News From Room 106
September 6, 2024
The students have continued to excel at adjusting to a new school! They have been working hard to master our classroom routines and rules to help make our room a great learning environment each day.
Homework: Students have been doing a great job at completing and turning in homework each day! As a reminder, we have math homework every night besides Fridays. The students should not be spending more than 15-20 minutes on it. Please let me know if your student is consistently spending more time on the math.
Caring Schools: As a reminder, students will be coming home with a new Caring Schools Family Worksheet each Friday for the first 2 months of school. These are optional! They are intended to help guide discussions at home about how school is going for your student!
Third Grade Field Trip: The entire third grade is taking our first field trip to NCG Greenville Movie Theater to see The Wild Robot on October 1st. We have all been reading and reviewing this book during read aloud. Permission slips are coming home today. Please try and have them returned by September 24th. For this field trip, we are only having the students and staff attend. Parents will be invited to join us on our Spring Field Trip. Students will not need to worry about packing a sack lunch as we will be back at Woodview for our regular lunch time.
Please feel free to call, email, or text any questions you may have.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Arends
Email: arendsk@bas-k12.org
Classroom Phone: 794-4756
Google Voice/Text: 616-236-3820
Upcoming Important Dates:
9/9-9/13 Goal Week
9/10 Picture Day
9/11 Half Day Students
10/1 Third Grade Field Trip to NCG Movie Theater, Greenville
Spotlight Student
This week's Spotlight Student is Brantley Vancamp! Brantley has done an excellent job in learning and following our classroom routines. He has shown great responsibility by turning in his homework and has demonstrated great respect by being a good friend to anyone in need of extra help!
Inside the Classroom:
Language Arts
For grammar, we are working on identifying the subjects in sentences. We have been stressing the importance of capitalization to begin a sentence and punctuation to end a sentence! For spelling, we are working on the 'magic e' rule.
Accelerated Reader is now available for students to take tests. This week, we created goals. Students will be able to take AR while only at school. As a guardian, you can check if a book has an AR level and test by going to http://www.arbookfind.com/
Science/Social Studies
Red Folder
This week, students are reviewing skip counting as a strategy for multiplication and two and three digit addition. Next week, we will continue to review skip counting as a strategy for both multiplication and division, counting money, and two and three digit addition.
*We have noticed a large majority of our students struggle to correctly answer three digit addition problems. Students are forgetting to carry over the extra tens when regrouping is needed.
News From Around the School:
A Day to Believe 2024
A Day to Believe this year is October 25.
Click the link below to order your 2024 shirts! All orders placed by September 30th will be available for pickup in mid-October.
In addition to online ordering, shirts can be purchased at Varsity football games, and at BC Pizza in Belding during regular business hours.