Fuentes Elementary
A Fine Arts Focus Campus - February 2023
Stay warm, Fuentes Families, and please enjoy our February newsletter!
Shea Howard, principal
Emily Marshall, assistant principal
Mark Your Calendar!
January 31 - School canceled due to bad weather
February 1 - School canceled due to bad weather
February 2 - 4th grade program, 6:30pm in the gym
February 3 - Deadline to turn in Bluebonnet report to Mrs. Underwood in the Library
February 6-10 - National School Counselor's Week
February 8 - 100th Day of School - Dress like you're 100 years old!
February 11 - Race for the Stars Fundraiser for 4th Grade Camp Champions
February 13 - 5th grade parent night at Chapa, 5:30-7:30pm
February 15 - All 5th graders visit their middle school campus during the school day
February 15 - 5th grade parent night at Barton, 6:00-7:30pm
February 16 - Progress Reports Emailed to Families
February 16 - 5th grade parent night at Simon, 6:00pm
February 17 - Student Holiday **tentative, unless it's needed as a bad weather make-up
February 20 - Staff/Student Holiday
February 24 - Wear Red for Heart Health
Bluebonnet Book Reports
The deadline for 3rd, 4th, 5th graders to turn in their 5 Bluebonnet Reports to Mrs. Underwood in the Library is Friday, February 3rd!
All 3rd-5th grade students have read their first Bluebonnet Book at school, but the other 4 can be read independently.
Students who participate will be invited to The Bluebonnet Party on Friday, March 3rd to enjoy blue snacks, complete bluebonnet crafts, and most importantly vote on the Bluebonnet winner for Fuentes Elementary!
*Don't forget: the Bluebonnet Reports and eBooks can be accessed through the Library Destiny page!*
Race for the Stars
We are so GRATEFUL to our generous sponsors. This gets us closer to our goal of providing SCHOLARSHIPS for Fuentes 4th grade students to attend Camp Champions in MARCH. We still need your help! Would YOU like to sponsor up to $100 or more? FUENTES5K.com
Valentines For Sale!
2022-2023 Yearbooks For Sale
Looking for Lanyard Donations!
Student ID Badges
Bus riders have 2 - one stays on the backpack and one stays on the child at school. Badges should not leave school, but please make sure your child returns with the badge if s/he accidentally takes it home.
If a child needs to replace the badge, the cost is $5.
Lunch Drop-Offs
Families, I need to clarify the district policy about dropping off lunches. Please read the exact policy below. If you are dropping off an outside lunch, meaning a fast food meal, you must bring it during your child's lunch time and hand it directly to your child.
Hays CISD Campuses Closed to Meal Delivery Services
As part of enhanced safety at campuses, beginning in the 2022-2023 school year, all Hays CISD campuses will no longer accept deliveries from meal delivery services or restaurants for student lunches. And, campuses will no longer have drop-off tables for meals. Parents may still bring outside food for their children if they plan to deliver the meals directly to their children during the child’s designated lunch period. All guests are required to follow existing safety protocols and check in with an ID at the front office.
TELPAS is an assessment program for students in Texas public schools who are learning the English language. The letters in TELPAS stand for the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) developed TELPAS to meet state and federal requirements. Texas annually assesses the English language proficiency of students who have been identified as English learners (ELs) in four language domains—listening, speaking, reading, and writing. TELPAS evaluates the progress that each EL makes in becoming proficient in the use of academic English.
Please open the following attachments to learn more about TELPAS.
English https://tea.texas.gov/sites/default/files/Final_English_TELPAS%20FAQ.PDF
Spanish https://tea.texas.gov/sites/default/files/Final_Spanish_TELPAS%20FAQ.PDF
Reminder Text Messages
Simply text the message - @fuentesfam - to 81010. You will then receive text messages from us - so much easier and faster to receive than emails.
Fuentes Flair
Campus Notifications
Federal and School Report Cards
Susie T. Fuentes Elementary is sharing this information about the district and your child’s campus with you as part of its obligations under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA).
Stay Connected!
Fuentes Elementary
Website: https://www.hayscisd.net/fes
Location: 901 Philomena Drive, Kyle, TX, USA
Phone: 512-268-7827
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FuentesElementary
Twitter: @FESStars