Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 16th September 2022
Ambassador Elections
Ambassador Elections 2022
The children have also seen democracy in action through our Ambassador Elections. Twelve Year 6 pupils put themselves forward as candidates; they shared their impressive speeches to persuade the children that they should vote for them in our Wednesday worship. The children from each class then visited our polling station to complete their ballot papers and after they were counted, Ella and Jack were elected as our new Ambassadors.
Parents' meetings
School Update
Bank Holiday - Monday 19th September
As you will undoubtedly be aware there is a Bank Holiday on Monday for the Queen's Funeral, therefore the school will be closed. This is quite a special moment in our country's history and we have spoken to the children about the significance of the state funeral and encouraged them to spend time with their families reflecting on the life of Queen Elizabeth II.
Mobile Technology and Teddies and Toys
Children should not bring mobile phones into school along with smart watches that connect to phones or take photographs. We do allow children in Year 5 and Year 6, who have permission to walk home, to have a phone. However, for safety and safeguarding reasons they must be handed in to a member of staff at the start of the day and must not be used whilst on the school premises.
Please can we also ask that parents do not send toys and teddies into school.
The vast majority of children are coming to school with the correct uniform. We have included the link below again in the newsletter so that all families know the school's expectations. For PE can we remind parents and carers that children should bring black shorts and a plain white t-shirt for PE (this can include T-shirts with the school logo).
Up to date information
If there are any changes to addresses, emails or phone numbers for your family, please can you email so that we can update records accordingly.
Many thanks for your ongoing support.
Kind regards
Steven Holmes
Remembering the Queen
Stars of the week
Stars of the Week
Violet for being thoughtful and helpful and kind with the new nursery children.
Ivy for coming into school with a wonderful smile and for trying so hard with everything she does.
Year 1
Amelia for embracing all the new challenges of Year 1 with enthusiasm and a huge smile on her face!
Year 2
Jacob for always putting 100% into all the work he produces and for offering help to his class mates when needed.
Year 3
Vinnie for having an excellent attitude to his learning, working well with others in the group.
Year 4
Alfie for having a growth mindset. Alfie understands that growth and learning require effort.
Year 5
Noah for an impressive start to Year 5; always aspiring in his work and having a caring attitude to all.
Year 6
Connor for fantastic effort in mathematics, persevering to solve problems involving rounding and demonstrating a determination to challenge himself.
Colour Mixing in Year 1
Aspiring, Flourishing and Loving in Reception
Dates for Diaries
Tuesday 20th September - Year 5 Trip to Go Ape
Thursday 22nd September - Year 6 Adventurous Activities Trip to How Stean Gorge
Wednesday 28th September - Possible evening date for Friends' AGM, details TBC
Monday 3rd October - Year 3 Adventurous Activities Trip to Bewerley Park
Tuesday 4th October - Year 4 Adventurous Activities Trip to Bewerley Park
Monday 10th October - Tempest Individual and Family Photographs
Friday 21st October - Staff training day; half term break begins
Monday 31st October - School opens
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