Aquarian News
Weekly Update #8
Upcoming Events
10/4- House Hour
10/4- ASA Ends
10/7- 5:30 PTO Meeting in the Library
10/14- Indigenous Peoples' Day (No School )
10/16- 2nd Quarter ASA Forms Emailed to Families
10/17- 2nd Quarter ASA Forms Collected on the Blacktop
10/17- House Hour
10/18- End of First Quarter -Grading Day (No School for Students)
10/19- Trunk or Treat 5:00-7:00 at West High School
10/21 5:45 APC Meeting in the Library
Meeting ID: 945 3161 5121
Passcode: 871491
10/22- Explorations
10/23- Conferences (No School for Students)
10/24- Professional Development (No School for Students)
10/25-Conferences (No School for Students)
10/28- ASA for Second Quarter Begins
10/31- Halloween
11/1- Picture Retakes and Class Pictures
11/2- UAA STEM Day 10:00-4:00
11/4- 5:30 PTO
11/5- Remote Learning Day
11/11- Professional Development Day (No School for Students)
11/14- Bingo Potluck
11/18- 5:45 APC Meeting
Meeting ID: 945 3161 5121
Passcode: 871491
11/28-11/29- Thanksgiving Holiday (No School)
¡Hola Familias! Here’s an overview of what we’ve been learning in Spanish this quarter! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
We have been busy in the art room! All grades have been focusing on the inquiry question, “How do artists reflect and revise their artwork?” Please read on to learn what’s been happening in each grade level.
Healthy Futures
September is coming to a close and so is our first month with Healthy Future Activity Logs. Once your child has completed 15 days of 60+ minutes of activity, you can fill out the form for them to earn an activity incentive. Click the link and sign them up before October 5th bit.ly/AquarianHealthyFutures
Aquarian Charter School 2024 ATHON
Aquarian's Jog-a-thon ("Athon") is our school's biggest FUNdraiser event of the school year! The Aquarian PTO's annual budget is primarily supported by the funds raised from this event.
Where does the money go?
Great question! Donations head straight to the Aquarian PTO's general fund and are used to sponsor our 5th and 6th grade camps, STEM explorations, teacher appreciation and support, our schoolwide community nights, plus end of year field day/picnic event and staff professional development!
It's not too late! Keep getting those donations!
Friday Bake Sales
Every Friday we hold a bake sale, with proceeds benefiting a different classroom each week! The funds raised will be used to support classroom supplies, additional field trips, special projects, and more.
Please note that students are welcome to visit the bake sale, but they must be accompanied by a parent. For safety and supervision, students will not be allowed to go to the bake sale line on their own.
Sock Drive
The House of Compassion and Student Council will be hosting a Sock-tober Sock Drive during the entire month of October! All socks collected will be donated to support Beacon Hill. Beacon Hill hands out approximately 500 pairs of socks every month! Please place NEW socks, ranging from Infant to Adult sizes, in your house donation box in Gym Hall starting October 1st. The house with the most donated socks will win a pizza lunch!
Trunk or Treat
Dear Aquarian Parents,
It’s almost that time again….Aquarian’s Annual Trunk or Treat event! This year’s event will take place on October 19th from 5:00-7:00 in the West High Parking lot! To make this event spooktacular we need a little help from you. First, we need families to host a trunk with treats. If your family would like to participate, please sign up at this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdkTlPR4kquuQgVeK7Gx7I7K-ct9lGY4WAE86ZxjxcTQCqPZg/viewform .
Second, our teachers need bags of candy for their classroom trunks. Please bring candy to teachers by Thursday, October 10th. And finally, we are looking to borrow four generators to help run a hot chocolate stand, music, and some festive inflatable items. If you have a generator you are willing to donate, please contact Jody Best at (907) 351-8981.
Tickets are on sale now at https://aquarianpto.membershiptoolkit.com/packet/147402327, or you can purchase them after school any Friday leading up to the event. PTO will have a table on the blacktop.
Aquarian 2024-2025 Student Council
Student Council News
We are so proud of the eleven students who ran a courageous campaign seeking the 4 officer positions. A big congratulations to the 2024-2025 Student Council Board:
President: Wyatt Ploesser
Vice President: Max Popiel
Secretary: Nova Anne Parker
Treasurer: Daniel Derrickson
House and Class representatives will be determined by October 10th, and Student Council will begin meeting every Thursday at lunch.
Original Works Art Fundraiser
Aquarian students have the opportunity to participate in the Original Works Art Fundraiser again this year! The Original Works Company scans your child’s artwork and prints it on quality items such as notecards, magnets, mugs, towels, and more. Proceeds from this fundraiser directly benefit Aquarian’s art program and supply budget.
Artwork and ordering packets will come home the week of Monday, October 7th. Orders are due October 15th, and items will be mailed to Aquarian by late November. Please see the packet for more information.
Email questions to Ms. Lisa at chelmo_lisa@asdk12.org. Thank you for supporting Aquarian’s art program!
Pizza, Pizza Fundraiser!
Please Help Support Third Grade Field Trips
Pizza order forms will be sent home with your child's teacher sometime this week, or you can access them at this link. Please staple cash only to the order form. Return the form to your child's teacher or to Ms. Stacy/Ms. Danielle.
Lunch will be delivered to your child on Thursday, October 17th, and will include a slice of cheese pizza, carrots, and an applesauce pouch for $7. Order forms are due on Thursday, October 10th.
Thank you for your support!
Nic's Race
UAA STEM Day is right around the corner. This is a high-energy event with loads of activities and demonstrations related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Plus, for students who love the thrill of competition, there’s the bonus challenge of filling up their UAA STEM Day activity passport with stamps from every booth.
UAA STEM Day will be held on Saturday, November 2nd, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the ConocoPhillips Integrated Science Building (3101 Science Cir). This is a FREE family event that is open to the public.
UAA students, staff, faculty, and several community organizations will be hosting dozens of booths and tour stops, each with their own STEM-themed activity or demonstration. This is a great opportunity to explore UAA's campus, meet STEM students and professionals, and inspire your students to consider pursuing a career in STEM.
There will be plenty of learning opportunities related to engineering, health sciences, chemistry, biology, physics, astronomy, and so much more!
Science Fair
Dear Aquarian Families,
The 2024/25 Science Fair Packet is now posted on Aquarian’s website. The science fair will take place on February 6th and 7th this year.
Entry forms are due to teachers on December 6th and projects are due on February 6th (or when your teacher requires). It’s never too early to start planning projects. Please download the packet and encourage your children to start brainstorming! A hard copy of the science packet is in the office if you wish to make a copy there.
Individual Science Fair Projects are required for students in the third through sixth grades. Kindergarten through second grade classrooms will be completing in-class group projects with their teachers, but are welcome to complete individual projects as well.
We will be looking for 30-40 volunteer judges on February 6th from approximately 8:00-11:30 am. Parents, family members, and friends are welcome. For more information, or if you’re interested in committing, sign up at bit.ly/AQSciFairJudge.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Your science fair committee,
Lisa Botero botero_lisa@asdk12.org
Sarah Fineman fineman_sarah@asdk12.org
Monica Severson severson_monica@asdk12.org
Connie Tracy tracy_connie@asdk12.org