St Thomas' News
14 November 2019
Dear God
We thank you for your love and your promise to be with us.
At school or work, at rest or play, help us feel near to you
and to hear your voice.
Guide us to always do our best in every situation and
to love one another.
Friday 15 November – Y1 Assembly
Saturday 16 November – School Parish Mass - KG & Y2
Monday 18 November – Kindy 2020 Orientation
Tuesday 19 November - Y6 Surfing
Wednesday 20 November - Y4 Parish Mass
Friday 22 November - PP Assembly
Monday 25 November - Swimming lessons commence PP - Y6
Tuesday 26 November - AGM, school library 6 pm
Wednesday 27 November - Kindy farmyard incursion
Dear St. Thomas' Community,
The end of the year is a busy time for schools and families as we wrap up everything that has been completed during the year and prepare for the next journey into 2020. It is often difficult during this time to focus on our wellbeing or most importantly the wellbeing of our children as we busily go about our days. The staff are constantly looking for ways to support our children to be well. This encompasses all areas of wellness including the physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual health of our students. This is an enormous task, but one our staff except graciously as they know that only a well child can learn. As we come to the end of the year, I would like to thank all of the staff for the way they care for your children.
God Bless
Mitchell Bristow
We are migrating!
Yr 5 Zoo
The Year Five class went to Perth Zoo and stayed there overnight. When we got there they did a race to save to learn about endangered animals. After that we had a sausage sizzle and got ready to do some fun activities. There were two different activities that we got to do. One of them was learning about endangered animals and the other was making enrichments for the Capuchins and the Lemurs. Later on we went for a night tour of the zoo were we were very lucky to see the Porcupines and a Rhinoceros up close. In the morning we got to give the enrichment to the animals and see their reactions.
By Lilly Cribb and Ashlee Bennett.
Fr Wayne’s Birthday
Please join with me wishing Fr Wayne the happiest birthday on Saturday. We are blessed to have such a kind and caring young man as our Parish Priest so join us at the Community Mass on Saturday the 16th of November to sing Happy Birthday to him.
Kindy 2020
Today we welcomed the parents of our Kindy students joining us in 2020. It is a great opportunity for new parents to meet each other and the Kindy staff. We thank our existing Kindy parents for supplying a delicious morning tea.
Yr 6 Regionals Finals Cricket
Congratulations to our Year 6 Cricket Team who today were the regional finals winner's of the 2019-20 Yr 5 & 6 Woolworths Cricket Blast School Cup. We are all very proud of you!
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Congratulations to the Year 3 children that received their First Reconciliation Sacrament last Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th November. The children were well prepared and their feedback was very uplifting, after they said they felt happy and at peace with themselves. We thank Father Wayne for making this such a positive experience for the children. He gave them each a gift of Rosary Beads which that will assist them in strengthening their faith and prayer life. The Sacrament of Reconciliation, is the modern name for First Confession. The focus of the Sacrament is about living in ‘right relationship’ with God, yourself and others. Making good choices is an important part of growing up and the gift of God’s grace can help young people to understand choices and consequences. Reconciliation is a beautiful sacrament; may we all find the courage to experience this grace from God regularly.
Mrs Sullivan
AGM 2019
St Vincent De Paul Christmas Hampers and Romily House
Thank you for the families who have made generous donations for this appeal. The Mini Vinnies team has been busy wrapping the presents for Romily House to take with us next week when the School Choir visits to perform their annual Christmas Concert.
The gifts are very thoughtful and will brighten the Christmas of those in our community less fortunate. Thank you!
Donations can be made until Wednesday of Week 9. 🌟🌟
Envision Hands
I will be delivering our donation tomorrow afternoon.
Hopefully we will reach 1000 lids and that will be enough to make 2 artificial hands for children in need.
Thank you, thank you, thank you !!
Love Chloe
Early Years Outdoor Classroom
As part of National Outdoor Classroom Day our Early Childhood Kindergarten to Year 2 participated in this great event.
We started the day coming together for a big book reading We’re Going on a Bear Hunt that talks about different environments children must travel through to find the bear. Then we continued with a range of fun, outdoor activities such as water play, damper making, collage making, flower arranging and making tents and cubby houses with natural bush resources and engineering with pipes and loose parts.
Outdoor Classroom Day was a big success for our Junior Primary students. Not only were the children expanding on their problem solving, creativity and social skills they were also forming joyful and wonderful memories that they will always treasure.
Extend Before & After School Care
Monday- AM: Kid Fit PM: Musical Chairs/ Playing the Piano/ talent Show- singing and Dancing
Tuesday- AM: Kid Fit - Stretching, Colour Ball Nose and Toes tag PM: Yoga Session Wednesday- AM: Kid Fit -Nose & Toes tag, Frozen tag, Pick the Deck PM: Magic with Alyssa Thursday- AM: Kid Fit - Frozen tag, Pick the Deck PM: Chocolate Chip cooking activity, gardening
Friday- AM: Kid Fit - Cardio and Strength- Fun with Focus PM: Treasure Hunt, Card Making
The Extend Superstars are… Jewel Grosse for her amazing piano playing skills and performance! Jewel practiced a piano recital and performed this for all of us at STC extend. Caleb Rowe for his awesome work in creating inventions out of recycled materials! Caleb worked super hard to create a ‘box man’ suit out of different recycled materials. Alyssa Nelson for showcasing her brilliant magic tricks! Alyssa had all the children engaged in her performance and even had the educators confused and intrigued at her magic trick!
What have we been up to this week? We have had so much fun this week at Extend! We have continued our successful KidFit program in before school care. In after school care we have been super busy with preparations for our open afternoon! Our open afternoon this term is a restaurant themed ‘Gilbies Cafe’. The children have all been working hard at creating placemats for their parents to use and we have begun deciding on children’s different cafe roles for the day and mapping out the layout of our restaurant. Everyone is invited, please come and dine with us on the 5th of December- Thursday 4:30 pm onwards. (Invitation and menu below).
We love it when the children showcase their talents to us at Extend. We also had a special piano performance from Erin, Jewel and Mimi. We have been encouraging the children to be sustainable and use recycled materials to create and invent different things. Caleb has been very enthusiastic about this and has created many inventions using our recycled materials box, including a ‘box man’ suit!
St Thomas' Community Partners
St Thomas' Primary School
Email: admin@stthomas.wa.edu.au
Website: stthomas.wa.edu.au
Location: 8 Warden Street Claremont WA 6010
Phone: (08 9286 9500
Facebook: www.facebook.com/stthomasprimaryschoolclaremont
Twitter: @StThomasCPS