RHS Weekly Update

Rincon High School College & Career Readiness
It doesn't matter What your Plan is for after high school...
What matters is that you HAVE A PLAN!
Upcoming CCR Activities
National School Counseling Week 2025, “School Counseling: Helping Students Thrive”, sponsored by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA), will be celebrated from Feb. 3–7, 2025, to focus public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors within U.S. school systems and how students are different as a result of what school counselors do. National School Counseling Week highlights the tremendous impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career.
Register here to attend these Events and Rep Visits
This Week:
- JTED Enrollment is still open, if you are interested in attending next year, complete your pre-enrollment application at Pre-Enrollment - JTED - Joint Technical Education District
- Accuplacer registration for SY 25/26 Dual Enrollment eligibility - PCC will administer the Accuplacer at RHS in late February. Check if you qualify to take college credit courses next school year. You MUST have an A# from Pima College to take the Accuplacer. See instructions here then sign up for the Accuplacer at Rincon Here.
- Cash For College! In the CCR Center, Every Period All week long! Seniors, show you have completed your FSA, FAFSA, Scholarship &/or College/Program applications and get a treat!
- Wednesday, 2/5 - Western New Mexico University @ Lunch on the Breezeway
- Thursday, 2/6 - Northern Arizona University @Lunch on the Breezeway
- Monday - 2/3 -University of Arizona @ Lunch on the Breezeway
- US Army & US Marines - every other Wednesday, next visit Feb. 5
- US Air Force, Space Force & ROTC: 2/18, 2/26, 3/5 & 4/23
- 2/27 - Northern Michigan University 1pm in the RHS CCR Center
- 2/28 - RUHS Spring College & Career Fair - @ Lunch on the RUHS Admin Breezeway
- 3/1 - RMACAC Spring College Fair - @ Salpointe High School 9am - 11:30am
- 3/4 - University of Northern Colorado, - 9am in the RHS CCR Center
- 3/5 - Miami University, Oxford Ohio - @ Lunch on the Breezeway
- 3/11 ArizonaDeptOfCorrectionsRehabReEntry open house at the Tucson complex 10:00AM to 2:00PM. a job fair. Meet officers from K-9 and TSU and non-security staff such as food services, IT, administration/clerical and religious to speak about different career possibilities with the Department of Corrections.
- 3/21 - DMAFB Stem Day Field Trip
- 4/25 - Legal Futures Field Trip
MEC's Pima College Access Network Our December FSA ID Challenge award winners are:
David Adame & Tina Tran!
Each received $50 for having Created their FSA ID account by Dec. 18th.
This Month, MEC's The Pima College Access Network will award ANOTHER $50 to
four Seniors with completed FAFSA's by Jan. 31!
Submit your FAFSA asap to be considered for one of these awards.
It all starts at the FAFSA website: www.studentaid.gov!
Meet Your Rincon FAFSA Peer Coaches!
Get help with your Future Planning from your peer experts!
Contact one of your Peer Coaches:
P1 - Ripley Ingersoll, P2 - Jalexy Yepiz & Katie Lopez Bazaldua, P4 - Gigi Trujillo, P5 - Milan Peralta, P6 - Sabrina Singkhek
Arizona Promise Program
is for eligible Arizona residents that ensures all tuition and fees are covered at Arizona's public universities. making higher education more accessible and affordable for Arizona students and families. applied after all other aid, scholarships and grants are used. Learn more here.
Check out the TUSD Scholarship Newsletter!
You can also find scholarship database links on the Counseling page on Rincon's website and in your Canvas 'Class of 2025' under the Module labeled 'Scholarships'
Seniors! Cap & Gown Orders are past due.
The traditional cap, gown, and tassel are important iconic symbols of your success and pride in your school. Graduation is a special day and we want you to look your best. Click the picture if you have not ordered yours yet.
Rincon Ranger Foundation Scholarship App Now Open!
The Rincon Ranger Foundation will be offering a total of six scholarship to Seniors this year.
- A $1,500 Millie McEvoy Scholarship in honor of Dennis McEvoy’s mother,
- A $1,500 Grijalva Family Scholarship
- And four $1,000 Ranger Scholarships to eligible seniors.
Applications are due APRIL 6, 2025 and winners will be notified by the end of April. Scholarships may be used to attend an Arizona state-accredited college or university. Payment will be made directly to the institution and may be applied to tuition, fees, housing and books.
Click the picture to learn more and start your application!
- Adelante Scholarship
- Chevy Humphrey Women in STEM Scholarship
- Education Forward Arizona Scholarships
- Guarantee Your Future with Freeport
- Helios 20th Anniversary Pathway Scholarship
- Native American Scholarship Program
Want even more scholarship links? See Your Canvas 'Class of 2025' classroom, Scholarship Module AND the counseling page on our Rincon High School website.
We are up to nearly 100 college acceptances and/or military appointments so far! We're celebrating all senior plans and scholarship awards this year! Check them out at the link above and on the counseling hall tv monitor!
When you are accepted to a college, career program or any military branch, Let Mrs. Vasquez know ASAP!
USE THIS FORM and send in your favorite Senior portrait for your slide.
Seniors, Complete your Winter CCR Check In?
Register for the free study guide to prep for your ACT in April! Get yours with this link to request a fee waiver https://forms.office.com/r/C7ipbzriMS
Check out these tips and trick as well! How To Improve Your ACT Score By Multiple Points | Prep Expert
As we approach midyear it's time to start thinking of the college application process.
- Start thinking of who you might ask for letters of recommendation (for college and career education applications as well as summer experience applications!) use this Brag Sheet or This One to request letters of recommendations.
- Start formulating your personal statement. Here are some tips about the process from College Ready AZ.
- We will be using the Arizona GearUp Senior Launch guide to help you prepare for your Senior Year.
Families: Here is the Junior JumpStart ppt we reviewed in August and the Junior Year Checklist handout sent home with them. Call Mrs. Vasquez if you have questions.
Summer Opportunities!
From the TUSD College & Career Bulletin
For Seniors attending the University of Arizona in Fall 2025: New Start Program
For freshman, sophomores and juniors:
All Students
Register for MyFutureAZ (pipelineaz.com) Use your school email to activate your account so you can also access this app through Clever. Do the Career Interest Inventory, find and explore your career matches. We'll be into classrooms later this fall to work with you on this.
Follow the RHS CCR Center on Instagram to stay up to date on all our activities, workshops and resources throughout the school year!
Students! Check Your CANVAS for the new Counseling Center Classrooms by grade level for news, activities and updates.
All Families! Start early to prepare for your student's future. College Application and Financial Planning help is crucial. Join us at the College Academy for Parents starting this month. Also, check out these webinars.
9th and 10th Grade Students and Families!
View your Frosh Launch and Soph Step Up powerpoints from the in-class counselor presentations earlier this fall on our RHS Counselor Webpage.
Read: Paying for College: 4 Steps for High School Sophomores | Coalition for College
Watch: The College Financial Planning video below!
Career Spotlight
Explore Careers at O-Net, Use the Search button and input the name of a career you're interested in!
Learn more about different government jobs through their day-in-the-life video series. at USAGOV, the official YouTube channel of USA.gov, linking you to videos across government. Visit the playlists and featured channels for a wide variety of interesting videos! This channel was recently renamed USA.gov and has been combined with The U.S. Government channel.
Fund Rincon's CCR Program!
Please Help FUND Rincon's College and Career Readiness Program, Thank You!
💲A bus for a local campus tour costs our program $160 per day.
💲A bus for an out-of-town campus tour costs $1600 per day.
💲Conference Fees and Meals at events can run between 10 and 30 dollars per student
Please use this link to help FUND Rincon's College and Career Readiness Program , Thank You!
Thank you to the Rincon Ranger Foundation for your continued support of our students!
RHS College & Career Counselor
Email: jennifer.vasquez@tusd1.org
Website: Counseling (tusd1.org)
Location: 421 N. Arcadia Ave
Phone: (520) 232-5619
Instagram: Rincon College and Career (@rhscollegecareer) • Instagram photos and videos