Algonquin Lakes Elementary
August 25, 2024
Important Information
1401 Compton Dr.
Algonquin, IL 60102
(847) 532-7500
Marilynn Smith
Rachel Buczkowske
Assistant Principal
Jennifer Ellett
Student Service Specialist
Other Phone Numbers
Attendance: (847) 532-7520
Fax: (847) 532-7515
Nurse: (847) 532-7511
Transportation: (847) 658-3262
Outdoor Supervision Begins = 7:45am
First Bell Rings = 7:55am
School Begins = 8:00am
Students are Dismissed = 2:15pm
Office Hours = 7:00am – 3:30pm
Important Dates
August 27th - ALES Open House! 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
August 27th - Board of Education Meeting 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
August 28th - Late Start - School is in session from 10:00 AM - 2:15 PM
August 28th - 5th Grade Band/Orchestra Enrollment Night at 4:30 PM
August 30th - ALES Picture Day
September 2nd - Labor Day, D300 Offices and Schools are Closed
September 3rd - ALES PTO Meeting at 5:30
September 11th - Late Start - School is in session from 10:00 AM - 2:15 PM
September 18th - Picture Retake Day
Dear Students and Families of Algonquin Lakes Elementary School,
Maintaining a safe school environment is our number 1 priority at ALES. It is our goal to ensure a safe physical environment for students to learn as well as maintain a positive school culture where students have a strong sense of belonging. Every school year, students and staff participate in 4 major drills: Fire Drill, Severe Weather Drill, Shelter in Place Drill, and Code Red Lockdown Drills. It is important to know that we conduct 3 fire drills, 1 severe weather drills, 1 shelter in place drill, and 2 code red lock down drills annually. These drills are essential to practice in the event there is ever an emergency at school that requires us to respond to keep our students and staff safe. Last week, ALES conducted both a fire drill and code red lock down drill. Students and staff did an amazing job following our emergency procedures! We encourage you to talk to your child about how the drills went.
As a reminder, Algonquin Lakes Elementary utilizes an instructional program called i-Ready. i-Ready is an online program that will help us determine your child’s strengths and areas for growth, personalize their learning, and monitor their progress throughout the school year. i-Ready allows us to meet your child where they are and provides us with data to inform instruction. The assessment window for i-Ready at ALES is August 19-August 30th. Grade 4, Grade 5, and Grade 2 completed iReady last week. We look forward to Kindergarten, Grade 1, and Grade 3 testing this week! If you have any questions about i-Ready, please do not hesitate to contact your child's classroom teacher. You can also learn more about i-Ready by visiting i-ReadyCentral.com/FamilyCenter.
Lastly, we're so excited to invite families to our Open House event on Tuesday, August 27th from 6-7 pm. Please see the schedule below. Open house is a time for families to become familiar with their child's teacher, grade level curriculum, and expectations for the year. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!
Thank you for your partnership. Please do not hesitate to contact us as any time if you have any questions or need any support.
Gooooooo Lions!
Kindest Regards,
Marilynn Jankovich (Smith)
Algonquin Lakes Elementary School Principal
A Week In Review at ALES!
Attendance Matters at ALES!
This week we would like to highlight Mrs. Arneson's class for having their Den Full!
Lion Pride Corner
Expectations to Protect our Pride!
When students go above and beyond respecting themselves, others, and the environment at ALES, they earn Pride Paws. Students can spend the Pride Paws they earn at our MTSS Incentive Cart! Please ask your child how they can earn Pride Paws at ALES!
**Donated items can be turned into the front office**
1401 Compton Drive
Algonquin, IL 60102