Fredericktown High School Update
August 30, 2024
Important Dates
- September 2nd: Labor Day no school
- September 6th: 2 hour early release for the Tomato Festival
- September 11th: Jostens Class meetings (Freshmen=class rings, Seniors=graduation)
- September 24th: Picture retakes
Freddies Visit Italy!
Freddie Voyager Club
This past summer, about 40 Fredericktown High School students and parents journeyed to Italy for an unforgettable nine days. As part of the trip, our Freddie Voyagers made stops in Venice, Florence, and Rome, where they had the opportunity to experience the local art, architecture, history, and cuisine.
Volley for Awareness
Fredericktown's Volley for Awareness volleyball game is coming up on Tuesday, September 10th. Volley for Awareness shirts are available for purchase again this year. Shirts will be pre-order only and are $15 each. If you're interested in purchasing a shirt, please see Tim Doup in the office with your name, shirt size, and $15 by Tuesday, September 3rd. The money raised will go towards Suicide Prevention in Knox County.
Attached is a picture of the shirt design. A table will be set up during MS and HS lunches on Thursday and Friday to take orders.
School Counselors Information
General Information
Have your student visit to register for their free account. This site helps in organizing college searches, as well as searching for scholarships. It will also help your student stay on top of deadlines with the personalized dashboard, use the Admissions Calculator to see the likelihood of getting into a certain college, and quickly compare schools side-by-side.
Common App is a great website for applying to colleges. Students will make an account, fill out one application, and be able to apply to multiple colleges at once.
Transcript Requests can be done all online. Go to the school’s website, click on High School and then Guidance Department. Under Student and Parent Resources, you will click on Transcript Request Google Forms. Please allow one week to process the request.
Scholarships Information
Click on the following link to learn more about upcoming scholarships and deadlines:
Fredericktown High School will be administering the ASVAB test to Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors on Thursday, September 19th. ASVAB stands for Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery and it helps students explore their skills and interests to learn more about career exploration and planning in both the civilian and military worlds of work. The test does let you know if you are eligible for the military, but taking the test does NOT commit you to the military!
If you do not know what you want to do after high school, we recommend taking this free assessment as it could give you some insight.
To sign up for the ASVAB, complete the Google Form found here:
ASVAB practice tests can be found here at
New Cell Phone Policy
General Policies
Regular attendance is key to success in school and is a positive factor that develops habits of punctuality, self-discipline, and responsibility. Students who attend class regularly generally achieve higher grades, enjoy school, and are more employable after leaving school.
Excused Absences:
Personal illness of the student (A doctor’s excuse stating for what days specifically the student should be excused from school may be required by the school for every absence over 72 hours. Once a doctor’s excuse is required, it is required for all absences for the remainder of the year).
Illness in the home (student must be 14 years of age or older).
Quarantine of the home by local health officials.
Death of a relative (limited to three days unless reasonable cause can be shown for a longer absence).
Observance of a religious holiday (consistent with the student’s established creed or belief).
Alternate learning experience approved in advance by an administrator.
A maximum of two (2) college visits for juniors and seniors to take place during the regular school year. These are extensions of the school day and are not counted in the attendance record. These absences must be approved five days in advance.
Reporting Absences:
- The morning of the absence, a parent/guardian should inform the office of the absence and the reason.
- An absence note or email, containing the dates and reason for the absence, signed by the parent or guardian or physician must be presented to the office within three (3) days of the student returning to school.
- Failure to produce an acceptable note from a parent or guardian within three (3) school days following an absence will result in an unexcused absence.
*Please see the student / parent handbook for the attendance policy and procedures
MCV4 (Meningococcal): Grade 7 One dose of meningococcal vaccine must be administered on or after the tenth birthday.
Grade 12 Two doses of MCV4. Second dose on or after age 16 years. If the first dose was given on or after the 16th birthday, only one dose is required.
If you choose to not have your child vaccinated, an exemption form needs to be filled out and turned in by August 31, 2024.For those needing immunizations. Appointments are available Monday-Friday from 8am-4pm at the Knox County Community Health Center, 11660 Upper Gilchrist Rd., Mount Vernon OH 43050
Call 740.399.8008
Student Medication Authorization Form
The forms can be found on the Fredericktown Website at the following link:
Supporting our Freddies
Our priority is to ensure the safety and well-being of our students. We encourage everyone to actively participate in creating a nurturing environment that promotes open communication, empathy, and understanding. If you know a student who may need support, or if you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our social workers or school counselors. Working together, we can make a profound difference in the lives of our students.
Hannah Art, Social Worker
740-694-2781 ext. 3412
Cindy Truex, Social Worker
740-694-2781 ext. 3412
Karen Barta, HS/MS School Counselor
740-694-2726 ext 3411
Melissa White, Elementary School Counselor
740-694-2781 ext. 3410