Week Ahead
February 2nd - February 8th

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This Week On the Ridge
Kindness Tunnel
Thank you to all of you who made our annual Great Kindness Challenge such a huge success. We were so happy to have so many people come out to participate in our annual Kindness Tunnel. Thank you to our Superintendent Dr. Maruszczak, School Committee Member Danielle Binienda, State Rep. Stephen Xiarhos, Assistant Superintendent Dr. Quinn, Principals Jeanne Nelson and Chris Dintino, Athletic Director Sean Donovan, Members of the US Coast Guard, representatives from Town Government, Sandwich Rec, Sandwich Police and Fire, High School sports Captains, and the list goes on. This was such a great way to start the day and commemorate Kindness Week. A special thank you to Kristin MacDonald for putting this event together every year!
Making a Difference, one coin at a time
We are so proud of our students! After Mrs. Skirvan put out the call to raise funds to support those in need impacted by the California Wildfires, Oak Ridge students met the moment and raised over $4,000 in change to donate to the Red Cross! After a back and forth battle of generosity and strategy, the 4th grade were named the Coin Challenge Champions. Thank you to all who shook out those piggy banks and coin jars at home for this incredible effort.
Math Fact Super Bowl is Back!
Student Participation
Students can wear jerseys, sports t-shirts, or Oak Ridge Gear on February 7th.
💗💗💗 and Crafts Party
Save the Date
Dates to Remember
Dates to Remember
2/3-Wizard of OZ, dress rehearsal 3:30pm -staff
2/6 - Wizard of OZ Performance, MPR 6pm
2/7-2nd Annual Math Fact Superbowl
2/11- OR Band Concert, MPR 7pm
2/14 - Valentines Day
2/17-2/21- February Break