This Week @ PS 88Q
May 5, 2024
NYS Math Test: Grades 3-5 Tuesday May 7 and Wednesday May 8
A Message From Mrs. O'Shaughnessy
I hope everyone had an easy week back from break, and a wonderful weekend! It was great to have everyone back from break!
It was a busy week at PS 88Q, a lot of learning, fun, and celebrations. Our amazing assistant principals, Ms. Lowe and Ms. Herman conducted a top secret plan. This plan was kept secret from me! They worked with everyone to create a truly humbling week for me, and everyone was in on it! From the superhero outfits, to team spirit day, and of course, our favorite, pajama day, it was a fun week for everyone with the purpose of recognizing Principal Appreciation. The messages, cards, and videos were absolutely amazing, but most of all humbling. I want to thank all of you for your kind words and feelings. The truth is, it is all of you that are the superheroes, and the team players. Being part of this amazing community at this time is truly a dream come true for me. There are many quotes I read daily, or keep around me, that mirror my beliefs;
"Leadership is not a journey to rise in the ranks. Leadership is a journey to help those around us rise."
This is exactly how I feel. Our students, our families, our staff rise every single day. How lucky am I to do this work! My role is "behind the scenes", and the superstars are all of YOU! And although Ms. Lowe and Ms. Herman want to share all the amazing things that went on this week for principal appreciation day on Instagram.....I won't give them the log in! Thank you all so much for the love...it is felt every single day!
Now on to the real deals.....Teacher Appreciation Week and Staff Appreciation Week!! What a week we have planned, as does the PTA as well. I am adding some links in the newsletter where you can shout out all the amazing teachers at PS 88Q. I can honestly say that this 88 crew do this work everyday, truly out of love and passion. Every decision made is made based on what is right for our kids. I am so proud to lead this group of people, and wow do they make an impact. Highest test scores ever, staff driven initiatives, cutting edge learning, and most important, the kindest people ever. Over the past few years, this community has really shown what makes PS 88Q simply the best school ever!
Here are some highlights for the week"
Monday: Mental Health Workshop
Tuesday: NYS Math Testing Grades 3-5
Wednesday: NYS Math Testing Grades 3-5
Thursday: Mental Health Workshop/. Virtual Parent Night 4:30pm-7:30pm
Have a wonderful week!
PS 88Q Art Show
Save the Date!!! Next week. Ms. Fogarty is hosting our PS 88Q Art Show! We want all of our families to come and enjoy this beautiful display of all of our students work!!! Details to come this week!
The Morning Bell
Click below to read and subscribe to The Morning Bell, the NYC DOE weekly newsletter.
PTA Highlights
PTA News
If you ordered a new PS88 t-shirt and/or mug, they were distributed to children to bring home! If you did not receive your order or have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Sam at PTA88president@gmail.com.
ATTENTION STAFF: There will be T-Shirts and Mugs for sale in person during Staff Appreciation Week! Cash only, exact change appreciated. $20/mug, $22 Youth T-Shirt, $25 Adult T-Shirt.
(weather permitting)
Come decorate the sidewalks around PS88 with messages of love and gratitude for Staff Appreciation Week!
We will have some chalk but please feel free to bring your own.
We have something special planned for every day during the week to celebrate our amazing teachers, staff, and administrators at PS88Q!
There are many easy, low-commitment opportunities to be a part of it!
- If you would like to contribute to the Raffle on Friday or to the other events, please check out our Contribution document here: https://bit.ly/ContributeStaffAppreciation
- If you would like to volunteer a little of your time, please check out the SignUp Genius link here: https://bit.ly/VolunteerStaffAppreciation
May 16th, 6pm-7pm, Auditorium, in person ONLY
We will be holding elections for these parent positions at the next meeting on May 16th. These are wonderful ways to get involved in the school and make sure the work being done truly reflects the desires of our parents. They all have varying levels of time commitment and different length terms.
The SLT seats are a 3 year term. Info here:
The PAC seat is a 2 year term. Info here:
The PTA Executive Board is a 1 year term. Info here:
Parents can fulfill the positions for more than one term, but elections must be held.
- If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else for the SLT or PAC Chairperson, please email Sam at PTA88President@gmail.com.
- If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else for President, Recording Secretary, or Treasurer on the PTA Executive Board, please email Ms. Ivett at IPerezlopez@schools.nyc.gov.
If you have any questions or would like more information, feel free to reach out to Sam (PTAPresiden@gmail.com), Ms. Ivett (IPerezlopez@schools.nyc.gov), or Principal O’Shaughnessy (LOshaughnessy@schools.nyc.gov).
Our Season Ends....But What A Season
This week, our Grade 5 basketball team played their playoff game, and fell to PS 91. What a season they had! Under the coaching of Mr. Tripotseris and Mr. Nolan, the students learned so much more than dribbling and shooting. Team work! They also had support, not only from all of us, but our 88 Cheer Squad! The cheer squad under the direction of Ms. Fogarty had a great season too! So proud of all of our students.
Spring Concert
On Friday, May 3, Mr. Dumont and the band hosted their Spring Concert. The theme of the concert was around Earth Day. It was amazing! Click below to watch the concert.
Queens Borough Arts Festival
With hundreds of submitted performances around the borough, PS 88q was selected to perform at the 10th Annual Queens Borough Arts Festival! Mr. Handell's class, under the direction of Mr. Alboum will perform "The Ridgewood Bound M Train Rag". The performance is May 31st from 6pm to 8pm. We are so proud of the work the students are doing, in all aspects of the arts.
PS 88Q Wellness Fair: Tuesday May 21
Dear P.S.88Q Families,
P.S.88Q is connecting with many communities to bring you resources to support you in living a healthier,
more fulfilling life by promoting mental and physical health and wellness. In honor of May being Mental
Health Awareness Month, in order for us to share these resources in the most direct way possible, the
P.S.88Q S.M.I.L.E. and Social Justice Committees invite you to participate in the 2024 Wellness Fair on
Tuesday, May 21st from 5:15pm –7:00pm!
At this event, you will have access to several exciting stations which include:
- 2 Sessions of Yoga (Advance sign-up through google form which will be provided)
- A licensed Massage Therapist (Advance sign-up through google form which will be provided)
- Mental Health Resources provided by various local community organizations
- Fitness Station to learn the Why’s and How’s of staying fit
- “Up-cycling” T-shirts to re-purpose them into reusable bags to promote environmental wellness
(please bring your own T-shirt)
- Making calming “Sensory Bottles” for self-regulation
- Creating Affirmation Rocks for building self-esteem and staying positive
- Raffles and goodie bags
Come find ways to help you and your family stay well in every way imaginable!
We hope you can make it!
The P.S.88Q S.M.I.L.E. and Social Justice Committees
We Are Fair...A District 24 Celebration
Last year, District 24 hosted a wonderful day at the bandshell in Forest Park. All school participated, performed and created a fun day for all. This year, it is being held on June 8th and it will be even better! Our band and our GRYC dancers will be performing again. Stay tuned for more details!
CEC News
From Our Chancellor
Stepping Up When It Matters Most
Dear New Yorkers,
Last month, in the span of mere days, we experienced two events that reminded us of the power of nature. First, we were shaken—literally—by an earthquake. A few days later, a solar eclipse passed through the five boroughs.
In both these cases, keeping students safe was a systemwide effort; our school leaders, custodial engineers, facilities staff, bus drivers, teachers, and more all chipped in. I’m grateful for their immediate and tireless response.
We’ve had many reminders of the power of nature this year, and we’ve seen our school communities jump into action each time. In January, a heavy wind and rain storm forced newly arrived New Yorkers to evacuate from their shelter. The students and staff at James Madison High School pivoted quickly and selflessly to ensure these families had somewhere safe to be until the skies cleared, our bus drivers drove the families to the school and then back to their shelter, and our custodial and school safety staff supported the building and community.
In Sunnyside, Queens, when a horrible apartment fire in December displaced dozens of families overnight, The Children's Lab School opened up to provide emergency shelter, and Aviation High School also jumped in to support with resource distribution the next day.
And up in the Bronx, also in December, we saw the MS 390 community rally around all those impacted by a building collapse. Thanks to the quick response from school leaders, the school served as temporary shelter for those displaced and a hub for the Red Cross to administer relief efforts.
No one knows when or where the next emergency will take place, but our operations teams and school leaders stand ready and prepared. Our schools are pillars of our neighborhoods, and that is never truer than in a moment of crisis.
I want to thank those who keep our schools running safely every day. When our families and communities are in need, our schools are there to help.
Soaring high,
David C. Banks