The Bobcat Brief
October 4, 2024
Upcoming Events
Sunday, October 6: National Instructional Coaches Day
Tuesday, October 8: Reading Benchmark Testing (3rd-5th)
Wednesday, October 9: Half Day - Dismissal at 11:45am
Thursday, October 10 & Friday, October 11: Fall Break - No School
Tuesday, October 15: Science Benchmark Testing (4th Only)
Wednesday- Friday, October 15- 17: (2nd grade only) CogAT assessment
Wednesday, October 16: Unity Day/Stop Bullying Day-Wear Orange
Thursday, October 17: SIC Meeting at 4:30pm
Friday, October 18: Report Cards Go Home
Monday, October 21: National School Bus Safety Week Begins & Boosterthon Kick-off (Students Only)
Tuesday- Wednesday, October 22-23: (2nd grade only) IOWA Assessment
Wednesday, October 23: Math Benchmark Testing (3rd-5th)
Thursday, October 24: Read and Treat, 5:30-6:30pm
Friday, October 25: College Colors Day
Monday, October 28 - Thursday October 31: Red Ribbon Week/Drug-Free America Week
Thursday, October 31: Boosterthon Events (Families Welcome)
- 8am-9am: PreK, Kindergarten, and 1st Grade
- 9:15am-10:15am: 2nd and 3rd Grade
- 10:30am-11:30am: 4th and 5th Grade
Coosa's Passport Project
This year we have three half days on our school calendar:
- Wednesday, October 9
- Thursday, February 13
- Friday, March 14
We are excited to announce that last year's School Improvement Council developed a multiyear Passport Project which is focused on teaching students about different cultures and countries around the world. The SIC chose 21 countries to be highlighted over a 7-year timeframe. All students will learn about 3 countries a school year. If a student attends CES from PreK through 5th grade, they will learn about 21 countries in total. We will highlight landmarks, traditions, games, crafts, stories, and more about each country. Students will also bring home a recipe or two, if you would like to extend the learning at home.
Yearly, students will receive a Coosa Passport that will come home to share their travels with you! We encourage you to talk about and discuss their learning in the days that follow their experience. On Wednesday, October 9 our students will "travel" to:
- Prekindergarten: Australia
- Kindergarten: Mexico
- 1st Grade: France
- 2nd Grade: Thailand
- 3rd Grade: India
- 4th Grade: Greece
- 5th Grade: Russia
Benchmark Testing (3rd-5th Grades)
Beaufort County School District has created Benchmark Assessments that students will take 3x a year. The assessment data will be utilized to guide classroom instruction. No official results will go home with students.
- Our Coosa Bobcat Splash n Dash (PreK-3) and Color Run (grades 4-5) is coming!
- Get excited – our school is hosting the Coosa Bobcat Splash n Dash and Color Run at the end of our fundraiser on 10/31/2024! This schoolwide event is sure to be an unforgettable experience for all students. All students are invited to attend, regardless of financial participation.
We’re raising $36,000 to provide opportunities that extend student experiences to include onsite field trips, artists in residence, and author visits. We will also utilize a portion of funds to support our Project Based learning/STEM programs and student/teacher incentives.
- Sign up for our Coosa Bobcat Splash n Dash and Color Run on 10/07/2024 at to get Splash n Dash and Color Run ready! 💪
Key Dates to Remember:
💻 Sign up online at – 10/07/2024
🎉 Fundraiser Kickoff at School (Students Only) – 10/21/2024
👟 Event Day (Families Welcome) – 10/31/2024
Red Ribbon Week and Unity Day
A Culture of Kindness
On October 16th we will celebrate Unity Day by asking students, staff, and our community members to wear Orange as a symbol of unity in kindness toward others.
During morning meeting the week of October 16th, students will participate in creating a Kindness mural in the hallway. Classroom guidance lessons will be focused on bullying, ways to report it, trusted adults, and problem-solving strategies. At the conclusion of these lessons, students and staff will be asked to take part in the pledge to take a stand against bullying. These pledges will be displayed in classrooms schoolwide.
In keeping with a culture of kindness, we celebrate Red Ribbon Week by encouraging students to make positive choices. Red Ribbon Week is a time where we partner with the Sheriff’s Department to educate students about peer pressure, healthy choices at home and school, as well as discussing Halloween safety for those who participate in Trick-or-Treating.
Wednesday 10/16 – Unity Day Wear Orange
Monday 10/28 – Wear red to kick off Red Ribbon Week
Tuesday 10/29 – Making smart choices from head to toe – Hats and socks day
Wednesday 10/30 – Making positive choices is Jean-ius – Jeans day
Thursday 10/31 – Boosterthon (class spirit or class choice for the event)
Friday 11/1 – Team up against negative choices – support your favorite sports team
Coosa's Annual Career Fair - We Need Volunteers!
Coosa Career Event will take place this year on Friday, November 15th, 2024, from 8:00-10:00am.
- Please consider participating in our highly anticipated annual event! Each year, our amazing community and family members gather for a few hours to share information about their diverse variety of careers with our students. Through this interactive experience, our students have shared newly sparked interests and a window into future possibilities they had not considered previously!
- Each volunteer is provided table space to display any hands-on items/materials/photos, etc., pertaining to their careers.
- All grade levels will participate in the event.
- If interested or have any questions, please contact Nicole Bossak at or 843-322-6123.
eLearning Days: September 27 and September 30
Related Arts Update
Art with Mrs. Halopoff:
Students are celebrating Latinx Heritage Month by creating art from Mexico and Spain. Kindergarteners are continuing with their study of Primary and Secondary colors. Second graders are finishing their unit on Form and Shape.
- Kindergarten – Primary and Secondary Color Scarecrows
- 1st Grade – Amate Bark Paintings (Mexico)
- 2nd Grade – Form and Shape Bubbles
- 3rd Grade – Mexican Papel Picado (Mexico)
- 4th Grade – Picasso Portraits (Spain)
- 5th Grade – Sugar Skull Paintings (Mexico)
Music with Mrs. Smith:
- Students in Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade have been exploring different meters and enhancing their knowledge of steady beat.
- Students in grades 3-5 have been finishing up a drumming unit and singing rounds.
P.E. with Coach Adkins:
- Students will be working on different ways of kicking.
- Soon they will be learning the basics of soccer gameplay and the importance of spacing and teamwork.
STEM Lab with Mrs. Porter:
- Students in Kindergarten are learning how to code with unplugged activities.
- 1st, and 2nd graders are completing coding projects on the computer.
- Students in grades 3-5 have been working on Lego building instructions and programming motors to move.
8 Habits Assembly: Friday, October 4
Our first Leadership Assembly took place today. Our 4th-5th grade chorus students sang our school song which focuses on the Habits. Other students spoke about the Habits and how they use them in and out of school. It was a blast. Do you know the Habits? Check them out below.
The 8 Habits of Highly Effective People
Habit 1: Be Proactive
I am a responsible person. I take initiative. I choose my actions, attitudes, and moods. I do not
blame others for my wrong actions. I do the right thing without being asked, even when no one
is looking.
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
I plan ahead and set goals. I do things that have meaning and make a difference. I am an
important part of my classroom and contribute to my school’s mission and vision, and look for
ways to be a good citizen.
Habit 3: Put First Things First
I spend my time on things that are most important. This means I say no to things I know I
should not do. I set priorities, make a schedule, and follow my plan. I am disciplined and
Habit 4: Think Win-Win
I balance courage for getting what I want with consideration for what others want. I make
deposits in others’ Emotion Bank Accounts. When conflicts arise, I look for third alternatives.
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood
I listen to other people’s ideas and feelings. I try to see things from their viewpoints. I listen to
others without interrupting. I listen with my ears, my eyes, and my heart. I am confident in
voicing my ideas.
Habit 6: Synergize
I value other people’s strengths and learn from them. I get along well with others, even people
who are different than me. I work well in groups. I seek out other people’s ideas to solve
problems because I know that by learning with others we can create better solutions than any
one of us alone. I look for a third alternative.
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
I take care of my body by eating right, exercising, and getting sleep. I learn in lots of ways and
lots of places, not just at school. I spend time with family and friends. I take time to find
meaningful ways to help others. I have balance in my life.
Habit 8: Find Your Voice
Finding your voice and inspiring others to find theirs.
Coosa's Library
Students are also encouraged to visit the library outside of their library class time to find new books to check out! Please email Ms. Kabel if you have a specific book in mind for your child to check out:
Gifted and Talented Screening for Grades 3-5
Do you feel you have a student who would qualify as Gifted and Talented in Arts? BCSD students who are identified as Gifted and Talented in Arts will have many opportunities provided to them, including both school and districtwide activities. This identification will follow the student through Middle and High School.
- Screenings are open to all students grades 3-5 who are interested and are referred by an adult. The form can be completed from September 23–November 25. Screenings will take place on a date to be decided between January 21 – February 13.
- If you are interested and would like the Related Arts teachers to fill out the form, please reach out to the appropriate teacher. Parents/guardians may also fill out the form on behalf of their child.
- Please contact Mrs. Smith (Music) or Mrs. Halopoff (Art) at and with any questions you may have about this process.
- Gift and Talented Screening Referral Form –
- GT Audition Materials -
Coosa's Business Partners - Thank You!
If you are interested in partnering with Coosa, you can find more information on our website:
Bobcat Champion
- Randall and Marci Mann
- Harris Pillow Supply
Bobcat Gold
Bobcat Silver
Bobcat Bronze
- The Lane Family
Bobcat Parent/Family Supporter/Advocate
- The Beulah-Fields Family
- The Muth Family
- The Vaughan Family