Kerby Elementary
Friday, October 25, 2024
A message from Mrs. Vernier:
Hello Kerby Families.
It’s been a joy to see all the exciting fall activities happening around Kerby! From pumpkin math in 3rd grade to creating colorful leaf art in 1st grade to the Haunted Gym obstacle course, our Cougars are truly embracing the season. On Tuesday, the 4th graders enjoyed a fun and informative presentation from DTE, which was a big hit. Students are also making the most of the falling leaves during recess—sorting them, making big piles, and enjoying outdoor play.
As the temperatures continue to drop, please remember to send your child to school with coats, hats, and gloves to keep them warm and comfortable.
Today’s Highlights
We had to move recess indoors due to the rain, and we’re grateful for all the parent volunteers who came to help supervise. A huge thank you also goes to the PTO for treating each student to a slice of pizza at lunch—it was a delicious surprise!
Looking Ahead: A Big Week Coming Up
Mark your calendars! On Wednesday, October 30th, the PTO has arranged a special magic show in the gym for all students in the afternoon.
And of course, Halloween is just around the corner! On Thursday, October 31st, we have a half day of school with dismissal at 11:36 AM. The morning will be filled with fun, including our school parade and classroom holiday parties.
Be sure to review the Halloween plans and expectations below to help ensure a smooth and enjoyable celebration! 🎃
Your partner in learning,
Katy Vernier
Kerby Elementary School
Pumpkin math in 3rd grade
Leaf art in 1st grade
Haunted Gym
We had pizza and music today at lunch.
DJ Raven chose songs for lunch after winning the Fun Run raffle.
Thank you Margi and Ryan for serving pizza today at lunch.
Kids enjoying the pizza.
Thank you Mrs. Bertrand!
Mrs. Bertrand came into classrooms this week to donate time to Kerby teachers and also taught a fun art lesson. Students worked on making projects that will serve as decorations for the Glow Dance in January.
Mrs. Farrell's 2nd grade
Mrs. Van Tol's Kindergarten
Upcoming Kerby dates to put on your calendar:
- October 25th - North/South Tailgate
- October 30th - Magician Assembly in the afternoon (incentive from the Fun Run)
- October 31st - Half day, students report in the am only
- November 3rd - District Open House (12:00-2:00 pm at all buildings)
- November 4th - PTO Meeting in the Library at 6:30 pm
- November 5th - No School for all schools (Election Day)
- November 5th - Kerby at Great Skate
- November 11th - Picture Retake day
- November 13th - Fire Prevention Assembly
- November 27-29th - No School for all students (Thanksgiving Break)
We have a half-day on Thursday, October 31st, with dismissal at 11:36 AM. The Kerby Halloween Parade will kick off at 8:45 AM, and we’re hoping the great weather continues so we can parade outside! Parents are welcome to stand outside on Beaupre or Kerby to watch the parade.
If the weather cooperates, here’s the outdoor route:
All students will exit through the upper wing doors.
The parade will proceed across the blacktop to the sidewalk on Beaupre.
From there, students will walk to Kerby Road, turn right, and finish by entering through the front doors.
In case of rain or cold, the parade will move indoors to the gym, where we’ll have two smaller parades—one for the upper wing and one for the lower wing.
Volunteers for class parties after the parade must sign in to the office and must have a background check completed before 10/31.
We have a wide range of ages here at Kerby so Halloween costumes can be fun and scary. Please keep in mind some of our youngest Cougars when planning costumes for school. Costume reminders:
- No toy guns, knives, swords or weapons of any kind. Try to keep costume props to a minimum.
- No masks, fake blood, or costumes that could be scary to our younger Cougars.
If students come to school with any of the above, we will ask them to remove the item. Thank you in advance for your cooperation so that we can have a safe and fun celebration.
Fundraiser - proceeds to benefit Mrs. Brumme's new sports equipment!
Save the Date: Info nights
Do any of these belong to your child?
Updates and Needs:
Thank you so much to all of the volunteers that came out this week to help at lunch! We had another beautiful week. If you haven't had the chance or even if you have, please consider signing up to help at lunch! It takes a village! Click the link to volunteer: SIGN UP FOR LUNCH HELP.
If your student would like to purchase a milk during lunch, funds must be available in their account beforehand. Money can be added to your student's account with cash, check, or online with a credit card at: https://sisweb.resa.net/grossepointe/parentconnect/.
If your child needs a modified diet in the cafeteria, please follow the link below to obtain a form that will need to be filled out by your child's physician. Please return the completed form (link below) to your school office.
From the District:
GPPSS is hiring! We have multiple positions available. Click the link for more information and to apply!
Medication Authorization Forms
Please submit new or update Medication Authorization Forms to the office, if needed for your student. Here is the form for a student to self administration/self possession.
When your child is ill:
If your child is staying home because of illness, please call the attendance line at 313-432-4201 and leave a brief message. Please refer to the Guidelines to Exclude a Child from School.
Kerby PTO Sponsored Events are listed below.
After school clubs for the 2nd session (November/December)
Schedule with links for after school clubs for session 2
Click each link to learn more information and sign up.
Monday: Chess K-4th grade
Tuesday: Spanish K-2nd Grade
Wednesday: Art 2-4th Grade
Thursday: Spanish 3-4th grade
Friday: Basketball 1-4th Grade
(313) 432-4200
Principal: Katy Vernier
Secretary: Lyndsay Peabody
Clerk: Elisabeth Wagner
Attendance Line: (313) 432-4201