Kaleidoscope Academy
December Family Newsletter
A Message from our Principal, Ms. Molitor!
Work Hard - Be Yourself - Do the Right Thing
Keeping up with the Cardinals!
KA students are walking their way to health and fitness. The walking program, named
Keeping up with the Cardinals, officially launched in early November.
Students are earning rewards through their accumulated mileage. It's a great way to spend recess!
Kindness Wall
World Kindness Day on November 13 highlighted the importance of
empathy, understanding, and cooperation to create a more harmonious and caring world.
The KA Student Council created our kindness wall.
Students were encouraged to take or make a message for others to
spread kindness throughout the school.
Inspirational Bookmarks
Staff members created inspirational bookmarks to share!
The KA Giving Tree
As we approach winter break, we are working to support students and families as much as we can,
and we invite you to partner with us.
A Giving Tree, adorned with ornaments to support student and family needs, is located in the Kaleidoscope Academy office. Ornaments include clothing items, household items, toys, and gift cards to help with groceries and gas. If you purchase something from an ornament, please return it to the KA office before winter break. It can be wrapped or unwrapped (whatever is easiest for you).
We also have an online Amazon Wish List, if that is a more convenient way for you to help.
Please click HERE to check it out! Thank you for your generosity.
Learning the KA Way!
Butterfly Project
The 7th graders researched a Holocaust victim or survivor and wrote an adapted narrative about that person. Every student created a butterfly, a symbol of hope,
to represent their Holocaust person.
Each student honored their researched person by sharing
their presentation with students in grades 6 and 8.
Reader's Theater
The 7th grade students participated in a reader's theater with poetry written by
children living in the Terezin Concentration Camp.
Native American History Month
In 6th grade Humanities class, students learned about the culture and lifestyle of Native Americans, past and present. Students conducted research using a variety of formats including museums, videos, group research, and a guest speaker. Students were super engaged when Ms. Coenen brought in authentic artifacts and regalia for students to see. She shared stories about her family and the history of the Oneida people.
Ask your student how to say "Hello!" in the Oneida language or another fact they learned.
Spanish on the Run
The 8th grade Spanish students engaged in a running dictation activity.
Students read sentences that were posted in the hallway. They memorized a sentence in Spanish. Then, they shared it with their partners in the classroom where it was transcribed or illustrated.
Food Lab
The 8th grade Teen Choices students experienced their first food lab during the
Physical Wellness unit. Students learned about kitchen safety
as well as how to follow a recipe and how to work in groups during a food lab.
A New Journey
Students in our Newcomers program recently took a field trip to the Valley Transit Center to learn about the center, how to ride the city bus, what to do if they are lost on the bus, and all the wonderful places the bus can take them. This was the first time many of them were on the bus!
The Arts
A tough act to follow!
Bravo! The cast and crew of "Curtains!" showcased an array of talents during
several performances for the student body and the general public.
Their dedication, enthusiasm, and passion were evident throughout the production.
Start together and finish together
Thank you to Mr. Austin and the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade orchestra musicians,
who provided an impressive first concert!
Mark your calendars for the KA chorus and band concerts on December 5 and 12, respectively.
KA Athletics
Take it to the Hoop
Basketball season is underway!
Thank you to the many coaches who serve our student-athletes throughout the year and
lead the KA dream teams!
Invite your family and friends to enroll at KA!
Nuts and Bolts
Food for You!
ALL students are invited to eat a delicious BREAKFAST and LUNCH each day at NO COST to families. Breakfast is available from 7:20 until 7:50 a.m.
Our mouths are watering as we await the opening of the new touchless salad bar.
Starting on December 5, students can create their own healthy salad for lunch!
Healthy News
Diabetes Awareness Month is the time to increase your knowledge about this disease.
Measles Information
More than just a rash.
Traffic Warning!
Families that drive their students to school in the morning are encouraged to use extra caution!
Use the drop-off lane in front of the school on Brewster Street. Pull up as far as possible.
Students should exit the vehicles onto the sidewalk rather than the street. Drivers should carefully re-enter the traffic lane. Families that want to sit in the vehicles with their students should park on a nearby street until the bell rings.
School Hours ⏰
7:50 a.m. - 3:20 p.m. The cafeteria doors open at 7:20 a.m.
Boys and Girls Club opens at 6:45 a.m. (before school) and closes at 6 p.m. (after school).
Zero Hour begins at 7 a.m.
Breakfast is served from 7:20 until 7:50 a.m.
Kaleidoscope Academy
Do you have a question, concern, or comment? If so, please feel free to contact one of our campus administrators. We are here for you!
Assistant Principal, Jake Larsh - larshjake@aasd.k12.wi.us
Dean, Kim Hoefs - hoefskimberly@aasd.k12.wi.us
SEL Dean, Laura de Arteaga - dearteagalaura@aasd.k12.wi.us
Website: https://ka.aasd.k12.wi.us/
Location: 318 E. Brewster St., Appleton, WI 54913
Phone: 920-852-5430
Facebook: www.facebook.com/kaleidoscopecardinals/