May 31, 2024
Board of Education Meeting 7:00 PM 6/3/24
PTA Meeting 6/3/24
12:40 PM Dismissal 6/10/24
12:40 PM Dismissal 6/11/24
Sixth Grade Recognition 6/11/24
12:40 PM Dismissal - Last Day of School 6/12/24
Second graders are getting ready for the end of our math study! Students are exploring plane and solid figures. They have identified angles, sides, and vertices with hands-on exploration. Children have cut paper shapes, used geoboards, and created 3D figures. Second graders have found these geometric shapes in everyday life by completing a shape hunt around the school. The children are learning about equal shares and how to divide plane figures. Third grade, here we come!
Mrs. Collier
The fifth graders now have a deeper understanding of algebra and how to analyze patterns. Students learned to generate number sequences using given rules and then generalize the relationship between these numbers to further understand how data can be used to solve problems. The students then used this data to create ordered pairs and graphed the results. This concept will be used in sixth grade when the students begin working with independent and dependent variables. They will graph the relationship on the four quadrant coordinate grid.
Currently, the fifth graders are investigating triangles and quadrilaterals. They are learning to classify triangles not only by their sides, but by their angles as well. This content will be used again in sixth grade when learning how to find the area of parallelograms, rhombuses, triangles, and special quadrilaterals.
Mrs. Bickhardt
Sixth-grade math students completed the final math unit in their textbooks on "Data Analysis and Statistics". They learned how to identify statistical questions and to represent data with a histogram. They then learned about measures of center (mean, median, and mode) and variability (range, IQR, and Mean Absolute Deviation). Students determined if there were outliers in a data set and whether that data was symmetrical or had gaps. This information helped them decide which measures best represented a data set.
We will be finishing out the year by learning to be financially literate. Students will learn and practice these skills by following a hypothetical scenario of a recent college graduate. This student will need to decide which job offer is the best for them by analyzing cost of living indexes, moving expenses, payroll deductions, calculating taxes and analyzing apartment costs. We will discuss different types of wages, bank accounts, ATMs, debit and credit cards, simple/compound interest, and many other financial concepts. It will be eye-opening for students to see all that needs to be considered to make financially sound decisions and what adults need to consider as they earn money and pay their bills!
Mrs. Mahedy
On May 24th we had our annual Field Day. In the morning, all the students participated in a Den Rally where they got to watch some teachers compete in some Field Day activities. Everyone had a great time. After the Den Rally, the students participated in activities like Sponge Brigade, Ultimate Kickball, Tic Tac Toe Challenge, Roller Racer Races, Pizza Box Challenge, and so much more. During lunch, everyone got to enjoy a hot dog and watermelon outside for a picnic like lunch. After lunch, the students got to participate in some more Field Day activities. Towards the end of the school day the students got to sit and watch the annual 6th grade/staff kickball game. The weather was beautiful and everyone had an awesome time.
Mr. Tiberi
There are extra copies of the 2023-2024 yearbook for sale. These copies are first come first serve. Please send in either cash or check in the amount of $26.00 if you wish to purchase a yearbook. Any questions, please contact Kimberly Williams at 973-383-6635 or email at kimberly.williams@stillwaterschool.net