Shorian Nation eNews
May 26, 2024
Featured Story
Special Education Graduation
We celebrated 9 graduates from our MoCI and MiCI Special Education programs from the Class of 2024 at Lake Shore High School.
Teachers Mr. Carney, Mrs. Gaigalas, and Mrs. Fain shared congratulatory remarks while graduates received individual recognition for their achievements, the Pomp and Circumstance processional, Women's Chamber Choir performances, staff and students spoke about their own favorite memories which are also illustrated in a slideshow highlighting the year’s achievements.
Superintendent Dr. DiPonio shared, "I am inspired by everything that you do. You are everything that is good about public education." He went on to list several P2 character strengths and explained that these students, both graduates and Senior leaders, are everything we need in the world.
Principal Dr. Bross officially performed the tassel ceremony, declaring these students graduates of Lake Shore High School, symbolized by the moving of the tassel from right to left.
Students looked beautiful, adorned in their graduation regalia and celebrated this day with staff, friends, and family at Lake Shore High School's auditorium.
Congratulations Amiyah Stevenson, Austin Levites, Cassidy Mathieau, Derrek Sturdivant, Mary Faith Linck, Precious Lee, Thomas Brown, Tyler Williams, and Victoria Nikonchuk!
Featured Events
Memorial Day
Memorial Day honors those who died in service to our nation.
Congratulations to the following Shorians from Lake Shore High School who will serve in the following branches:
United States Air Force
Owen Fromius
United States Navy
Paityn Englehart
LSHS 101st Commencement Ceremony Reminders
With a weather prediction of 81 degrees and partly cloudy on Saturday, June 1st Lake Shore High School’s Class of 2024 101st Commencement Ceremony will be held outdoors on our athletic field at 10am.
How do I get tickets? When and where is the convocation event? What about parking? Here are a few things to keep in mind:
Tickets: Because there is ample seating in our stadium, no tickets will be necessary to enter. All are welcome.
Student Report Time: Students must report by 9:15am to the Crellin gym in order to get their announcement cards, get their pronunciation correct for the counselors, and get lined up. Do not be late or you will be left behind.
Announcement Order: Students will not be seated in alphabetical order. The past few years, we allowed students to select where they sit so they can be near friends and those they are comfortable with. The Class of 2024 has opted to keep that new tradition going.
Doors Open: Doors to the stadium will be open to the public at 8am. Ceremony begins promptly at 10am.
Reserving Seats: Once doors are open, all seating is first come, first serve. However, we ask that you refrain from saving seats. In order to maximize the number of guests able to sit and enjoy the ceremony, we ask that our guests please be mindful of where they are placing their feet, purses, and other belongings.
Additional Seating On Track: There are a few areas in the bleachers that are wheelchair accessible. However, to better serve our guests with wheelchairs, walkers, other medical devices, or medical conditions that prevent them from getting into the stands, we will have seating available for them and the family they are with to sit on track level. Please know that this seating is limited and will prioritized for those with wheelchairs, walkers, or a medical issue that prevents them from entering the bleachers will be allowed access. However, once the bleachers are filled, these seats will be open to all guests.
Parking: The staff lot on the west end of the building, closest to the stadium, will be completely reserved for those who have valid handicap parking tags. All other guests are asked to park in our student lot on the east end of the building or at Kennedy Middle School for the shuttle service. Assuming the weather prior to graduation day cooperates, we will have some grass parking available behind the school which can be accessed from the student parking lot.
Shuttle Service: Beginning at 8:30am, we will have shuttles available running between the student lot and the stadium for guests that do not have handicap parking but may still need some assistance traveling that distance. Just wave down the friendly golf cart driver for a lift! Shuttle service is also available from KMS to the stadium and return shuttle after the ceremony!
Photos: Professional photos from Stewart Fine Portraits will be released after special events and available for free download. Visit https://www.stewartfineportraits.com to access all special event photography.
Free Livestream: Friends and family near and far can watch our live Commencement Ceremony from the comfort of home at https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/.../lake-shore.../evt84ee8008c8
End-of-Year Celebrations
Are you, a friend or family member celebrating at these Lake Shore events? We want to see your posts and photos. Please use #LakeShore24 to be a part of our news feeds.
Please save the dates for the following ceremonies:
Lake Shore High School Honors Night
Thursday, May 30th at 6:30pm
LSHS Auditorium
101st LSHS Commencement Ceremony
Saturday, June 1st at 10:00am
John U'ren Stadium
Class of 2024 Senior Memory DVD and Graduation DVD preorder information
6th Grade Awards
Wednesday, June 5th at 2:30pm
Kennedy Middle School Gym
7th Grade Awards
Thursday, June 6th at 2:30pm
Kennedy Middle School Gym
North Lake High School Commencement Ceremony
Thursday, June 6th at 6:30pm
Lake Shore High School Auditorium
8th Grade Awards
Monday, June 10th at 7:00pm
Lake Shore High School Auditorium
Masonic Heights Elementary 5th Grade Celebration
Monday, June 10th at 5:30pm
John U'ren Stadium
Violet Elementary Kindergarten Celebration
Tuesday, June 11th at 2pm
Violet Elementary Gym
Masonic Heights Elementary Kindergarten Celebration
Tuesday, June 11th at 1:30pm
Masonic Heights Elementary Gym
Rodgers Elementary Kindergarten Celebration
Tuesday, June 11th at 2pm
Rodgers Elementary Gym
Violet Elementary 5th Grade Celebration
Tuesday, June 11th at 6:00pm
John U'ren Stadium
Rodgers Elementary 5th Grade Celebration
Wednesday, June 12th at 10:00am
Rodgers Elementary Cafeteria
Follow Lake Shore High School, North Lake High School, Kennedy Middle School, Masonic Heights Elementary, Rodgers Elementary, Violet Elementary All-Stars, and Lake Shore Early Childhood Center on social media for specific details from building principals.
Whether in the classroom, on the stage, in the studios, on the playing fields, our Shorians from PreK-12th grade always make us proud.
Open Enrollment
Enrollment for the 2024-25 School Year
Lake Shore Public Schools provides an exceptional education for all 3,339 students in a safe and nurturing environment. Our students are empowered to excel in an evolving global society, supported by the collaborative effort of staff, families, and community.
From preschool through our graduating seniors, Lake Shore students are a part of a strong school system that works hard every day for the benefit of our students. Our guiding principles, Inspiration, Innovation, and Celebration, are woven into the fabric of everything we do.
Enroll as a new resident or schools of choice student for the 2024-25 school year by visiting http://lakeshoreschools.org/enrollment/enroll. Please email Enrollment@lsps.org with any questions.
We are more than a school district. We are a Lake Shore family.
Stay Updated
Bond Update
Lake Shore has a strong legacy of being excellent stewards of the community’s resources. We are committed to provide you with bond updates as we continue to prioritize our students' future.
- A Reimagined Lake Shore High School (5/2024)
- Lunar Landing Playground Installation (4/2024)
- Spring 2024 Mailer (3/2024)
- District Hub, the Gateway to Lake Shore (3/2024)
- Sled Hill: Mt. Lake Shore (1/2024)
- Kindergarten Nostalgia (1/2024)
- Barton Malow Partners with Building Renovation Class (12/2023)
- 60 Second Video Update (10/2023)
- Bond Updates - Fall 2023 Mailer (last updated 9/29/2023)
- Bond Updates - Construction Presentation (8/9/2023)
- Bond Building-Specific Boards
- Bond Overview and Schedule
- Project List
To learn more about the bond, please visit the Lake Shore Public Schools' website.
Stay Informed
Upcoming Events
Shorian Testimonials
Care Solace
For Mental Health Awareness Month, we have an opportunity to break the stigma around mental health in our campus by talking openly, compassionately, and kindly to each other. No one should ever struggle alone.
School staff are the backbone of student well-being, but remember that you also can’t pour from an empty cup.
During Mental Health Awareness Month, NAMI joins the mental health community to reaffirm our commitment to building our understanding of mental illness, increasing access to treatment and ensuring those who are struggling know they are not alone.
If you or someone you know wants to be connected to a mental health care provider, contact Care Solace, a complimentary and confidential mental health care coordination service provided by Lake Shore Public Schools:
-Call 888-515-0595. Multilingual support is available 24/7/365.
-Visit www.caresolace.com/lsps and either search on your own OR click “Book Appointment” for assistance by video chat, email, or phone.
Don’t hesitate to ask for help, use the resources around you, and never give up hope.
Positivity Project
P2 Calendar
Under the guiding principles of our districtwide initiative, the Positivity Project, the #PositivityInAction mindset is our top priority. Because of our goal to inspire students to build positive relationships and become their best selves, we invite you to follow this Positivity Project Calendar. Note: We have made a few changes to this calendar; All adjustments are located on our District Events Calendar.
People with the character strength of friendship have a relationship of mutual affection, trust, and support between them.
Shorians friendships can be found on the soccer field, or inside the classroom. Friends bring more happiness into our lives, providing comfort and joy, and should be reminded of their positive impact.
We've never seen so much support for friends than from classmates who sat on the sidelines and watched their Masonic Heights superspellers, cheerleaders, or Legend the wrestler perform.
Sophomore Sarah Ostlund met her best friend Senior JT Myers of 6 months through a mutual friend. She explained, "We enjoy sitting in class and chilling together. It is that simple. We hope to stay in touch after JT graduates from North Lake High School."
By definition, connectedness is a feeling of belonging to or having affinity with a particular person or group. This connectedness is accomplished through your enrollment in our Shorian Nation.
Some days we wish we could go back in life. Not to change anything, but to feel a few things twice. Our Class of 2024 can reminisce about skating sessions, fun fairs, 6th grade camp, dances, favorite teachers, riding the bus, and many other firsts through photographs.
Thomas Kulpa's favorite memory was sharing these words of wisdom with his baseball team: Aim to hit the ball as an absolute value of X. Tom is on track to become this year's Valedictorian. As a spectator, MIchael Livi still remembers watching Lake Shore sink a game-winning bucket this year in a basketball game against Lakeview.
Vance Rutledge enjoyed the Washington D.C. trip when he was in middle school while Joe Quinn fondly remembers Mr. Gardiner rewarding him with a special lunch for turning in a great book report in 4th grade.
During her sophomore year, Emily Koniecki filmed a music video for her Intro to Media class. She dressed as Troy Bolton from High School Musical and danced around at Veterans Memorial Park to earn that A on the assignment.
Bonus: Congratulations to Lake Shore High School Senior Giana Fett, recognized at the Macomb County All-Academic Awards Banquet in April!
Her Shoreline biography reads: Giana Fett, Senior, has attended Lake Shore High School for two years and is 17 years old. Fett previously went to Lakeview High School for her other two years of high school. Her hobbies include reading, lifting weights, and shopping. She also likes to ride and go on walks in her free time. Her plans for the future are traveling and someday becoming an accountant. Fett is planning to attend the University of Michigan next fall to continue her studies in finance and business.
That's a wrap! We look forward to seeing all of our character strengths displayed during the upcoming 2024-25 school year and celebrating our Shorian Nation at these end-of-year parties!
Shorians for the Day
Our experienced, dedicated Shorians at Lake Shore High School are here to help new students learn more about our school and experience a high level of personal and highly detailed conversations as they move from place to place.
We call this Shorians for the Day and we have 30 of them!
There were LSHS student tour guides today matched with both new-to-Lake-Shore students and current Kennedy Middle Schoolers. We appreciate all of their wisdom as they helped future Shorians learn more.
Mason Schornak was matched with Ronnie Watson, both baseball players. Mason looked forward to seeing how Lake Shore worked, meeting the teachers, and walking through our bustling hallways. Anthony Traver hung out with Arien Gianetti, a friend since 6th grade. They both enjoy sports and that similarity made for an instant connection.
Dominic Edge paired with his sister Lina Edge, current 8th and 11th graders. They are both looking forward to the high school experience together next year.
It’s no secret – the best way for you to get to know Lake Shore is to spend time here. We are so grateful for the opportunity to show you around.
If you would like to visit the high school or another building within the district, please reach out to the school directly to schedule a tour. We all know you’re never a Shorian for the day. It is a lifetime kind of deal.
Middle School Tour Day
The transition to Kennedy Middle School from Masonic Heights Elementary, Rodgers Elementary, Violet Elementary may feel overwhelming. New school. New schedule. New friends. To help our incoming 5th graders adjust to this new normal, we held a Tour Day at KMS.
On their small group tour, 8th graders shared 15 most important components of middle school which included procedures, timelines, and locations.
Eighth grader Raelyn Walbecq volunteered to lead small groups of 6th graders. She said, "My first group was quiet and my next was chatty with a lot of questions.” She showed them the 6th grade wing, media center, lunchroom, exploratory classes, and shared her favorite part of middle school which was dissecting a chicken wing!" Her advice for the newcomers was to not start drama.
Over time, those 3 middle school years transform from anxiety to excitement. It is the atmosphere at this special school where students learn to adapt, develop skills of independence and responsibility, and prepare for new opportunities.
Thank you Principal Mr. Johnson, Assistant Principal Mr. Gaffigan, Dean of Students Ms. Kubiak and KMS staff for your leadership, kindness, and extraordinary patience as you foreshadowed what's to come in the next school year with your friendly demeanors and understanding mindset.
Bonus: Class of 2022's Chandler Fox and Class of 2018's Alex Salerno visited Mrs. Tharme's AP English Literature students at Lake Shore High School to deliver advice about the transition from high school, importance of friendships, and tips for stress management. We appreciate our alumni who share valuable insights with current students. Good luck to Chandler who is pursuing a degree in Education and to Alex who graduated from Central Michigan University as a Theatre major.
Grease the Musical
We are so appreciative of our actors and actresses from Lake Shore High School who performed a matinee Grease performance for elementary students and residents from American House. The intergenerational mix made for a fantastic audience!
AH Resident Janet Reiter loved the performance by her own daughter's nephew Charles Roberts who played the cool, calm, and confident high school bad boy lead Danny Zuko. AH Resident Joe Elsy enjoyed his LSHS visit. Joe informed us that the last time he visited was at his granddaughter's graduation in the 70's. What a treat!
Spectator Maggie Sapienza wrote, "Went to Lake Shore's play Saturday at 1:00pm to watch Grease. It was excellent and of course my granddaughter was in there too and as a senior she will not be able to do any more plays but we love her to death and she and her complete cast did an excellent job."
Violet All-Stars Emma Sanchez and Amelia Chalkey know about the time and talent it takes to perform on stage. They have been a part of cheer, dance, and gymnastics since 4-years-old and loved being spectators.
An eight-year run on Broadway and two subsequent revivals, along with innumerable school and community productions place Grease among the world's most popular musicals.
Bonus: Thank you for joining us at our Shorian Spectacular where Lake Shore High School and Kennedy Middle School Bands performed live as a prelude to Music on the Lake on Wednesday, May 22nd inside the shell at Veterans Memorial Park. Christine Wicker wrote, "The concert was AMAZING! The bands sounded fantastic! Perfect evening!"
Time Capsule
Almost 25 years ago, time capsules were buried at Rodgers Elementary to celebrate Lake Shore's 75th Diamond Jubilee. They were marked to be opened today, 25 years later during Lake Shore's 100th year, however had to be removed early due to the construction taking place at Rodgers.
Buried as part of a weeklong series of events commemorating Lake Shore's 75 years of K-12 education, the contents included contributions from student alumni such as former 5th grader Justin Winters, now CTE Teacher at LSHS, Taylor Brosnan, 1st grade, now Library Media Tech at Rodgers, and Leann (Morehead) Pritchard-Hryshko, 4th grade, now Support Staff/Social Work Intern at KMS.
Unfortunately, upon removal, we discovered that the artifacts were filled with 25 years' worth of water and the only pieces that were salvaged were a select few, shared in these photographs.
We are hopeful that our salvaged findings included local news clippings, menus from local restaurants, popular music, future predictions, photos of the building, letters to children, and homework assignments from the 1998-1999 school year: https://www.lakeshoreschools.org/common/pages/DownloadFileByUrl.aspx?key=s1s71gZ%2bA49UpB3QQ%2bd7lYEjjJfJqYEnuDcfqNMhdIBbHfnvB4nhdDlewYM4YaryYX%2bfVAH4LrYjdVayEgSSDgGERTenZGA%2fPjD5teEx6ftPQr7IK7fOG4DO4PjXGkNfd5TkTp2BQFKKrEBKGwqjgggKrfiI8E8B5TM76e6WcnpS5j%2fisbDqhDoOuR61NmWym7UeDw%3d%3d
Deputy Superintendent Dr. Lewis, then 5th grade teacher said, "It was our plan to have a grand reopening ceremony, invite students and staff back from 1999, and celebrate, but nature prevailed."
Whether it has been 1 year, 25 years, 50 years, 75 years, or 100 years, Shorians continue to contribute fond memories to the storied history of Lake Shore Public Schools.
Lakeshore Lanes
Today's classrooms are constantly evolving to meet the needs of our learners. Our teachers continue to ensure that these hang out spots are welcoming and brain friendly for all who enter.
Welcome to Mr. Roehm and Mr. Maleszyk's Physical Education classroom featuring Lakeshore Lanes.
Every Tuesday 120 students visit this facility and play a 1 person game in teams of 4-5. Each game costs $3 which includes bowling and shoes. From laidback and low-key to fast-paced and competitive, students determine the kind of league they will participate in based on their own team goals.
Senior Haylee Ramirez and Sophomore Bella Boyd from Lake Shore High School enjoy the opportunity to bowl during PE. Haylee said, "I get to spend time with my friends. Bowling has turned into a hobby outside of school." Bella commented, "Bowling gives me a break from the traditional classroom desk. I really like it."
Former owner Jim LaHood of Lakeshore Lanes has offered his bowling alley as a routine activity for our physical education classes. Now in its 73rd year, this 16 lane establishment has been a go-to entertainment location for all ages since 1950. LaHood recently sold this alley to Jordan Mitt and it has undergone a huge facelift with the same great experience.
"This is an awesome opportunity for kids to have a chance to be exposed to a lifelong sport in our own community," explained Mr. Roehm. At the end of the Semester, students are awarded for earning 1st-5th place finishes with extra credit.
Thank you, Mr. Roehm, Mr. Maleszyk, and Mr. Mitt, for sharing your nontraditional classroom at Lakeshore Lanes, located next to Lake Shore High School, with all of us!
Throwback article: https://www.macombdaily.com/.../end-of-an-era-at.../
Bonus: MoCI classes from Rodgers Elementary, Kennedy Middle School, and Lake Shore High School enjoyed a combined bowling day at Lakeshore Lanes, too!
Mackinaw Field Trip
During their 4th grade field trip to Mackinaw, students were able to tour Fort Michillmackinic, experience the Historic Mill Creek, board Shepler's Ferry, have dinner at Mission Point, and complete downtown activities such as the Mackinac Art Museum and Marquette Park, and receive a carriage tour.
Mackinac Island is home to two historic forts, iconic rock formations shaped by eons of natural history, butterfly houses, horse stables, museums, cultural trails and a state park forest full of scientific marvels. And since there are no cars on Mackinac Island, just walking around makes for a fascinating lesson in how life used to be.
Sean Giles, Holden Karchnick, and Leo Richter from Rodgers Elementary loved this field trip. They said, "Our favorite parts of the trip have been the history, scavenger hunt at the fort, and the soldier graffiti where Private Amos Wilkie etched his name into a window pane at the guardhouse."
We are so grateful to give these elementary students firsthand experiences while building on their classroom instruction.
Backyard Ecosystems
Community partnerships and real-world application are important in education.
Motivational and guest speakers in schools expose students to real world experiences from people who are in unique career fields or life circumstances, and are the link students make between what they learn in the textbook and information shared from an expert.
Mr. Taylor's Backyard Ecosystems class at Lake Shore High School is a perfect example of this application; They invited Richard Burback to share his expertise on trees. He has worked for a smaller company that cut trees down and then went to national chain of Davey Tree and work for them for a few years. With this experience he is now working with a company that works with Detroit Edison that manages trees on properties and the concern with powerlines.
Students at LSHS also heard from in-person field bird expert and Class of '72 Lake Shore graduate Rosann Kovalcik from Birds Unlimited since 2021.
There was a recent project where students chose 4 birds from a list of about 30 different local Michigan birds. Each student created their own poster boards about each of their 4 birds including information such as the differences between the males, females, offspring, the type of nests they make, what their eggs look like along with where and when these birds are likely to be seen our backyards.
In preparation for an upcoming test, students have been studying names and images of local birds, as well as, the sounds that they make. They also decorated bird houses and the LSHS staff voted on their favorite. The winner, with 41.7% was, Sophia Garman. She won a bat house for her best decorated birdhouse. Nicolette Lanstra was the runner-up.
Nicolette loved learning about the different bird species, their interactions and behaviors. She said, "The Goldfinch is my favorite bird. They have a beautiful yellow and shiny black color." This creative young lady was candid when asked about her 2nd place finish. "I expected to win. I took this project home and spent 8 hours designing and painting Hummingbirds and Cardinals. I really like it."
This class is also working in raised garden beds where a variety of plants are going from seed and can be taken home towards the end of the semester. The class learns from the different plants that are growing and being planted in the courtyard attached to Mr. Taylor's classroom and is visible out of the windows of a variety of classes including the media center.
Bonus: Third graders at Violet Elementary are learning about the life cycle of plants. They are so excited to see their bean plants grow!
Prom 2024
School dances are an opportunity for students to socialize with friends, cultivate positive emotions, and create memories that will last for a lifetime.
Lake Shore High School's Prom was held tonight at Blossom Heath, a grand dining experience decorated in a Casino Royale. A total of 221 free tickets were claimed for this grand event carefully prepared by Mr. Couck and Student Congress with $50,000 financial support from celebrity Johnny Wujek and JCPenney.
In March 2024 the announcement was made that Lake Shore High School is partnering with JCPenney and LSHS Class of 1997’s Johnny Wujek, an Emmy Award-winning, LA-based costume designer, to make our Shorian prom-goers dreams come true for this momentous occasion!
JCPenney recently launched a new Prom collection with celebrity costume designer Johnny Wujek and to celebrate, JCPenney is donating a total of $250,000 to five deserving high schools across the country to help them throw an unforgettable prom night. JCPenney asked their associates and partners to nominate schools in their communities that embodied JCPenney’s core values of service, passion, energy, inclusion and family. Do students and staff live by The Golden Rule and treat others with compassion? Do they demonstrate a warrior spirit in the face of adversity, or ensure others are valued and treated with respect? Lake Shore High School was nominated by alum Johnny Wujek and was selected to receive a $50,000 donation for our 2024 High School Prom: https://www.facebook.com/myLSPS/posts/907326791403643
Eric Dubiel and Ava Maison were announced as Lake Shore High School's King and Queen royalty!
Thank you to the staff, PTOs, and student leaders for creating events that made our students feel special. The preparation and planning beforehand, the execution during, and the cleanup after is no small task. A greater sense of community resulted from your efforts and we cannot be more grateful for your thoughtfulness.
We also appreciate professional photographer and LSHS Class of 2018 alumna Hannah Watkins of Hannah Jo Photography for taking photos tonight. The full gallery will be uploaded early next week and may be accessed here: https://hannahjowatkins.pixieset.com/lakeshoreprom/.
Early College of Macomb Graduates
We're celebrating our Early College of Macomb graduates!
The Early College of Macomb welcomed its first group of 11th grade students in August of 2010 and has been educating students from 21 Macomb County school districts for the past 14 years.
On Friday, May 10th, the graduation class of 13th year students celebrated at the ECM Graduation Ceremony by receiving their Associate Degree or Technical Certificate.
The ECM is a public, tuition-free, three-year early college program serving students throughout Macomb County. It represents an extraordinary partnership among the 21 Macomb County school districts, the MISD and MCC. Our current Seniors attend Lake Shore High School classes, as well as on Macomb Community College's campus, and engaged in an exciting college preparatory, career-focused curriculum taught by both high school and college instructors. The ECM offered the ability to select diverse college courses related to the student's educational and career goals, and enhanced this opportunity for Macomb County students through tutoring, mentoring, and student skills instruction.
These graduates earned the 62 college credits required, which can now be transferred to a four-year college or university.
Bailey Price will teach English abroad as U.S. Fulbright Scholar
Inspired by her own education abroad experience, Lake Shore High School Class of 2020 graduate Bailey Price will teach in the Czech Republic as a recipient of one of the most prestigious scholarships in the U.S.
May is Better Speech, Language and Hearing Month
National Speech Pathologist Day is observed annually on May 18th and this month is also recognized as May is Better Speech, Language and Hearing Month.
Lake Shore Public Schools is proud to have 8 Speech & Language Pathologists in the district. Ann Kelly, Renee Atkins, Katie Lubera, Megan Giorlando, Kristi Boris, Gabriella Catenacci, Lauren Russi and Scott Archibald provide therapy for students from age 3 to 12th grade. The SLPs offer support for students in many different ways. Some of the areas that they support include Articulation, Social Language, Expressive/Receptive Language, AAC, Fluency, and Hearing.
The SLP team had written a grant which they used to buy AAC tools for our students who are non-verbal or limited verbally. At Rodgers Elementary, the SLP team and classroom teachers have been using tools such as Big Macks, I talk4 and iPads with Touch Chat have been introduced to students. They are using these tools throughout their school day to facilitate communication for activities such as greetings and answering questions during circle time, requesting toys, taking turns and indicating what snack they would like. Some of the students are even spelling! It has been such a great success this year!
A common reason that children require speech therapy is because they are hard to understand when they talk. An articulation disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has difficulty producing sounds accurately in conversation. Articulation errors are common when a child is learning to talk. Sometimes these errors persist past the time of being developmentally appropriate and require speech therapy.
At Violet Elementary we have many students who are working on articulation of sounds in words, sentences or even at the conversational level. Our job as Speech and Language Pathologists is to improve their overall intelligibility so that they can relay information to their peers and teachers effectively. Some children need more time to develop their articulation skills due to various factors such as ear infections, motor coordination issues or delays in development. Megan Giorlando is the speech language pathologist at Violet for the K-5 grades as well as the MICI program. Ann Kelly is the speech language pathologist that works with Violet’s pre-K students that require speech support. Mrs. Giorlando loves seeing the progress her students make when they master a new sound.
At Lake Shore Public Schools, we are fortunate to work with a Speech and Language Consultant from the MISD that can help with students that are severely speech and language impaired. The SLPs in the district work with parents, teachers, and other professionals to service students that have articulation issues that affect their educational performance in school. They help advocate for student’s needs, train staff, and provide speech therapy services to address an individual student’s speech and language needs.
To learn more, visit https://www.asha.org/national-speech-language-hearing-month/.
The Ultimate Partner: American House
American House and Lake Shore Public Schools continue to partner to enrich the lives of seniors providing activities and entertainment as a service to others.
Seventy-one 4th and 5th graders from Mrs. Wischmeyer's Masonic Melodies group at Masonic Heights Elementary and Mrs. Rueger-West's 30 4th graders from Violet Elementary performed songs!
Resident Ms. Julie DeYonker joyfully said, "The performances were wonderful! They made our day. We are going to remember these songs forever. They can visit and practice anytime!" She located 4th grader Bella Bouji and shared that her great grandmother Lillian is her best friend. So cute!
Lake Shore has visited American House bimonthly this year, creating joy and connections that have touched so many hearts. Thank you for sharing your residents with us!
Please review this list and links as a reminder of these visits:
-We loved having a Halloween Trick or Treat intergenerational walk with our friends at the American House Senior Living: https://www.facebook.com/myLSPS/posts/818276740308649
-We appreciated Mrs. Elkin's Show Choir students from Lake Shore High School for sharing their love of holiday music with residents: https://www.facebook.com/myLSPS/posts/852572276879095
-Dressed in 1920s attire, Rockets from Rodgers Elementary were paired with senior citizens in a collaborative effort to support one another in this classic game of Bingo: https://www.facebook.com/myLSPS/posts/891893119613677
-Kennedy Middle School students celebrated March is Reading Month by coloring bookmarks and crafting with their elderly friends: https://www.facebook.com/myLSPS/posts/905908998212089
-Lake Shore High School students visited American House to ask senior citizens for life advice and interview about their adolescence. We’re a fan of this partnership: https://www.facebook.com/myLSPS/posts/935053125297676
-We invited residents to watch a preshow preview of Grease the Musical at Lake Shore High School, performed by high school students, and a shared experience with upper elementary students. It was a hit: (9) 🎭 🥤 We are reminding you about the... - Lake Shore Public Schools | Facebook
Thank you Life Enrichment Director Rachel Smith for welcoming us to your Senior living community; When you’re ready, we will find a spot on the calendar to innovate in 2024/25.
May Slurpee/Smoothie Surprise Honorees
Congratulations to our May Slurpee/Smoothie Surprise Positivity Project Honorees:
Lake Shore Early Childhood Center
Graham Rudko- Social Intelligence
Masonic Heights Elementary
Nazarah Foster - Being Present
Myra Tikkanen - Kindness
Lisa Owns - Purpose
Rodgers Elementary
Meredith Collins - Perseverance
Zach Worth - Hardwork
Julie Pillars - Kindness
Violet Elementary
Pepper Partlow - Kindness
Myles Jones - Kindness
Brody Czanstke - Purpose
Kennedy Middle School
Leann Hryshko - Enthusiasm
Kristi Radick - Kindness
Tony Pellerito - Creativity
Becky Wentworth - Teamwork
Lake Shore High School
Ms. Roda - Teamwork
Mr. Gwozdz - Teamwork
Mrs. Blaszkowski - Teamwork
Ms. Kleymeer - Teamwork
Ms. Stanley - Kindness
Mr. Hubbard - Kindness
North Lake High School
- Cameron Hunt - Humor
Thank you 7-Eleven Store Owner Virgil Johnson and EOS Cafe and Coffee House Store Owner Tony Zarife's for your generosity and sponsorships!
Athletics Website
We have built an online home for our athletic department. Our goal is to bring our athletic programs to life by sharing schedules, scores, and social media while ensuring our athletes get the promotion they deserve. Visit the Shorian Sports website for 24/7/365 access to the information you have always wanted and follow along with our sports action.
Read the Varsity Track and Field, Varsity Lacrosse, and Varsity Soccer team's story feature titled Track and Field Student-Athletes Break School Record.
We have partnered with Kroger to help fund our athletics. Please read this letter from our Athletic Coordinator Rich Bowers.
In addition, follow @ShorianSports on X for access to live sports updates from your favorite coaches and teams!
We believe a balance of academics and athletics creates a well-rounded student. Students who participate in sports not only gain the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle, they also learn lessons about sportsmanship, leadership, teamwork, cooperation, respect, and knowing how to win and lose.
Athletes of the Week
Andrew Creson
Congratulations to AOTW Andrew Creson, member of the Varsity Baseball team at Lake Shore High School. Coach Brendan Osantowski shared his contributions with us:
"Andrew had a great weekly performance that helped us compete against tough conference opponents. AVG .500 | 1st career Home Run | 6 RBIs"
Madison Seidita
Congratulations to AOTW Madison Seidita, member of the Varsity Track and Field team at Lake Shore High School. Coach Jackie Phillips shared her contributions with us:
"As a freshman, Madison has demonstrated excellent work ethic and true talent. She is already our best 800m runner and has already earned enough points to win her varsity letter. Last week against WWT she ran 4 events. She helped the LS girls win the 4x800 relay, then she won the 400 and 800 individually, and came back to run the 4x400."
Signing Day
Our Athletic Department at Lake Shore High School, along with proud families, coaches, and administrators, celebrated its college-bound student-athletes with an unofficial letter-of-intent signing day.
As an opportunity for family and friends to share in the big moment, each coach was in attendance as our Athletic Coordinator, Mr. Bowers, interviewed each student, asking two questions: Why did he/she make the decision to play/attend ---? and Share a piece of advice.
According to the National Collegiate Athletic Association, just six percent of high school athletes nationwide continue on to compete in any NCAA division collegiate program. Lake Shore is proud to celebrate our TEN LSHS Class of 2024 student-athletes who achieved this exceptional milestone:
James Brown
Football at Community Christian College
Grace Christianson
Cheer & Stunt at Alma College
Brendan Dreisbach
Metro Jets Juniors Ice Hockey
Riley Lane
Softball at Macomb Community College
Michael Livi
Lacrosse at Indiana Tech
Ava Mechlowitz
Soccer at Lawrence Tech
Annabella Misuraca
Cheer & Stunt at Grand Valley State University
Isaac Moses
Lacrosse at Indiana Tech
JJ Tackett
Metro Jets Juniors Ice Hockey
Daniel Young
Lacrosse at Indiana Tech
Freeze Frame
Lake Shore Public Schools will provide an exceptional education for all 3,339 students in a safe and nurturing environment.
Our guiding principles, Inspiration, Innovation, Celebration, are woven into the fabric of everything we do and will be the focus of every update. Expect an eNews email biweekly update as a reliable way to communicate with our stakeholders.
Connect With Shorian Nation
Email: social@lsps.org
Website: http://lakeshoreschools.org
Location: 28850 Harper Avenue, St. Clair Shores, MI 48081
Phone: (586) 285-8481
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/myLSPS/
Twitter: @myLSPS