What's Happening ?? !!
~ Hawley School Newsletter: October 13, 2019 ~
From the Desk of Mr. Moretti
Dear Hawley Parents/Guardians, Staff and Teachers,
Wow! We are cruisin' through October. Fire Prevention Day, Parent-Teacher Conferences, Celebration of Learning, and Book Fair all on the horizon.
Buckle up, keep your hands and feet in the car at all times, and stay seated as you read on to find out What's Happening at Hawley .......
~ Breakfast with Top Summer Readers ~
Every summer students are asked to read. They record their reading and submit them as they return to school. Some go above and beyond. Those Top Readers are recognized and invited to a breakfast celebration. Congratulations to our Top Readers and Thank you to Mrs. Vitarelli and Mrs. Carlson for arranging.
~ Happy Custodians Day ~
Math Super Stars
Math Superstars is back! Participation is optional. Please complete and send in the registration form that was sent home by October 11th, or quickly thereafter. More information is located on the Hawley PTA website which you can access from the Hawley website.
Contact Nancy White with any questions. nancygwhite@yahoo.com
Pure Generosity!!!
On behalf of the staff and students of Hawley School, I thank you!!
- Grade 3 is taking the OLSAT on October 15 and 17. Your student being rested, on time, and here all day (avoiding appointments) is greatly appreciated.
- We have begun signing late students in and signing out those leaving school early, in the Main Office as opposed to at the Security Desk. Parents will still check in at the security desk before waiting in the office, but this change is to assure that the main office remains aware of students that are entering or leaving the building.
Dates to Remember
- Mon, 10/14: Fire Prevention Day
- Mon-Fri, 10/21-25: Book Fair
- Wed-Fri, 10/23-25: 3 Hr Early Dismissal (12:37 PM): Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Thurs, 10/24: Evening Conferences
~ Funny Bones ~
From the Mouth of Babes
Mr. M was approached at the Ice Cream Social by a School Newspaper reporter.
"What is your favorite ice cream" the reporter inquired
"Pistachio" Mr. M replied
"That's not an ice cream" a youngster laughed
"It's a Disney movie"
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The Hawley School Website
Christopher Moretti
Email: morettic@hawley.k12.ct.us
Website: http://newtown.hawley.schooldesk.net/
Location: 29 Church Hill Road, Newtown, CT, United States
Phone: 203.426.7666