2024-2025 RMMS Clubs
Fall Semester
Art Club
All grades are welcome. You don't have to be in Art to join. We gather once a month starting in October. Each session lasts 1 hour and 45 minutes. We do a variety of projects based on the interest of the students involved.
Sponsor: Kristie Buchanan email: kbuchanan@bcps.k12.va.us
Botetourt Buddies
Botetourt Buddies pairs students with special needs with typical peers to provide students with a variety of opportunities to interact in social situations.
Sponsor: Brandy Merchant email: bmerchant@bcps.k12.va.us
Checkmates Chess Club
It is an exciting club where you will learn tactics, play games, and have fun. Students of all ages may join. You must have basic chess skills to join.
Sponsors: Angela Myers email: amyers@bcps.k12.va.us
Comic Book Club
The Comic Book Club is designed to engage students in different styles of reading, enhance critical thinking skills, and to promote literacy by reading comic books. Another purpose is to just have fun reading comics, watching movies, and talking about different topics and characters with friends. As a member, you will be reading and discussing books that are selected by the club. All materials for the club will be provided to the students at no cost; this is a free after-school club with no cost to the students. The Comic Book Club will read comics and graphic novels chosen by the members and approved by the sponsor to make sure they are appropriate for middle school students.
Sponsors: Tre Roberts email: troberts@bcps.k12.va.us
Fall Run
The Fincastle Fall Run is held each October. Students may choose to register as part of the RMMS Fall Run team. Information will be passed on once we receive it from Bank One
Sponsors: Keith Spencer email: kspencer@bcps.k12.va.us
FCA focuses on serving local communities by engaging and empowering ALL students, faculty, staff.
Sponsors: Keith Spencer email: kspencer@bcps.k12.va.us
FFA is a dynamic youth organization that prepares students for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. By being involved, students gain leadership skills while participating in contests, meetings, field trips, public speaking and workshops all while learning about the agriculture industry. Additionally, students have the opportunity to apply for an officer position to participate in more exciting experiences! **Students must be enrolled in an ag class during the 2024-2025 school year in order to participate in FFA**
Sponsors: Hope Showalter email: hshowalter@bcps.k12.va.us
FOR Club
The FOR Club Goals are:
Eliminate Prejudice - Look for the BEST in others - Choose who influences you - Dare to Dream - Set realistic goals for yourself - Use kind words in every situation - Start a chain reaction of compassion and kindness to EVERYONE you encounter
Sponsors: Brandy Rogers email: brogers@bcps.k12.va.us
Glebe Club
As part of the club, students will become friends/pen pals with a resident from the Glebe, a retirement community in Daleville, VA. Throughout the year, students will meet with the residents once a month along with creating a multimedia presentation to celebrate the year with a resident. The goal of this club is to establish an intergenerational relationship while enhancing reading and writing skills.
Sponsors: Angela Myers email: amyers@bcps.k12.va.us
MakerSpace Club
RMMS Clubs This is a club where students come together to plan and create amazing things using the RMMS Idea Factory and Creation Zone.
Sponsors: Angela Myers email: amyers@bcps.k12.va.us
National Junior Honor Society is a club students must be invited to join after demonstrating achievements in Scholarship, Leadership, Community Service, and Character. Members must maintain a grade point average of 3.5 or higher to remain in good standing in NJHS.
Sponsors: Sally Rondeau email: srondeau@bcps.k12.va.us
RMMS Book Club
This is a club where students come together to talk about amazing books we have read or are reading.
Sponsors: Angela Myers email: amyers@bcps.k12.va.us
Sewing Club
This club gives students an opportunity to learn how to sew.
Sponsors: Angela Myers email: amyers@bcps.k12.va.us
This club captures pictures of school events and builds the yearbook. Students must complete an application process to join this club.
Sponsors: Lori Crockett email: lcrockett@bcps.k12.va.us