Wildwood Weekly
October 13, 2024
Conference Week is Here!
As we enter parent-teacher conference week, I want to share a few reminders:
- School dismissal is 12:15pm for all TK-5th Grade students every day this week. The traffic will be heavier than usual, so please plan accordingly and drive safely.
- Please arrive to your conference a few minutes early. To complete conferences for all of our students in 1 week, we need to schedule them back-to-back. One delayed arrival can affect several subsequent conferences, so please plan ahead and arrive early.
- To make the most of your conference time, we encourage you to come prepared with any questions or concerns you may have.
- During your conference, be open to feedback from teachers, and remember that we share a common goal – ensuring your child's success.
- After your conference, reflect on your child's progress, both academically and socially, and consider setting specific goals for the upcoming months.
Together, we can make these conferences productive and rewarding experiences for the benefit of your child's education.
Mr. Lynch
Congratulations to Michelle May for earning the distinction of CVUSD's Teacher of the Month! Wildwood is so fortunate to have a team filled with dedicated, caring professionals who pour their hearts into the students we serve, and Michelle is one of our shining stars who leads the way with gentleness, dedication, and compassion. Please join us in celebrating Michelle and the gift she is to our community.
Here is a link to the news article about the recognition on the CVUSD website.
- Important Dates -
October, 2024
10/14-18: Conference Week: Dismissal at 12:15pm for all students EVERY DAY THIS WEEK / NO ELO-P this week10/16: Unity Day - Wear Orange
10/16: Reflections Gallery Night at 6pm
10/17: PTA Food Night: Cisco's (See flier below)
10/21: No School: Local Holiday
10/25: Pep Rally, Lunch with the Principal, and Special Dress Day: Favorite Color Dress-up Day
10/25: FALL FEST from 5:00-8:00pm
10/28-11/1: Wellness Week
10/29: School Site Council (SSC) Meeting at 4pm
10/31: All Grades Costume Parade at 8:15am
11/1: No School
Helpful LINKS
Unity Day is Wednesday, October 16
Wear orange today to show your commitment to be kind to each other and work together as a united team. "Alone, we can do so little: Together, we can do so much." ~ Helen Keller
All Grades Costume Parade
Our Annual All Grades Costume Parade will begin at 8:20am on Thursday, October 31st. Parents are invited to stay after drop-off and watch the parade. This year, the parade will weave through each classroom, so parents may gather on one of our two upper blacktops to view the parade as it passes by.
As a reminder, student costumes must be school appropriate. Full face masks, blood or gore, and any type of weapon are not permitted. Also, since this year's parade will weave through the classrooms, we ask all students to avoid wearing inflatable costumes to school because they make it difficult to navigate the narrow twists and turns through the classrooms.
Any students who do not wish to participate in the parade will be provided an alternate activity.
We will NOT be pre-registering guests for the Costume Parade this year. Instead, we invite families to remain on campus after the 8:05am morning line-up bell. Those of you who arrive after gates are closed at 8:10am may enter campus through the front driveway bike gate which will be open on this morning for campus access.
We look forward to seeing you at our All Grades Costume Parade.
Volunteers Needed for Fall Fest
Make sure to mark your calendars for Fall Fest event on Friday, October 25 from 5-8pm. The games, bouncy houses, petting zoo, raffles, food, friends and fun will surely be a highlight of the year for your family.
In order for an event of this magnitude to come together, many volunteers are needed to lend a hand. We invite every Wildwood family to find a way to serve in some capacity by contributing to the event or working a shift at our Fall Fest. Even former students are invited to sign up to work the alumni booth or another volunteer position of their choosing.
- Click HERE to access the Fall Fest Newsletter
- To volunteer with set-up prior to the event or to take a shift during the event itself, please click HERE.
- To volunteer to bring baked goods, please click HERE.
Many hands make light work, so thank you in advance for lending a hand and playing a part in the success of this special Wildwood community event!
Mr. Lynch
- PTA News -
Spots Left in our Fall Family Portrait Fundraiser!
Our PTA is happy to announce the return of our Fall Family Portrait fundraiser! Local photographer Mary Anselmo of Lyfe Photos (www.lyfephotos.com) is offering our families a 25-minute mini-session for $150 & is generously giving 50% back to our PTA!
You will receive 3 high-resolution digital images of your choice with an option to purchase additional. Gallery images will be provided within 1 week of your session from which you will choose 3 images or an extended album option. Once decided, final photos will be provided within 2 weeks.
Sessions will take place November 2 & 3 from 11am-6pm at Wildflower Playfields (just west of the tennis courts). Please reserve your spot now on the attached link to Sign-Up Genius. Payment is due to the office by October 15 to guarantee your spot (cash or check of $150 made out to: Wildwood PTA).
Fall Family Portraits
Thank you for your support!
Your Wildwood PTA
Fall Fest Team Forming
FALL FESTIVAL! Our annual Fall Festival is just around the corner on Friday, October 25, and the planning is beginning NOW. We'd love to have you join us at our planning meetings on Fridays immediately after drop-off, beginning this Friday, September 13. There are jobs of all kinds so there is something for everyone. We hope to see you there! Any questions reach out to Tracy Yoder at tracyoder@gmail.com
- What: Fall Festival Planning Meetings
- When: Fridays (beginning September 13)
- Time: 8:15am
- Where: Room 21 (STEAM Classroom)
- Important CVUSD Information -
- School News -
Follow Us on Social Media
Wildwood Elementary has an official presence on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Click on each image below to access Wildwood's social media accounts. Be sure to like and follow to get an inside peek into daily happenings at Wildwood through videos, images, and reminders which are posted weekly by our Wildwood social media manager.
Visitors & Volunteers
Digital Backpack Fliers
Please click the "Digital Backpack" image to check if any new community fliers have been posted recently. Not all fliers will appear as images in our Wildwood Weekly newsletter, and we don't want you to miss out on community events, classes, or opportunities that are of interest to you. Fliers are organized under three tabs:
- School-Connected Organizations and Governmental Agencies
- Non-Profit Groups
- All Other Groups
From time to time, individuals or groups in the community will distribute information and advertisements to parents/guardians on the public sidewalks during school arrival or dismissal. This information is not affiliated or endorsed by Wildwood Elementary and CVUSD. Any approved communications (i.e. announcements, fliers) from Wildwood Elementary and CVUSD will be provided directly from the school to you via email, or given to your students to take home. If you ever are unsure whether or not materials are from Wildwood Elementary and CVUSD, please do not hesitate to contact the front office.
- Bell Schedule -
Wildwood Elementary
Email: klynch@conejousd.org
Website: www.conejousd.org/wildwood
Location: 620 Velarde Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA
Phone: 805-492-3531
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WildwoodTigers
Twitter: @WildwoodTigers
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wildwoodtigers/