Jaguar Monthly
November 2024
We are THANKFUL for...
One thing that we are struggling with and need your help with - TARDIES. Many of our students are coming to school late, some even as late as 9:00, multiple days each week. This learning loss really adds up - and we see this in low grades, student apathy, and decreased work ethic. We are an early start (7:30) school - our best learning happens first thing in the morning, beginning with our daily circle meetings (in classes) and free breakfast. Please help us by getting your child(ren) to school no later than 7:20, so he/she can get to class and settled by the time the first bell rings. Of course, ALL students can have a nutritious, FREE breakfast in their classroom from 7:00-7:30.
On a related note, PLEASE make sure your child attends class regularly. If he/she is sick, certainly keep them home - but regular, timely attendance at school is so important for student success. We are seeing great academic gains in our children that are consistently in attendance - help us by getting them to us!
We have so much going on this month and next - please make sure to look at all of the graphic posters below so you don't miss anything.
This Thursday, November 7th, we will hold our "Fairy Tales' literacy night from 4:00-6:00 PM. We hope you'll bring the whole family! Grade levels will have activities centered around reading and writing - be ready to participate and have fun. A slice of pizza will be provided to those in attendance!
Parents,please submit a parent note ANY time your child is absent.
Literacy Night! November 4th, 4:00-6:00 PM
Book Fair - extended until 5:45 on THURSDAY at Literacy Night!
Click the link below to check out our bookfair!
November Character Trait
CKH Parent Newsletter
Our STUCO is hosting a canned food drive to help stock our HARP closet; we'd love if you can donate a can or two and drop it in the boxes in the entry way either during school or during our literacy night!
A few important reminders:
CAR RIDERS: we dismiss at 3:00. Please make sure to arrive at Clifton Park no later than 3:15; by that time, cars are moving out. At 3:20, we will have all students not picked up move to the front hallway; at that time, parents arriving will need to come in to get students in the front office with ID. If there is a situation and you are running late, please notify the front office at 254-336-1580.
If you have not already done so, please schedule your students' fall conference with his/her teacher. As a Title I campus, we partner with all parents to discuss student progress. This is a great time for you to ask any questions you have about grade level work and expectations, as well as an opportunity to celebrate your child's growth! If you'd like more information, reach out to our front office. THANK YOU to those who have already visited us for the conference.
As always, we appreciate your support; please don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions or concerns!
Month at a Glance:
Nov. 7: Literacy Night, 4-6; extended book fair time (until 5:45); Fall picture RETAKE
Nov. 11: Student & Staff Holiday. Happy Veteran's Day!
Nov. 20: Thanksgiving Lunch for students in the cafeteria, Instructional Assistants' Appreciation Day - we love our IA's!??, progress reports go home
Nov. 21: Character Lunch-Teamwork
Nov. 25-29: Thanksgiving Holiday
Dec. 2: SBDM meeting, 3:30 in library
Dec. 3: Party Club, 3:30-4:30 (email kayla.ridgeway@killeenisd.org if your student is interested!)
Dec. 9: Guest performance - EHS Theater Dept. presents "Totally Red" to our students during specials!
Dec. 10: 3rd grade Holiday Music Concert; time TBA