Pauline Central Jag-Wire Update
September 23, 2024
Mark your calendars - Important Dates to Know
September 26 - PC Dental Screenings
September 30 - NO SCHOOL; Staff Development
October 1 - PC/PS PTO; 5:30 p.m. at Pauline South
October 2- EARLY RELEASE; 2:15 p.m. dismissal
October 3- Food Pantry at Pauline South
October 11 - NO SCHOOL; Teacher Work Day
October 16- Parent Teacher Conferences; 4:00-8:00 p.m.
October 17- NO SCHOOL; Parent Teacher Conferences; 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
October 18 - NO SCHOOL
September Character Trait- Responsibility
Snacks with the Social Worker
We Need You on our Pauline Central PTO!
Our Fall Fundraiser is underway. Please take a minute to reach out to friends and family and support our Pauline Schools! We'd love to invite you to join the PTO. This organization supports our Pauline Schools in incredible ways. Our next meeting is Tuesday, October 1, at 5:30 p.m. Please join us!
WRHS Cheer Clinic Coming Soon!
Attendance Matters
Community Corner News for our PC families
Parents as Teachers openings in our area
Are you or someone you know currently expecting a baby or have a child that is newborn to age 3? If so, you might consider joining the Auburn-Washburn Parents as Teachers program. This program provides individual family visits with a trained family support specialist, giving parents resources and developmental activity ideas for keeping themselves and their children safe, healthy and ready to learn. It is a free service offered to any family with at least one child under the age of 3 years old living in the USD #437 district. Families have the option of meeting with their support specialist in the privacy of their own home or may choose to meet at another location within the community that is convenient for them.
We are currently taking applications for new families to enroll in the program, and both day and evening visit times are available. If you have questions or are interested in enrollment, please contact the program coordinator, Shawna Hall, via email at hallsha@usd437.net, by phone at 785-339-4762.
Title 1
Parents of students attending a Title 1 school have the right to request information on the professional qualifications of your child’s teacher and any paraprofessional working with your child. The information you may request includes:
- If the teacher has met the state qualifications and licensing criteria for the grade levels taught;
- Whether the teacher is under an emergency or other provisional license or whether the licensing criteria has been waived;
- The teacher’s degree major and any other graduate certification or degree held;
- Whether the child is provided services by a paraprofessional and if so, their qualifications.
Pauline Central Primary School
Pauline Central Primary School exists to serve the unique academic and social-emotional needs of ALL our students, while preparing students to be future-ready. We are committed to maintaining a safe, welcoming environment, where diversity is celebrated and individual students are empowered to reach their goals.
Email: willide3@usd437.net
Website: http://usd437.net/schools/pauline/central/
Location: 6625 SW Westview Rd.
Phone: 785-339-4700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PaulineCentral
Twitter (X): @centralpauline
Proud principal of Pauline Central Primary.