LISD Expect Excellence Newsletter
September 10, 2024

February 17th, 2025
Hello Levelland Lobos!
Happy Presidents Day!
I hope you have all enjoyed the long weekend and spent some time doing the things that bring you joy.
Presidents Day is about honoring our nation's presidents. They each had the courage to lead and serve for our great country. John Quincy Adams stated long ago, "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader." Each of you are a leader in various ways and serve your students to inspire them to become more.
Becky McCutchen, Superintendent of Schools
Have a great week!
Go Lobos!
National School Resource Officer Day!
We honored our School Resource Officers on Saturday for keeping our campuses and events safe and in order. These guys are important bridges between our youth, law enforcement, and our community. We recognize these guys' critical role in our school district, whether it be to teach us about what policemen do, how to stay safe on the roads and at home alone, or to always make good choices! We appreciate our School Resource Officers every day, but we recognize them today for being outstanding! https://files.gabbart.com/455/resourceofficerday_instagram_post.mp4
Celebrating our CTE Educators and Courses.........
It's still CTE Month, and we celebrate our Business courses offered at LHS! These classes spark an interest for students in starting & managing their own business while teaching them to be critical thinkers with great communication skills. If you want your child to have extraordinary leadership abilities, these are the classes that help! We #expectexcellence and are so proud of these educators making a difference for students! https://files.gabbart.com/456/copy_of_ctemonthbusiness_1.mp4
All Things LISD..................
Culinary Arts Brings Home Awards!
LHS Culinary Arts teacher Khris Oaks #expectsexcellence in her program and shares the awards that our LHS students received at the Chocolate Fantasia Competition in Lubbock. The theme: The Magic of Chocolate was sponsored by the Southwest Parkinson Society and the South Plains chapter of the Texas Chefs Association. Our LHS students who learned more than just how to bake a cake came home with a plethora of awards! People, look at the details in these photos up close! These kids are amazing! Congratulations to Mrs. Oaks and these awesome kids!
Mother Earth Cake 3rd place: Paul Chairez, Nick Cruz, Jeffery Cisneros & Angel Venessa
Guardian Cake 2nd place: Kendall Maldonado, Audrey Valderas, Brent Billington & Jaydi Sanchez
Worm Cake 1st Place: Aden Zamora, Kayla Mindieta, Chloe Gonzales & Oscar Melendez
Dessert Results:
Mother Earth Cake -3rd place
Worm Cake -2nd place
Guardian Cake -1st place
Overall Award
The Worm Cake
Capitol Art Day
Capitol Elementary #expectsexcellence and has made their Art Day an annual event. Students spent one afternoon learning about a form of art, before following guidelines to create that form of art. You can see by these photos that students learned something new and did so well creating their art pieces. Finally, Capitol and students invited parents up to their Art Museum to show off their work. We are so appreciative of everyone who came out to support our kids' learning! https://files.gabbart.com/462/artday.mp4
LHS Academic UIL students bring home Trohpies!
Mr. Russell Hill #expectsexcellence and is so proud of our UIL students who are already competing and working hard to succeed outside the classroom! Congratulations to all these UIL kids going above and beyond to further their education! We send out a big congratulations to Ada Niederhauser also for receiving another $300 TTU scholarship for her success in UIL Journalism events!
Donuts With D.O.G.S.
ABC hosted Donuts with DOGS last week, calling all men to enjoy breakfast with their children! DOGS stands for Dads of Great Students but they are fathers, grandfathers, step-fathers, uncles, and other male figures. They have signed up to make a difference for all ABC students. They visit classes from reading to music, and from math to art. The ABC WatchDogs Program successfully engages male figures in the school situation by having them mentor students in classes. Each of these men has an impact on our kids! Thank you, ABC for hosting this special morning event to honor our DOGS!
Love the Library
Students at Capitol Elementary Love The Library! Librarian Pam Alexander was caught last week getting ready for Valentine's Day! Students were informed that the Texas Bluebonnet Winner was "Ice Cream Man: How Augustus Jackson Made a Sweet Treat Better" by Glenda Armand and Kim Freeman, Illustrated by Keith Mallett. Capitol students "loved" reading this book, and several voted for it. Mrs. Alexander also challenged kids to think about their "most loved" book and add it to the "We Love To Read" chart in the hallway. Finally, she included math in the library when she had students guess how many candy "heart words" were in the jar! The winner gets the jar of words, yum! LISD is so proud of the library programs and our librarians, who encourage students to read for all kinds of reasons!
NED Assemblies Encourage Kids!
Capitol and South Elementary students got to experience the NED Resiliency Ride Assembly. This fantastic show is a character education program that centers around three important messages that have lifelong relevance: Never give up, Encourage others, and Do your best. NED is a loveable cartoon character whose name represents those three ideals. During the assembly, students were engaged and learned about the importance of these three life skills while also enjoying storytelling, magic, humor, and yo-yo tricks. We thank both elementaries for bringing a fun assembly to kids that might help get them through a tough time!
NJHS Delivers More Than Just Valentines
Let's talk about a good thing! Our LMS National Junior Honor Society students made Valentines and delivered them to the nursing homes today. Some played games, others just visited with one another. It was a great day on both sides, and it was hard to tell who had the best time! This bunch of kids definitely brought joy to our elderly and put them in a good mood. Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Sanders, and Mrs. McGinnis #expectexcellence and that's what they got out of these students today! https://files.gabbart.com/459/nursinghome.mp4
Being a Friend
Capitol students enjoyed learning about friends, being a friend, and friendship this month with Counselor Mrs. Barbara Utley. Second graders explored the characteristics that they believe makes someone a good friend. Then students listened to the story The LOVE MONSTER and the Last Chocolate by Rachel Bright to learn the value of thoughtfulness and sharing in a friendship. Classes then helped to create a poster of their own Love Monster with friendship attributes to hang in their rooms to help to remind them of how to be a good friend. Third & fourth graders brainstormed characteristics of being a good friend before reading the story The Sandwich Swap, in which they learned more about forgiveness and accepting others' differences and how they play an essential role in friendships. Students then grouped up to put together a mystery friendship word paper bracelet for the Capitol board. Thank you, Mrs. Utley for encouraging students to be a friend!
Sweets With Your Sweetheart
Capitol #expectsexcellence, and always hosts their annual Sweets With Your Sweetheart event around Valentine's Day. It is a great time for loved ones to come enjoy some school time with their kids! We always enjoy seeing "all the love" this time of year and are appreciative of everyone who braved the cold to attend! https://files.gabbart.com/462/sweetswithsweetheart.mp4
Rewarding a Job Well Done!
LHS Library Aide Ms. Lorena Sanchez surprised some LOC students with Valentine's Day treats! These students are always eager to help her keep the library clean, and we know that is a full-time job with our West Texas winds! Thank you, Ms. Sanchez for rewarding a job well done!
FFA Success Stories
LHS sends congratulations to Britton Clevenger and Mattie Buxkemper! Britton brought home a 12th, class 8 Exotic from Ft. Worth, and Mattie had a second-place Berk in San Antonio! We are always so proud of our FFA students, all that they learn, and the extra effort they put in every day to be successful!
Bi-District Champs!
Our Loboettes are Bi-District Champs! Congratulations to these amazing athletes and our coaches.
Lobos Playing in Bi-District Game!
Congratulations to our Lobo Seniors! Our Lobos are moving on to the playoffs on Monday evening at 6 pm! They play in Stamford against Brock! We hope you can make the drive to cheer them on to victory! (Photo courtesy NewsPress)
Bill's Backpacks!
The food item of the month is..............
granola bars!
BBP is always accepting donations.
Danos Gives Grant
Bill's BackPacks is so thankful for the Grant from the Danos Grant Foundation! Danos had 108 applicants across three states and Bill's was one of the 22 grants awarded! Bill's feels lucky to be a three-repeat recipient and one of the eight awarded in Texas! We are so thankful to Danos too!
Levelland ISD
Email: rmccutchen@levellandisd.net
Website: www.levellandisd.net
Location: 704 11th Street, Levelland, TX
Phone: 806-894-9628
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LevellandISD/
Instagram: levellandindschooldistrict