BJS Federation of Schools
Staff Bulletin Tuesday 12th September 2023
June 2024
Federation Vision
Working together to secure the best possible outcomes for children, in line with the culture and diversity that exists within each school.
Leaders will support and empower each other to ensure no school is left behind.
We will be relentless in our mission to enable each school to set high expectations for all, ensuring these expectations are met.
Excellence Everywhere, Every day for Everyone
BJS Federation Priorities 2023-2024
- Continued progress on the teaching of early reading skills
- Continued progress on closing the vocabulary gap
- Continued focus on high quality teaching and learning
- Nurturing community awareness and knowledge on SEND, to enhance the educational experiences of diagnosed and undiagnosed children
'Making sure the past has a future'
In this edition, I will update you on the activities, impact, and outcomes of our cross-school working approaches for school improvement.
A fundamental aspect of our Federation vision is that, as a result of partnership working within our family of schools, all schools improve from their starting points so 'No school is left behind'. This journey was officially established in April 2019 and more formally on 1st October 2021, when our Federation was established.
Since then, we have worked incredibly hard to see the gains we have today, and I am extremely proud of what has been achieved. Over the past 18 months, our Federation has undergone four Ofsted inspections. 1 at Stockwell, 1 at Jessop, and 2 at Bonneville.
It is with great pride that in February 2024 Jessop's inspection outcome was Outstanding, and in May 2024 Bonneville was also inspected with an Outstanding judgement in all areas.
This is an incredible achievement, and I would like to thank every single pupil, staff member and parent for your support and the signficant contributions made by all.
We are also proud of our record on the professional development of staff over the years. Congratulations to Olivia from Jessop, for qualifying as class teacher, developing from the role of Higher Level Teaching Assistant. We wish you well as you embark on your 2 year Early Career Teacher training.
For the next academic year, we wish Vanessa from Jessop and Sonia from Bonneville well as they embark on the Step into Teaching course.
With so many events taking place over the course of the next few weeks, I am sure you do not want to miss a thing. Keep up to date by visiting your school's website.
In the mean time read on, I have so much more to share with you all!
Click the image to visit the reports
Bonneville 'Outstanding' in all areas!
Congratulations Ms McIntosh!
Following a recruitment process this term, it is with much delight that I announce Ms McIntosh as the substantive Head of School at Stockwell.
Ms McIntosh has been the Acting Head of School at Stockwell for three consecutive years, having been the Head of Standards across the Federation for two years and Assistant Headteacher at Bonneville for nine years prior.
Her involvement in Stockwell Primary School to date, including the role she played during Ofsted in September 2022, has led to significant improvements in the quality of provision at the school.
We thank her for all her hard work and commitment to our Federation.
I look forward to our continued work striving for excellence for our children.
I know you will all join me in congratulating Ms McIntosh on her appointment.
Congratulations Ms Wahid!
Following an internal opportunity for promotion across our schools, Shobnom Wahid officially adopted the Administrative Team Area Manager role last Spring term.
Since then, Ms. Wahid has been working with the team to maximize collaboration, enable efficiencies and economies of scale, and share best practices.
Congratulations on your appointment.
Learning and Developing Together
Did you know all staff INSET days are Federation wide!
Autumn Term at Stockwell
Spring Term at Jessop
Summer Term 1 at Bonneville
We focussed on pupil outcomes, and moderated the standards of achievement between our schools.
Summer Term 2 at Bonneville
We learnt together at Bonneville, focussing on mastering the delivery of our curriculum in English, Maths, History, Geography, Science and Computing in preparation for next year.
We ended the afternoon with a celebratory picnic on the meadow.
High Standards Across the Board- No School Left Behind!
Over the course of the year, we have conducted 10 subject-specific deep dives across our schools in Science, History, English, Geography, PSHCE, RE, Spanish, Art and DT, and Maths.
To do this, we take a cross-section of children's books from each class at each school to review the quality of outcomes we are seeing in our curriculum. We tackle any variations by supporting and training staff members to secure our highly effective quality of provision.
This is how we know outcomes are consistently strong in our schools.
Thank you to all the teachers who hosted peer observation lessons. In total, 20 teachers from across the Federation had the opportunity to observe another teacher in another school.
Thank you to all of the Senior Leaders and Network Team Subject Leaders, for the rigour and nurture you have delivered to bring these outcomes.
Governors have been at it too!
Shout Outs!
Thank you all for your hard work, with a special mention for...
Ms Bowes from Stockwell
For completing the 2 year Early Career Teacher course.
Congratulations you've qualified!
Year 6 Federation Team!
Thank you for supporting all of the children through their SATs tests. Our children were settled, confident and showed great resilience as a result of all your teaching and nurture.
Ms Bishop from Bonneville
For completing the 2 year Early Career Teacher course.
Congratulations you've qualified!
Ms Ponce from Jessop
A High Level Teaching Assistant who will be embarking on her Qualified Teacher Status training from September.
Ms Lindars from Bonneville
For completing her first Early Career Teacher year.
Mrs Abdullahi from Stockwell
Mrs Da Silva from Bonneville
A High Level Teaching Assistant who will be embarking on her Qualified Teacher Status training from September.
Cross School Federation Staff
For representing our schools with such depth to Ofsted.
You really made our vision come alive!
Ms Brown from Jessop
For completing the 2 year Early Career Teacher course.
Congratulations you've qualified!
Mr Levy from Bonneville
For completing the (ELSA) Emotional Literacy Support Assistant training.
Ms Gomes from Jessop
For completing the 2 year Early Career Teacher course.
Congratulations you've qualified!
Ms Prevost from Stockwell
For completing the 2 year Early Career Teacher course.
Congratulations you've qualified!
Our value for June is 'thoughtfulness'
What's next!...
We now have our own Federation Parent App
The Finance Team has been working hard with WEDUC to create a more user-friendly App for you to communicate and engage with your school.
Our new App can be downloaded from the Google Play Store or App Store, depending on your device.
Just search for BJS Federationofschools.
The App will allow you to monitor your child's attendance easily, pay for and permit trips, make your school meal choices, book parent consultations, and much more.
Teachers can also keep you in the loop with a personalised class newsfeed, where they can upload pictures and the latest class news to share in real-time.
The usual whole-school communications will also be readily available on the App.
All login information will be sent out to parents by email on Tuesday, 9th July.
If you need help downloading and using the App, there will be a Federation parent webinar on Tuesday, July 16th, from 4 to 5 p.m. I advise you to download the App before the session.
A link to access the webinar will be sent from your school's Administrative Team.
Use the link below to register for the webinar
Federation Activities
Finance Headquarters
In the last Federation newsletter, I announced the formation of our Central Finance Team.
A lot of work has been achieved in a very short space of time. Most of our processes are becoming more streamlined, best practices have sharpened our financial controls, and flexible benchmarking and economies of scale have enabled great savings.
The Team has also worked incredibly hard to embed a new finance system that will improve our cross-school digital collaboration.
Thank you to the Finance Team for your diligence and turning challenges into opportunities!
Year 6 Transition Social
Every year, we host our annual ‘Year 6 Transition Social’, an event at which our children can meet other children within our federation who will be going to the same secondary school as them in September.
We are aware that this can be an anxious time for our children, so an opportunity to get to know a familiar face is beneficial.
Last term was the third time running the event with great success.
The day ended with children visibly more confident about moving on and looking forward to seeing each other in the future.
This is a unique occasion for year 6 children attending a school within our federation of schools.
Many of our children will begin seeing more friendly faces this year!
Thank you to our Chair of Governors, Fiona Morris, for coming along too!
Spanish Performance
On Wednesday, June 26th, Joy4Kids provided a unique learning experience for 240 children in our Federation. 80 children from Eah School participated in an interactive production at Bonneville, a wonderful opportunity to put their Spanish learning into practice and follow the storyline.
Never has it been more apparent just how much Spanish our children have learned.
Thank you to Ms. Donoso for your fantastic teaching and Ms. Monet for your leadership and organisation of this event.
Our value for June is 'thoughtfulness'
Still to come...
Federation Art Trip to the Hayward Gallery and Royal Festival Hall
On 15th July, four children from each year group in Year 3, Year 4, and Year 5 (from each school) will have the opportunity to attend ‘Primary Schools Takeover: Tavares Strachan’ at the Hayward Gallery.
The day will begin with the Takeover team introducing the day they have created for other young people. From there, the Takeover Team will lead a series of interactive activities in small groups, mainly within the gallery, that will actively engage the children with the themes and stories within the exhibition.
There will be a sharing moment at the end, followed by a quiz to wrap up the day.
Thank you to the Art Network Team for organising this.
Our Annual Musical Concert- The Big One!
Don't forget to grab your ticket.
Mr Andrew's and I can't wait to see you there.
The Governing Board
This year governors have maintained a sharp focus on:
- Supporting the delivery of high quality provision and opportunties for children
- School finances
- The changing landscape of education, to ensure our schools are best positioned for the opportunities and challenges of the future
Governor Away Day 2023-2024
Parent Governor Elections Outcome
Thank you to everyone who took part in voting for our new Parent Governor.
Overall, 95 votes were cast across the federation.
Congratulations to Claire Tyler who has been elected the new Parent Governor for the Federation.
The Board
Fiona Morris
Chair of the Board
Nick Hiley
Chair of Finance Resources and Personnel Committee
Andrea Parker
Executive Headteacher
Tim Ross
Tina Wakefield
Chair of Teaching Learning and Wellbeing Committee
Paul Todd
Portia Eyeson
Parent Governor
Jacqui Napier
Staff Governor
William Brown
The most valuable resource that all teachers have is each other.
Without collaboration, our growth is limited to our own perspectives.