Wolves Newsletter
Welcome to Park Brook Elementary

Friday, December 6, 2024
A note from the principal
Dear Park Brook Families,
Report cards will be published on Tuesday, December 11 on ParentVUE.
Report cards are a communication tool to allow parents to know how their children are doing academically. At the high school and college level, the report cards count toward graduation credits; the elementary level they are a communication tool.
We want students to take their report cards seriously, and for the report cards to serve as a communication tool both from school to home, and for discussions at home. I would suggest a purposeful time, not a hurried time to look at the report card together. I would actually suggest getting a bowl of ice cream, sitting down together to look at the report card and have a nice conversation. (I would also suggest looking at the report card first.) Here are a few questions you may want to discuss:
- I notice you are doing very well in ______________________. Tell me what is working for you in that subject.
- I notice that this area is not your strongest area. What could you do differently in this area?
- Tell me about how your behaviors help you and your classmates learn.
- Tell me about what you could do differently to help you and your classmates be better learners.
- Tell me why your teacher marked this on your report card.
- Mr. Taylor talks a lot about getting sleep, getting 60 minutes of exercise every day, and eating together to be prepared for school. What is one thing we should work on as a family. (I know what the research says, and I know I (Mr. Taylor) have things to work on as well.)
If your child is not reading at home, they need to. I know I sound blunt, but I want all students to increase their reading levels. I went to several conferences during Fall Conferences where I had great concerns about academic growth; there may have been one student who sometimes reads at home, but the others were all honest that they don't read at home. I greatly appreciate the honesty, and if they are not reading they will not make growth.
I also do not suggest rewards for report cards, but that is up to you. There are some students who really struggle with reading, and they are working hard, yet their report card indicates truthfully they are not up to grade level. You can give me all of the rewards you want, and I still won't be able to see without my glasses on; similarly some students are working very hard and and there are subjects that are a challenge for them. I expect my staff to mark report cards truthfully, not to make parents or student feel good, so that parents/guardians know truthfully how their child is doing in school so we can work together to increase academic progress.
I also know we have students who are learning English as they also have a different home language. I am concerned with progress and growth, not if they are up to the standard. I want my students to maintain their home language while they are learning English. Their report cards will NOT state that they are at grade level, however, growth is what is important. It is a gift for a student to have more than one language.
At the same time, students who are above grade level in a subject, I expect them to make growth as well.
The purpose of the discussion above is to determine if changes, behaviors, effort, attendance, exercise/fitness, reading at home, and so on, will improve academic progress.
Mr. Scott W. Taylor
Hmong New Year - Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Students are welcome to wear their Hmong Outfits or outfits from their own culture. An alternate recess will be offered for students who are dressed up on this day to celebrate Hmong New Year.
Parents are welcome to attend one of the half-hour sessions.
3rd Grade: 9:30 - 10:00
2nd Grade: 10:15 - 10:45
1st Grade: 11:15 - 11:45
Kindergarten and Ms. Anfang's 5th Grade Class: 1:15 - 1:45
4th Grade: 1:45 - 2:15
Mr. Woebke's 5th Grade Class: 2:15 - 2:45
All licensed staff will participate in staff development on this day, outside of the school day. The purpose of the staff development is for staff to deepen their understanding as we continually seek to be more effective with all of our students.
Cold Weather is Here!
- Students need to be prepared for the cold weather every day.
- Students go outside for recess unless the temperature or wind chill is -5 degrees or colder.
- In the morning, we do not have supervision before school until 8:30 a.m.
- If your family could use assistance with winter weather gear for Park Brook Students, please call the office.
- The school does not have enough extra winter gear for students who forget their gear at home.
Handicap Parking Spots
There are three (3) handicap parking spots in front of the school. These parking spots are reserved for individuals who have a visible handicap placard, AND the individual for whom the placard was issued is entering or exiting the vehicle. (If you have a placard and picking up a student, you can circle the parking lot similar to others if the placard was not issued for the student.)
Come BETWEEN 3:20 and 3:30 (closer to 3:30) and you will not have to contend with a packed parking lot.
I include a picture of my mom, above. She is 89 years of age, has some dementia, uses a walker around her house, and she has a handicap placard. I only use a handicap spot if she is with me AND she is getting out of the car. However, if we are going to a restaurant or to church where she will be sitting, I park across the parking lot and have her walk as the exercise is good for her. If there is ice, later in the day when she is tired, and so on, I will use the handicap spot IF she is getting out of the car, but I am careful to not use the spot that is wheelchair ramp accessible.
I say the above because I understand that the trip may be quick, the parking spot may be open, however, there are individuals who require this space for their safety. I will also state, as the principal, my students need to see adults choosing the right behavior.
Please note that the there is up to a $200 fine for illegally using the handicap parking spots.
Winter Music Program
Friday, December 20, 1:30 p.m.
Students in grades K - 5 will present a variety of winter music songs. Parents and guardians are welcome to come! Please do not have siblings in middle and high school leave school early to attend this performance; these students need to remain in class for their own education.
Winter Conferences will be held from 3:30 - 7:30 on the following dates:
- Tuesday, February 4, 2024
- Thursday, February 6, 2024
- Monday, February 10, 2024
A form will be sent home on Monday, January 6, 2025 so you can let us know which days and times works best for you. Please mark ALL days and times that would work for you.
Increase Academic Growth
As we begin the second trimester, it is a good time to review several ways to assist your child to increase academic growth and positive behaviors:
- Read at home every day
- Eat together as a family without the television or cell phones
- Get 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous exercise everyday
- Get 9 - 11 hours of sleep (Keep all electronic devices, including televisions, out of rooms where kids sleep)
- Monitor and limit technology
- Practice Math Facts
Math Facts Awards
Students at Park Brook work in increasing math fluency (speed) to allow them to think mathematically and engage in conversations regarding mathematical concepts. The emphasis in math is on thinking mathematically, however, having math facts mastered allows them to enter conversations at a higher level.
2nd Grade - Subtraction - Increase of 5 problems in October - 3-minute test
2nd Grade - Subtraction - Top 10%
3rd Grade - Addition/Subtraction - Increase of 10 problems in October - 3-minute test
Division - Top 10%
(This was the first month with division. Next month students will receive awards for growth.)
The Wolf Way
A student from each class was recognized on Monday, November 11for their positive behavior during the month of October.
The Wolf Way and District Student Handbooks are linked below for your reference.
The Wolf Way
- W - We will respect ourselves and others.
- O - Own our actions.
- L - Listen and Learn.
- F - Follow Directions.
Woodworking - Mrs. Brenny's Class
Goal: Get all 5 squares on middle peg (largest on bottom, smallest on top)
1. You can only move 1 square at a time.
2. You cannot put a large square on top of a small square.
This game that the students make in woodworking is designed to cause the students to think to solve the puzzle. It is possible to solve, and challenging!
Students, after they finished singing, took a look at the snow making machines making snow.
Useful Links
parkbrook@district279.org (email)
phone: 763-561-6870