SVDP Newsletter
August 3, 2023
We hope everyone is enjoying their summer! We all need to start thinking about returning to school. The facilities crew, administration, and faculty are getting ready for the new year. We can't wait to welcome you and your students back on campus. Many improvements have been made over the summer including security measures, paint, furniture, LED lighting, flooring, etc.
This newsletter will provide important information for your return to school.
Online Registration
Return the emergency report - one per family to the front office.
Office hours are Monday - Friday 9:00am - 2:00pm.
SVDP - Out & About Summer 2023
Follow the link here ==> SVDP - Out & About Summer 2023
Middle School Renovation and MORE!
We also ordered new tables and chairs for Kindergarten, tables for the eighth grade, and new chairs for first and second grades. Due to delays, this furniture will not be installed by August 16th, but we should have everything in place by mid-September.
Thank you for your participation in Blazers & Baubles, we couldn't do these enhancements without you!
Other Facility Updates
Visiting School Grounds
When leaving campus, you will need to press the green button to open the gate, the button is located on the interior of the shear brick wall (Figures 3 and 4).
Summer Assignments
School Calendar 2023-2024
Yearly Calendar of Events
All uniforms are purchased through our uniform provider, Classic Designs School Uniforms and Athletic Wear. Order online or visit their storefront at 1551 Taraval St.
Uniform and Dress Code Policies
Parent Guild News
Together we are...SVDP!
Location: 2350 Green Street
Phone: (415) 346-5505