Power Notes--Stay Connected!
May 13, 2024
Vision: At CRMS we create a supportive environment where students achieve academic success, develop life skills, and build confidence for the future!
Nurturing Positive Behavior: A Message to CRMS Families
Greetings, Colonel Richardson Middle School families!
As we navigate through the academic year, we understand that every student faces unique challenges, especially in maintaining positive behavior. At CRMS, we are committed to fostering an environment where kindness, knowledge, and bravery are not just traits but guiding principles in all aspects of school life. We believe that with your support, we can continue to uphold these values and ensure a conducive learning environment for all students.
We recognize that addressing disruptive or distracting behavior requires a collaborative effort between the school and parents. As such, we encourage parents to engage in open discussions with their middle school students about behavioral expectations both at school and at home. Here are some tips on how parents can approach and address such conversations:
Set Clear Expectations: Establish clear and reasonable expectations for behavior both inside and outside of school. Remind your child about the importance of demonstrating kindness, seeking knowledge, and showing bravery in their actions.
Open Communication: Foster open communication with your child. Encourage them to express any concerns or challenges they may be facing at school that could be affecting their behavior. Listen attentively and offer guidance and support where needed.
Positive Reinforcement: Acknowledge and reinforce positive behavior. Celebrate your child's achievements and efforts in demonstrating the PBIS traits of kindness, knowledge, and bravery. Positive reinforcement can go a long way in encouraging desired behavior.
Consistent Consequences: Establish consequences for inappropriate behavior and ensure they are consistently enforced. Make sure your child understands the repercussions of their actions and the importance of taking responsibility for their behavior.
Collaborate with Teachers: Maintain open lines of communication with your child's teachers and school staff. Work together to address any behavioral concerns and develop strategies for improvement.
By reinforcing the values of kindness, knowledge, and bravery both at home and at school, we can empower our students to become responsible and respectful members of our school community.
Thank you for your continued support in nurturing positive behavior at CRMS.
We wish you well,
Dr. Yolanda Holloway, Principal
May 13th-16th-- 8th Grade Social Studies MCAP
May 16th-- CRMS Spring Concert @CRMS @7pm
May 17th--CRMS Career Day
May 20th-23rd--Algebra I MCAP
May 22nd--School-wide Incentive Field Trip
*Students will need to be picked up at the school at 4pm. Charter buses will be parked in the bus lot.
May 24th--1/2 Day/CRMS Parking Lot Party
May 27th-- No school/Memorial Day
June 6th--Drama Club Presents @CRMS @6pm
June 10th--Field Day
June 11th--8th Grade Semi-Formal Dance (details will be coming out soon!)
June 12th--1/2 Day/ Last Day of School
MCAP Incentive Field Trip to See the Bowie Baysox on May 22nd
Upcoming Mental Health Webinar for Caroline Schools Families
Building Your Child’s Confidence
June 5, 6:00-7:00 pm via Zoom
For more information on mental health resources or to listen to previous months webinars, please visit the CCPS website.
Choptank Wellness at the Colonel Campus
Campus Wellness Hours
Colonel Richardson High School SBHC Tuesday & Thursday 7:30am - 5:30pm 410- 754-0750
Colonel Richardson Middle School SBHC Monday & Wednesday 7:30am – 5:30pm 410- 754 -9580
Keeping Students Safe on Social Media
Not at School=Absent
Good attendance for your student begins on the first day of the school year. Consider the following facts:
STUDENTS ARE CONSIDERED CHRONICALLY ABSENT WHEN MISSING 10% OF THE CURRENT SCHOOL YEAR. For example, if a student has been absent 8 days already, he/she is already considered Chronically Absent by the State of Maryland. EXCUSED and UNEXCUSED absences COUNT AS ABSENCES!
Chronic absenteeism may prevent children from reaching early milestones.
Chronically absent students have difficulty keeping up with the pace at which they are expected to learn and grow.
Students who are absent even a day or two every few weeks fall behind their peers.
Irregular attendance can be a better predictor of whether students will drop out before graduation than test scores.
Consistent, on-time attendance is a habit that lasts into adulthood.
Counselors' Message--8th Grade to 9th Grade Transition
Each 8th grade student's family will need to submit a NEW PROOF OF RESIDENCY for your student who will be going to 9th grade next year.
Nurse's Health Message--Immunizations Update
CRMS Contact Information
Dr. Yolanda Holloway, Principal holloway.yolanda@ccpsstaff.org
Mr. Neil Lambert, Assistant Principal lambert.eric@ccpsstaff.org
Mrs. Charlene Sanders, Community Schools Coordinator sanders.charlene@ccpsstaff.org
Ms. Jennifer Blunt, School Counselor 8th Grade and 6th Grade blunt.jennifer@ccpsstaff.org
Mr. Jarrod Moaney, School Counselor 8th Grade and 7th Grade moaney.jarrod@ccpsstaff.org
Mrs. Jane Towers, Enrollment Secretary Towers.Jane@ccpsstaff.orgMrs. Heidi Plutschak, Administrative Secretary plutschak.heidi@ccpsstaff.org
Email: holloway.yolanda@ccpsstaff.org
Website: https://www.colonelrichardsonms.org/
Phone: 410-479-1462