Principal's Newsletter, June 2024
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Welcome Incoming 6th Grade Families!
Dear Incoming Watertown Middle School Grade 6 Families,
Welcome to Watertown Middle School! We are excited to welcome your student(s) and family to our school community. The transition to middle school can be an exciting time for your student. We also understand that the transition to middle school can bring a wave of emotions, questions, and fears. The leadership team at WMS is committed to working closely with faculty and staff at each of the elementary schools to support your student. We have conducted several visits to elementary schools over the past few weeks in an effort to ease the transition to middle school and help the newest members of our school community feel comfortable, safe, and ready to do their best academic work. Additional information will be shared closer to the new school year but here are some important reminders for now.
School Hours:
Regular day: 7:45 am - 2:15 pm
Breakfast: 7:15 am
Late bus: 3:45 pm
Regular early release: 11:45
Pick Up and Drop Off:
Drop Off: 7:15 - 7:45 am
Students who have breakfast at school may enter at 7:15 am through the WMS main entrance on Waverly Ave.
Students entering school at 7:30 am may only enter at the Bemis St. entrance
The WMS main entrance (Waverly Ave.) is reserved for vans and buses
Late Arrivals:
Our school day starts promptly at 7:45 am
Students who enter the building after 7:45 are tardy and will be marked tardy. Students must enter through the main entrance (Waverly Ave.) and check in at the main office
Pick Up: 2:15 pm
Students being picked up at the end of the day (2:15 pm) may only be picked up on Bemis St.
Students staying after school for clubs and activities may be picked up at any entrance.
Absences and Dismissals:
Absences: If you need to report an absence for your student, please use online absence reporting form or call the main office (617-926-7783)
Early dismissals: If you need to dismiss your student early, please call the main office (617-926-7783)
Volunteers and Chaperones:
CORIs: If you are volunteering or chaperoning at the school, a completed and approved CORI form is required. We are happy to assist with completing the form, in the main office, between 8:30 am and 1:45 pm. A valid ID is required.
Bus Information:
?!? E) emailed Jaelyn
Safety Drills:
Fire and other safety related drills will be conducted at the beginning of the school year. Students will receive information about these drills during our opening days.
Cell Phone Policy:
Unless directed by a teacher for educational purposes, personal electronic devices and cell phones should be off and in students’ lockers.
Clubs and Activities:
Our students thrive when involved in afterschool clubs and activities! Club sign ups start at the beginning of each trimester and permission slips are handed out during students advisory periods. Permission slips are available in all languages and will also be available online.
A list of available clubs and activities will be listed on our website in September.
Was the information shared? EO emailed Murph/Jae
WMS School Tours:
Our 8th grade students will host tours of WMS, beginning in August, for our incoming 6th graders! This is a chance for our incoming students to become more comfortable in our building and become familiar with the layout - students and their families are welcome to attend!
In addition to the tours, there will also be a Q&A session.
Dates and specific details will be shared over the summer via the Principal’s Newsletter.
Coffee with the Principal:
Once a trimester, Principal Giacobozzi hosts a “Coffee with the Principal” event! These will be announced via the Principal’s Newsletter. This is a great time for families to connect with Principal Giacobozzi in an open-discussion format.
Principal’s Newsletter:
Similar to our elementary schools, Principal Giacobozzi sends a weekly newsletter to inform families of important announcements, upcoming events, and exciting things happening at our school.
At the bottom of each newsletter are links to individual clusters and specialized programs (Band, Orchestra, Nurse) monthly newsletters
Included in each newsletter is a link to submit any feedback, questions, or concerns to the Principal.
Getting in Touch:
We prioritize communicating often and openly with all of our families. A document will be shared that includes who to contact to inquire about different needs.
We are excited to welcome your student to Watertown Middle School! We look forward to working in partnership with you to support your student’s transition to middle school and their continued growth and development.
Joel Giacobozzi