Lenski Weekly Update
February 7th, 2025
From the Principal's Desk
We hope that you all had a nice week! Thank you for your love, thoughts, and prayers for Miss Harken. She feels the love!
Our 3rd graders did a wonderful job at last night’s performance! Thank you to Ms. Gregory for leading their work!
Just a reminder that students will not have school next Friday, February 14th or Monday, February 17th. We hope that you have a wonderful long weekend! We plan to have in-class Valentine's celebrations on the 13th. We will provide all students with a bag to decorate. No need to bring in a Valentine's box for your student. All students will receive a special gift from the office. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Have a wonderful weekend!
With Lenski Love,
From the Office
Teacher Appreciation Week: May 5th-9th
Anyone interested in signing up to help with this please let Megan Beckman know at megs730@hotmail.com. Helping out with this week includes sharing creative ideas, set up and approaching businesses for donations ahead of time.
Battle of the Books and No Brainer Tuesday Lunch Club
If you are interested in being part of such a fun Lenski Club, please email Katie Heissenbuttel at kheissenbuttel@lps.k12.co.us
❤️ Love from Lenski! Our Diaper Drive is underway! Please consider donating diapers to support families in need. The drive runs now through February 13th. Thank you for your generosity!
👕 Dress Code: Students must follow the school dress code—no midriffs should be exposed. Crop tops or shirts that show the belly are not allowed, and students will be required to change if they wear them.
🎩 Hats: Students may wear hats only during recess and lunch, but not during instructional time.
⌚ Smartwatches: Students should not use their smartwatches to text or play games during school. If misused, the device may be taken away, and a parent may need to pick it up from the office.
🚦 Traffic Safety: Please be mindful of stop signs during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up. Be sure to come to a complete stop to avoid the risk of a ticket.
Thank you for your cooperation and support!
1st Grade Music Performance
1st Grade: 16th Annual Hootenanny - please note time change from what was previously published
Thursday, February 27 - in the GYMNASIUM
Mrs. Cerasuolo’s class - 11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Mrs. Cole’s and Mrs. Metherd’s classes - 12:20 p.m.-12:50 p.m.
Kids Yoga Fundraiser at YogaSix Centennial
Hey Lenski families! Join us at YogaSix Centennial (just around the corner from the school) for a kids yoga class on Presidents' Day! Kiddos will get fun, games and mindful movement, while parents get to relax in the lobby with coffee on us! Monday February 17th, 11am. $20 / kiddo and 20% of all ticket sales will be donated back to Lenski! Kiddos aged 5-11YO.
Ticket link:
Superstars of the Week
Important Dates
February 14th: Non-student Day-No School
February 17th: Presidents’ Day-No School
February 17th: Kids Yoga Fundraiser at YogaSix Centennial
February 18th: Restaurant Night at Mici Italian
February 27th: 1st Grade Music Performance
March 3rd-6th: Conferences
March 5th: Restaurant Night at Bad Daddy's Burger Bar
March 6th & 7th: No School
March 12th: Class Picture Day
March 14th: Lenski Community Event and Fundraiser
March 24th-March 28th: Spring Break
April 18th and 21st: No School for Students
May 23rd: Last Day of School