February 2025
Mrs. Streeter - Principal
Mrs. Hughes - Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Ritcheson - Administrative Assistant
Jefferson Office701-456-0013
FEBRUARY 2 - Groundhog Day
FEBRUARY 3-7 - National School Counselor Week
FEBRUARY 10-11 Parent/Teacher Conferences
FEBRUARY 10-14 - "Beat the Winter Blues" Dress Up Days (see dress up days below)
FEBRUARY 14 - Happy Valentine's Day (see message below)
FEBRUARY 17 - NO SCHOOL - President's Day
FEBRUARY 20 - Sealant Program
FEBRUARY 26 - PAC Meeting
Dear Jefferson Families,
This year, our Guiding Coalition Leadership Team has planned a special way to celebrate Valentine’s Day with a focus on “Friendship.” We want all Jefferson students to enjoy this day safely and inclusively. On Friday, February 14th, 2025, each classroom will host a 30-minute Valentine’s Day party led by their teacher. As part of the celebration, Mrs. Streeter with the help of our awesome kitchen staff will provide a special cookie for each student, freshly prepared in the Jefferson kitchen. We invite you to send non-edible treats to school with your child if you’d like. You might consider including a kind, thoughtful message for each of their classmates to promote a spirit of fun, friendship, and learning. Many families opt to send small Valentine’s Day cards, which is a wonderful option.
If you choose to send treats, we kindly request the following:
• Treats should be store-bought and include a clear dietary label for the safety of all students.
• Alternatively, non-edible items are encouraged.
Please note that during the celebration, students will not open or eat any treats brought from home. This allows us to ensure the health and safety of all students, especially those with dietary restrictions or allergies. At Jefferson, approximately 8% of our students have medically-based dietary restrictions or allergies, not to mention those following specific diets for personal, religious, or health reasons. Managing these needs during classroom celebrations can be challenging, so we greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation in following these guidelines. Here are some fun non-edible treat ideas:
• Pencils
• Erasers
• Stickers
• Mini decks of cards
• Lip balm
Live the Jefferson Way-ROAR! Thank you for helping us create a safe, inclusive, and joyful Valentine’s Day for all Jefferson students. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher. Your Partners in Education, Mrs. Streeter & The Guiding Coalition Leadership Team
Parent/Teacher conference sign ups
Parent/Teacher Conferences are 2/10 & 2/11, please click on your grades link to sign up for a slot to visit with your child's teacher.
Kindergarten - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/904084BAFAF2EA1FC1-47065808-kindergarten
1st grade – https://www.signupgenius.com/go/904084BAFAF2EA1FC1-47065049-1stgrade
2nd grade - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/904084BAFAF2EA1FC1-47065477-2ndgrade
3rd grade - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/904084BAFAF2EA1FC1-47065475-3rdgrade
3rd Roller - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/904084BAFAF2EA1FC1-54384522-3rdgrade
4th grade - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/904084BAFAF2EA1FC1-47065551-4thgrade
5th grade - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/904084BAFAF2EA1FC1-47065657-5thgrade
P/T Food Sign Ups
Please consider helping our teachers by donating food during our conference days, the main course is taken care of by Jefferson, we need a few sides to add to the main course.
Thank you!
2/10/2025 -- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/904084BAFAF2EA1FC1-44772139-conference
2/11/2025 -- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/904084BAFAF2EA1FC1-44772108-conference
Gearing up for Middle School
This is for students going into 6th grade only (currently 5th graders).
Please see the different dates listed on the flyer, click on the flyer and it will take you to a link to sign up. For more information, email: parentresource@dpsnd.org
My name is Mrs. Angela Ernst. I am originally the music teacher at Roosevelt and now have joined the Jefferson team. I will be meeting with your students every other week while a sub covers the other weeks. I am enjoying getting to know your students and having a great time with them as we navigate our new normal. I am connected to all of your students on DOJO so if you need to get a hold of me, please send me a DOJO message.
Due to the change in schedule, I would like to remind our 1st grade families of the change in their concert date. The new concert date for 1st graders is May 1st at 6pm. I will send more information as the concert gets closer
Physical Education in February will start with the conclusion of our hockey unit for the older grades and pillo polo for the younger grades. From there, we will be moving on to a fleeing and chasing unit, which involves a number of different fun tag games. To end the month of February, we will be starting our short and long jump roping unit where we will learn to perform many different jumps, as well as take part in a jump roping competition.
Mr. Schatz
Second grade artists have been learning about drawing from different perspectives with snowmen. Third grade artists learned about the Asian painting style of Sumi-e Art and created pastel mountain landscapes. Fourth and fifth grade artists are learning different clay techniques to create mini sculptures from sculpy clay.
SEL Snapshot
Mrs. Fisher (school counselor) is hard at work providing SEL (Social Emotional Learning) lessons in each classroom. Did you know that each classroom receives 80 minutes a month of these SEL lessons? How amazing is that!!!
Have you ever wondered what in the world we are doing in these lessons? We use lots of things to provide these lessons with the main ones being: Quaver, Second Step, Keys of Excellence, and Mind-up. We have worked hard to create a scope and sequence that follows the CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning) competencies (self-awareness; self-management; social awareness; relationship skills; responsible decision-making) and have also created assessments for each competency. In February we will start our unit of relationship skills. These lessons focus specifically on managing emotions and behaviors as well as working towards goals.
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out!
They have some really cute stuff for adults and children. Make sure you check it out!! And thank you for always supporting Jefferson!
Kindergarten Pre-Registration
Mark your calendars! Pre-registration for the 2025-2026 Kindergarten school year will kick off on Tuesday, February 4.
It's strongly recommended that you complete the enrollment process early to maximize the chances of securing a spot for your child in their neighborhood boundary school. Due to capacity constraints, delaying registration may result in placement in a different school.
For further information about registering your child, please visit our website's registration page at https://www.dickinson.k12.nd.us/.../kindergarten... or call the Central Administration Offices at 701-456-0002.