LISD School Newsletter

A Note from Dr. Martin
This is our last regular week of school with the Class of 2024. Next week, they are turning in final assignments, getting checked-off (officially!) on all the graduation requirements, finishing painting their senior quote on an outside wall and decorating their mortar boards, being celebrated by staff at the annual senior breakfast, and signing yearbooks one last time. On Tuesday, there is an awards ceremony and senior honors presentations. The week will culminate on Friday with a graduation rehearsal, a walk through the halls of both the secondary and elementary buildings in their caps and gowns while the rest of us cheer, AND ringing the bell at the end of the day...their very last day as LISD high school students. Graduation is the next day!
One of our graduation requirements is a senior presentation. Honors students plan and complete a more in-depth project and paper and present it to a wider audience next Tuesday. ALL seniors did a research project and presented it to the senior class and a committee of adults for evaluation this week. I was one of those lucky adults serving on the senior committee, and it was such an honor to watch each student step forward to explain what they learned about a research topic of their choice.
You have been reading the senior interviews in our weekly newsletter, and getting to know a little bit about the class of 2024, so I thought you might enjoy this diverse list of their research topics.
- History of the Lopez Island School District
- The Importance of Making School Trips More Inclusive
- The History and System of Holly B's Bakery
- The Seal of Biliteracy
- Communication and Public Safety for Students Moving Off Island for Work or School
- The Story of the Wolf Carving (that will be unveiled on Monday!)
- The Importance of Art in Society
- Starting Your Own Business
- Senior Citizen Connections
- Heritage Spanish Cookbook - a Cultural Legacy
- The History of the Chukchi People of Russia
Many of you reading this have younger students. In the blink of an eye, they will be choosing a topic for their own senior projects and presentation. I bet you are wondering what they will be interested in at that age...and so am I!
Have a lovely weekend.
All my best,
Upcoming Important Dates
- June 4: Academic & Character Awards Assembly - 8:45 am
- June 4: Senior Projects - starting at 10:15 am
- June 4: Elementary Arts Night MPR
- June 4: Financial Aid Night
- June 5: Athletic Awards Night presented by The PACK
- June 6 & 7: Washington Park Camp Out for grades 4, 5, & 6
- June 8: High School Graduation, 2 pm
- June 13: 6th grade promotion, 2 pm
- June 13: 8th grade graduation, 5:30 pm
- June 14: Kindergarten graduation, 2 pm
- June 17: Last Day of School!!!
- June 29: Second Annual Lopez Island Community Pride Celebration on June 29th sponsored by the Lopez Island School GSA club
Yearbook Payments Now Due
Good news! The Yearbooks are Here! All students get a yearbook! Yay! The wonderfully fantastic Lopez Island Parent Teacher Student Association (LIPTSA) raised funds at the outrageously successful LIPTSA Talent show this year to cover the cost of yearbooks for LISD families who qualify for free or reduced lunch. Woo-hoo! If your family does not qualify for free or reduced lunch we are asking that you pay for your child's yearbook now. Elementary yearbooks are $18 and secondary yearbooks are $37.
You may pay by cash, check, or credit card. For cash or check, please send in to 86 School RD Lopez Island, WA 98261 with a note that it is a yearbook payment for a specific student. Click here to pay by credit card.
Lopez Students Showcasing their Writing in Seattle
Lobo Unveiling on June 3
On Monday, June 3, Bryan and Manuel Coro - along with their mentor Bruce Richardson - will unveil the Lobo statue that was recently installed in the grassy area between the secondary and elementary buildings. The Coro brothers worked on on this project on Saturdays all year and are excited to present it as a gift to the school. The unveiling ceremony will happen during the Learning Lab period, around 11:25 am. All are invited!
Lopez Students AP Art Show June 1
Claim your Missing Items from Lost & Found!
Please ask your student to look through the Lost & Found before the end of the year. There is a Lost & Found pile in Elementary & Secondary buildings. All remaining items at the end of the year will be donated.
Final Drama Presentations
Drama students will be presenting their final projects in class on Tuesday, June 4, from approximately 1pm to 1:30 in Room 8. Family, friends and staff are invited to attend and celebrate their great work!
School Gym is Getting Refinished this Weekend!
A huge shout out and thank you to The Pack for raising the funds for the gym refinishing. Our school gym is well used throughout the year and this was well needed!
Time to Return School Library Books!
This week marks the last week of book checkouts to students. All books are due back to the library by Wednesday, June 5. Please remind your student/s to return their books! Your support in this effort is greatly appreciated. If you have questions, please contact Deirdre at dsteinbrueck@lopezislandschool.org.
Student Devices Need to be Returned
Important Reminder: All secondary student devices need to be turned in by Thursday, June 13th. If your student fails to turn their device in by the required time, the device will be locked and the student account will be charged for the full replacement of the device and peripherals.
Damaged devices will be repaired over the summer. If your family has not purchased the optional computer insurance, the charge of the repair will be applied to your student's Qmlativ account.
Summer Sports Physical Appointments Available!
Vaccine Clinics at the LIFRC
The Public health nurse is offering Vaccine Clinics at the Family Resource Center over the summer. The dates are: June 4, July 9, August 12, and August 29. Please make an appointment online here or call 360-374-4474. An appointment made at least 24 hours in advance is necessary.
Community Service Hours Opportunity in August
Lopez Uncovered Music festival is looking for students interested in community service hours or anyone who would enjoy volunteering. On August 2nd & 3rd they need help making signs, helping run booths, setup, cleanup etc. If you are interested please email Jenny Poole at jenny.lumf@gmail.com
Sports Camps Sign Ups Open!
The Lopez Pack is offering summer sports camps again this year. Sign up here!
LIFRC Summer Camps - Registration Opens Soon!
Registration is open today at 9 PM for the LIRFC Summer Camps. Check out the entire Summer Camp lineup here. Summer camps available for tots, elementary students, and middle schoolers!
Elementary Arts Night - June 4
Financial Aid Night - June 4
Futures NW will be partnering with us on a Financial Aid Night on June 4 and providing a presentation over Zoom. Time is 6:30 - 8:00 pm. There will be an English presentation in Isaac Berg's room (number 9) and a Spanish presentation in Al Torres' room (number 1) with interpreters available to help with questions. This presentation will be most relevant for students and families in 11th grade, but anyone is invited to come if they are interested in hearing about how the process for financial aid college and post-high school training programs works.
School Meals Next Week
Lopez Island School District
Brady Smith, Superintendent
Martha Martin, K-12 Principal
The Lopez Island School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employee(s) has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator, and Title IX Coordinator Brady Smith, HR Specialist ; Section 504, Mary Fordham. OR contact by phone, 360-468-2202, OR mail to 86 School Rd, Lopez Island, WA 98261.