October 4, 2024
Port Gardner Newsletter
October 4, 2024
Campus Safety and First Aid is a Priority...
Every school year EPS staff revisits our campus safety procedures. Due to the nature of our program, reviewing our safety guidelines is required for all of our parent-teachers. Thank you for partnering with us!
#1. Carefully read the Safety Power Point - click on the banner above
#2. Look for the link to the Safety Survey at the end of the Power Point
#3. Take the Safety Survey by the deadline
#4. Check your answers to make sure you receive 100% on the survey by clicking View Results.
#5. If you did not get 100%, review the Power Point and retake the survey until you get 100%
*Completing this survey is required and must be done on time for signing up for 2nd semester classes in the first round.
PGS Communications Coming Via Parent Square
Parent Square Communications & Scheduling
Hello PGS Parents, You may have seen our weekly newsletter sent through Parent Square. I will be sending it by email and Parent Square for a few weeks as we fully transition to Parent Square for our school communication.
- Please let me know asap if you are not getting the Friday PGS newsletter email from Parent Square.
- There are three ways of receiving Parent Square notifications: Email, text or app notifications.
- Click on the banner above for the Parent Square webpage.
- Parent Square FAQ page: https://www.everettsd.org/Page/42708
Grade 1 & 2 Oral Reading Fluency Assessments Coming October 8 -10
- Oct 5 - PRs received after noon today will be marked Overall Unsat
- Oct. 7 - Welcome to PG 12:15 - 1:15
- Oct 8-10 - Oral Reading Fluency Grades 1&2 - No Johnson Classes.
- Oct 11 -Staff Professional Development Day - No Classes Today
- Oct 14, 21 - Welcome to PG 12:15 - 1:15
- Oct 18 - Progress Report Processing - No Classes Today
- Oct 23 - Picture Retake Day
- Nov 1 - Progress Due
- Nov 5 - PRs received after noon today will be marked Overall Unsat
- Nov 11 - Veteran's Day - No School Today
- Nov 15 - Progress Report Processing - No Classes Today
- Nov 27-29 - Thanksgiving Break - No School Today
Each month Everett Public School publishes a newsletter with information pertaining to all of our of our schools. The link to the monthly newsletters are below:
Port Gardner Pics
Thank you Ms. Sherry for the fun carrots!
Mrs. Hinds' Classes
How many shoes can the centipede give away?
Mrs. Johnson's Classes
Mrs. Johnson's Art of Architecture students apply shading!
Mrs. Johnson's K -1 Wood & Paper students doing hands on projects with wood shapes
All dressed up and excited for school!
Mrs. Bailey's Classes
Mrs. Bailey's science students experimenting to find out
"Where does the gas in the bath bomb come from?"
Fall leaf prints!
Mrs. Wight's Classes
Mrs. Wight's ELA students visit to the Sequoia library to browse books for independent reading and learn how to use the Destiny Library system.
Mrs. Wight's PreAP ELA kids making predictions about a text based on vocab words they sorted into categories.
Nice work students!
Attendance Email: pgsattendance@everettsd.org or call 425-385-5105
cc your student's teachers too
Be ready with the following:
Student’s First & Last Name
Your relationship to the student
Reason for Absence
Attendance Email: pgsattendance@everettsd.org
Updates for Breakfast & Lunch
Click on the banner above for details on Lunch & Breakfast
Breakfast served from 9 - 15 am
Lunch served 11:20-11:45 am
All students need active parent supervision for breakfast & lunch
Lunch food service ends at 11:45am and cafeteria closes at 11:50am
No cost lunch for enrolled students
Need to find a AR level?
Here is the Book Finder: https://www.arbookfind.com/UserType.aspx?RedirectURL=%2fdefault.aspx
ALE How To's Below
This includes the Description of each class (onsite and at home), Materials Used, Learning Activities, Methods of Evaluation, and the Learning Goals for your student for this year.
Contact Us:
Jack Roy, Principal: jroy@everettsd.org 425-385-5190
Autumn Slater, School Counselor: aslater@everettsd.org 425-385-5110
Megan Slaker, Secretary: mslaker@everettsd.org 425-385-5150
Mandy Trimble, Para Educator: atrimble@everettsd.org 425-385-5180
Audra Van Volkenburg, Health Room Nurse: avanvolkenburg@everettsd.org 425-385-5158
Allison Hinds, Primary Teacher: ahinds@everettsd.org 425-385-5183
Celeste Johnson, Primary Teacher: cjohnson@everettsd.org 425-385-5183
Jocelyn Sievers-Bailey, Intermediate Teacher: Jsievers-bailey@everettsd.org 425-385-5186
Laura Wight, High School Teacher: lwight@everettsd.org 425-385-5141
Mark Ryder, High School Teacher: mryder@everettsd.org 425-385-5142
Sherm Iversen, Online Instructor: siversen@everettsd.org 425-385-5144
Archived Important Articles Below
Thank you for your time and attention in reading through the Port Gardner Newsletter.
Questions? Contact Megan Slaker at mslaker@everettsd.org
Phone: 425-385-5150