CCSD15 Instrumental Music Program
Program Basics
Welcome, families! We would like to share basic information about the 5th grade Instrumental Program so you can choose whether or not to enroll your child for their 5th grade year. Please review this information carefully. When you have determined if you would like your child to participate, you can complete the form below.
**Important note: the form will also be emailed to you with a very important number (Student ID) included. You will need this to register your child. If you do not know your child's student ID or did not receive the email, you can reach out to the school office and then complete the form.
The Basics
Fees & Fee Waiver/Educational Benefit Support
- Students must have the required supplies (ex: instrument) which may cost money.
- The instrumental music fee waiver/scholarship program is based on the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch program. If your family applies and qualifies, your child can receive an instrument and materials provided by District 15.
- To qualify, you must have an up-to-date application and information on file with the district. You can find more information about how to apply here. Applications should be returned to your child's school.
- Eligibility is determined yearly.
Deadline for completion for students who know their instrument choice: January 15, 2025
Program Model
Standards-based grades will be given in band/orchestra around the Illinois Arts Learning (Music) Standards. These will be shared on report cards alongside other subject areas.
5th Grade Program
Middle School Program
Rehearsals vs. Lessons
Lessons are smaller, with similar or complementary instruments together. Rehearsals are larger sessions, typically with an entire ensemble.
- Rehearsals - Middle School - During the elective class period
- Rehearsals - Elementary - Before or After School
- Lessons - Middle School - Pull-out every 1-2 weeks
- Lessons - Elementary - Pull-out 1-2 times per week
Information about Instruments
Community Consolidated School District 15 requires that students enrolled in the program need to provide their own instruments and supplies for use in class unless they qualify for the waivers above. More information about instrument options and policies below.
Materials Needed for Participating in Band/Orchestra
Materials for All Instruments
1) Sound Innovations Book
- Band: Sound Innovations for Concert Band, Book 1 (instrument specific)
- Orchestra: Sound Innovations for String Orchestra, Book 1 (instrument specific)
3) Folding music stand with a carrying case (preferably the 2 piece plain metal style)
4) Specific instrument supplies listed in the link below.
Our Directors
If you have additional questions about the program, you can review the detailed program below or contact the band or orchestra director at your child's school.