RCLA Weekly Update
Week Two 2022 - 2023
Principal's Message
Hello RCLA Familia,
During a leadership transition there is change. As the new leader of RCLA I am committed to listening, learning, and observing what it means to lead at RCLA. There will be successes and there will be mistakes. I look at successes as things to continue and mistakes as learning opportunities to grow, change and improve. Please know all interactions and actions are with positive intent. We are all responsible, as a team, to provide the very best educational experience for each of our 261 students and embrace each family.
As your principal of your school I will:
· Treat students, parents and staff with love and respect
· Act with a caring spirit
· Nurture an inclusive and safe learning environment
· Seek knowledge and community
· Advocate for equity, excellence and opportunity for ALL
· Lead by example
· Expect excellence from our students and staff
· Believe in our collective ability to do great things
It has come to my attention there are three versions of the Parent/Student Handbook in circulation. At least one version, and I believe on the website the dress codes allows for khaki and gray bottoms/pants. Since this has been published and parents have purchased clothing in alignment with this publication, khaki and gray bottoms will be allowed until at least October 28, 2022, and further discussion will be held regarding allowing khaki and gray for the remainder of the 2022 - 2023 school year. Please accept my sincere apologies for the miscommunication.
Let's be patient and kind as we learn how to communicate and collaborate with a student centered focus.
In partnership,
Ms. Austin
Principal, RCLA
Check out these books...
...and these also!
August 21, 2022
The Foundation for Hispanic Education Community Day
The Foundation for Hispanic Education, 14271 Story Rd, San Jose, CA 95127, USA
RCLA Important Information for Parents, Students, Teachers and Staff
- Professional Dress Mondays- We look forward to seeing all our students dressed professionally every Monday.
- Picture Day is scheduled for this Tuesday, August 16, 2022
- Week #2: Monday, August 15 thru Friday, August 20, 2022, is week #2 of 6 weeks of Grading Period #1.
- Starbucks (Food & Drinks): Students please complete all food and beverages before school. Food and beverage (especially Starbucks) will not be permitted in the school or classroom.
- Door Dash, Uber Eats, Grub Hub will all be turned away. Parents may deliver food directly to the main office for their child only.
- 9th Grade ASB Elections: Class of 2026 If you are interested in serving as a class representative, please see Mr. Teagle. Ninth Grade elections will be held on Friday, August 26, 2022
- Back to School Night: Scheduled for Friday, August 19, 2022 from 5pm-7pm in the Courtyard between RCLA and the Finn Center.
- Parking Permits: Seniors please complete and submit your parking permit application before Friday, August 19, 2022. See Mr. Austin or SLT member Noah for an application.
- Attention Student Athletes: Sports Physicals are scheduled for Thursday, August 25, 2022.
- Our school sites continue to be committed to safety, health, and access to resources for students and their families. For more information, please contact us at mfarfan@tfhe.org or contact your school site front office. We thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Respectfully, The Foundation for Hispanic Education
- Extremely important: Parents, please keep your child home if they are experiencing any COVID-like symptoms. If you are unsure, please call the school at 408-729-2281and speak with any one of my team members prior to dropping your child off at school or you can speak with Ms. Austin at the front of the school before dropping your child off. Your cooperation is much appreciated.
Excellent Learning and Leadership Experiences at RCLA
Roberto Cruz Leadership Academy offers learning and leadership experiences outside of the classroom. We invite your child down this wonderful path of academic and personal growth.
- Associated Student Body/Student Government
- Clubs: Interscholastic Flag Football, MESA/Robotics, Adventurers, GSA, Joven Noble, Journalism, Video Gaming, Philosophy/Debate, Art, and Boxing
- Jaguar World Travelers: Trips to Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa, and North America.
- Jaguar Ambassadors: Leadership training and experiential learning
- Active Campus Life: Festivals, Dances, Movie Nights, Rallies, Lunchtime Activities, Fun Attractions, and more!
To learn more about Student Life at RCLA, please contact Principal Elizabeth Austin (eaustin@sjrcla.org).
8/15 Friday is Back to School Night for RCLA and LCPA 5:00 - 7:00
Roberto Cruz Leadership Academy
Email: eaustin@sjrcla.org
Website: sjrcla.org
Location: 14280 Story Road, San Jose, CA, USA
Phone: (408) 471 4680