor 6th grade and 7th grade Last Names M-Z
Mrs. Jane Towers, Enrollment & Attendance Secretary
Ms. Kiesha Hynson, Administrative Secretary
Email: holloway.yolanda@ccpsstaff.org
Website: https://www.colonelrichardsonms.org/
Phone: 410-479-1462
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Colonel-Richardson-Middle-School-329879580517088