Wildcat Weekly: Incoming K Edition!
First Day of School for Students is Thursday, September 5th
Welcome to our newest Hurld Wyman Wildcat cubs!
We are so excited to welcome our incoming Kindergarten students and families. This newsletter is jam packed with information regarding the logistics for the first two days of school for Kindergarten as well as information once we get the ball rolling and class placement decision are solidified for Monday, September 9th.
Kindergarten only schedule:
Thursday, September 5th: 9am -12:30pm, lunch served
Friday, September 6th: 9am-12:30pm, lunch served
No need to bring school supplies on the first two days. It is much easier to send them with your student once we have classroom teacher assignments communicated.
Important Info for a Smooth Start! ARRIVAL & DISMISSAL
Morning Drop Off in Cars
There is no parking or waiting in front of the school in the morning. This is a drop and go area. If you wish to remain with your child, or walk your child to the door, you must park.
When dropping students off at the front of the school, please abide by the following procedures to help ensure the safety of all:
Cars enter and exit on Wyman Street.
Stay in your car.
Pull all the way up the driveway.
Only use the drop area if your child is able to independently get out of the car and close the door. If your child cannot do this, please park so that you are able to safely help your child.
Neighborhoods: Please be respectful of our neighbors. Do not block driveways, and make sure emergency vehicles can still pass when deciding on a parking spot.
Drop off starts at 8:15. The school day starts at 8:25. There are staff members at each entrance ready to welcome your student during this time.
Kindergarten: enter and exit through classroom doors. Mrs. Carney and Mrs. Murphy are on the Lowell St. side of the building. Mrs. Connors and Mrs. Hecht are on the Wyman St. side of the building. Kindergarten dismisses at 2:45.
Bus/Van arrival & dismissal:
Bus tags will be provided on the first day for all students K-2 and should be worn or secured to backpacks. Bus attendance will be taken by staff in the afternoon each day. Parents are encouraged to track the bus stop timing with the BusRight app. Once you have designated which route number your student takes, they will be entered into the system and you will be provided login information.
Buses and vans will park in the Lowell St. alcove and be greeted by staff. Bus students enter and exit through the main office doors.
Afternoon Pick Up in Cars:
The traffic flow in the afternoon is to enter on Wyman St. and exit on Lowell St. Live parking is allowed along the curb. Please don’t block staff cars in. There are many days where professional development meetings are off-site after school.
Absences, Tardies, Change in Dismissal
School Absences and Tardies: Please call the school if your child is absent or tardy. Our absentee line is open 24/7 to leave a message. It is essential that we can account for all students everyday. If we cannot reach a contact at home, our WPS Attendance Officer with the Woburn Police Department will be dispatched. If your child arrives after 8:25am, escort your student to the main office vestibule and sign-in. This allows the student to go directly to class and not miss any additional instruction time.
Early & Change in Dismissals: It is disruptive to the students and their learning when we interrupt the classrooms to inform the teachers of changes in dismissal plans. If possible, please try to limit these changes. However, we understand that plans do change. On those rare occasions, please call the office prior to 2:30pm so that the teacher and the child can receive the information prior to when the classroom dismissal procedures are underway. Your child will be dismissed according to the regular dismissal plan if we do not receive notice of a change.
If your child needs to be dismissed early, please send in a note. Please attempt to make all appointments after outside of school hours. Take into consideration that students will be called from classroom instruction once the adult picking up has signed the student out at the main office.
Report Cards, Progress Reports, and Specialist Classes
Report Cards & Progress Reports: Standard-based report cards are distributed 3 times per year. In addition, progress reports are sent home 3 times a year. Report cards are posted in PowerSchool and progress reports come home in paper form.
Parent Conferences: There are two scheduled parent conferences per year which can be scheduled in-person, virtually, or by phone. In addition, teachers are available to meet with you by appointment as needed throughout the year.
Specialists: Your student will have the following special classes:
Art – 45 minutes weekly
Health – 45 minutes every other week
Music – 45 minutes weekly
Library – 45 minutes every other week
Physical Education – 45 minutes weekly
Before the Bell
PTO Notes
The Hurld Wyman PTO Spirit Wear store-Hurld Wyman Spiritwear
PTO meetings are held monthly via Zoom. Plan to check out the PTO table at Back to School Night to sign up for a committee and help!
PTO Email: hurldwymanpto@gmail.com
Save the Dates
- September 5: First Day of School!
- September 12: Back to School Night, 6-8pm.
- September 18: Early Release Day, 12:30pm.
- October 9: Early Release Day, 12:30pm
- October 11: Picture Day
- October 14: No School, Indigenous Peoples' Day
Hurld Wyman Elementary
Email: kmaloney@woburnps.com
Website: www.woburnpublicschools.com/hurld-wyman
Location: 39 Wyman St, Woburn, MA, USA
Phone: 781-937-8243
Twitter: @HurldWymanWu