1st grade Busy Bee Classroom News
with Mrs. Berry
WEEK OF January 28th
Teasley Vision Statement:
Fancy Nancy Word of the Week
Forge: Make or shape a metal object by heating it and hammering it
Lewis and Clark
We are finishing our 3rd IB unit. In this unit, we have learned about geography and how geography influences our communities. We have learned about Lewis and Clark and their expedition into unknown land. To keep track of all of the amazing sights they saw, they kept a journal. One way you can do this at home is to bird watch as a family! Bird watching is an ideal way to get the whole family outdoors and involved. Buy a field journal to help identify birds and keep a family log of all the birds you spot or take or draw pictures and start a family bird-watching scrapbook complete with images.
Here is a fun landform memory game: https://matchthememory.com/mrpolum Or for more difficulty try: https://jeopardylabs.com/play/1st-grade-landforms
Six Flags Reading Logs
Six Flags reading logs are due this week!
Curriculum Corner
Ask me what I’m learning!
Math- How do I compare numbers?
Writing- How do I write an opinion writing piece?
Daily 5/Language Arts- What is the central message of the story?
Phonics- What are letters and letter blends? How do I read and write familiar sight words? IB Unit: Geography influences our community.
Writing Conventions: How do I use capitalization for names and dates?
IB Unit: The Hills are Alive/ Who we Are
Central Idea: Geography influences our community
Learner Profile Traits:
Open Minded
Lines of Inquiry
-Earth has many features
-Circumstances determine where people live
-Humans investigate the unknown in various ways
How can you help at home?
Another way to support our students is to discuss our IB learner profiles. This week, discuss being knowledgeable. Encourage your child to share what they have learned so far this year. Prompt them to explain their thinking (i.e. more than just “reading books”).
Encourage them at home to be reflective by:
-Discussing how their ideas of exploration has changed over the course of the unit.
- Discuss which IB learner profile your child utilized the most during the new unit?
-Encourage your child to think about what they have learned so far this year—how are these units connected? What have you learned about the world around you?
Encourage them at home to be open-minded by: -
Discussing how the exploration of new land might change your perspective -Discuss how people would work together, trust others, and/or take someone else’s advice -Ask your child to think of ways they can listen and learn from others. Being open minded embodies the ability to do this!
Encourage them at home to be knowledgeable by:
Discussing land-forms with you and where they are located (I.e. Valleys are located in between mountains) -Discussing Lewis, Clark, and Sacagawea - Describe the Corps of Discovery and the difficulties of the journey they experienced.
Specials for the Week
Learning Lab
February 1st: All Pro-Dads
February 8th: Sweetheart Dance
February 14th: Valentine Grams
February 15th: Dress Down $1
Valentine's Day
Here is our class list:
- Oliver
- Praniksha
- Elena
- Nishi
- Eliyah
- Ava
- Lane
- Xavier
- Sebastian
- Cordarrius
- Janael
- Harrison
- Olivia
- Gabby
- Addison
- Melanie
- Cade
- Alexia
- Sage
- Mahaswin
- Aliza
Berry's Busy Bees
Email: tara.berry@cobbk12.org
Website: https://berrysbusybees.blogspot.com/
Location: Teasley Elementary School, Spring Hill Parkway, Smyrna, GA, USA
Phone: (770) 437-5945
Learning Websites
Cobb Digital Library Login
To login use your Office 365 login: firstname.lastname@students.cobbk12.org
password: read
RAzKids Login
passsword: read