AssistantSuperintendent BoardReport
March 25, 2024
Curriculum and Instruction
Data-Driven Instructional Planning
Instructional Materials Adoption Committee
Assessment and Accountability
Accountability Training Presented to BISD Assistant Principals
TELPAS testing has been completed for nearly all students. K-1 Holistic Ratings are wrapping up and will be submitted by Friday, March 22nd. We will then look ahead to STAAR testing, with all RLA tests being given the week of April 16th. We have completed AP Benchmark Testing for US History, Computer Science, Computer Science Principles, AP Language and AP Literature. AP teachers will use this information to help drive instruction as they prepare to review for their respective AP Exams.
Student Assessment Data Reporting Schedule Revised
Based on the recommendation of our NWEA-MAP consultant and input from Campus Principals and Instructional Specialists, End-of-Year MAP assessments will administered after STAAR testing in May which will delay the reporting of results until the June 2024 Board meeting (instead of the May meeting). Campus and District Instructional leaders believe this change will provide a more complete picture of student growth for the year by ensuring teachers have time to cover all TEKS before EOY MAP tests are administered. The Data Reporting Schedule has been revised to reflect this change (see image below).
Staff Development
New Teacher YOUniversity
Session 3 of the BISD New Teacher YOUniversity was held on February 23rd. Session 3 focused on topics such as TEKS-aligned assessments, effective data analysis, data-informed instructional planning, forming instructional and intervention groups, and reteaching concepts based on student mastery. Time was also spent helping new instructional staff better understand school accountability guidelines. Teachers reviewed how to access assessment data through Eduphoria. We also walked through completing the Data Deep Dive Template used district-wide to analyze Unit Tests. The importance of using this data to reteach low standards was reiterated to teachers. Stephanie Avery kicked off the morning with an engaging and interactive session on Edu Protocols. During this time, teachers learned several ways to use different platforms to quickly assess student knowledge on various topics. She also showed them how to track that data to measure content retention in a quick and efficient way. While core subject teachers were analyzing data with Eduphoria, Crystal Buckaloo met with CTE teachers to give an overview of CCMR and Industry Certifications.
Monday, March 20, 2024
Monday, March 18, 2024, was a Staff Development Day for BISD staff. All instructional staff received the annual STAAR Security and Confidentiality training that morning. The Science Curriculum Adoption Committee met in the afternoon for the next steps in the instructional materials decision-making process for our Science programs. The remainder of the day will be spent with campus administrators leading their staff in instructional planning for “final push” activities to prepare our students for success on state and other key assessments.
State and Federal Programs and Grants
Parent & Family Engagement - Adult ESL Classes Begin
On Tuesday evening, February 27th, representatives from Grayson College's Adult Education department and members of BISD Administration were on hand at Bonham High School for the Grayson College Adult ESL Enrollment Event. Over 25 individuals enrolled that night for the twice-a-week ESL classes offered at BHS by Grayson College. Several more people enrolled Thursday night, February 29th. This program helps Bonham ISD meet Parent and Family Engagement obligations under Title I and Title III. Grayson College and Bonham ISD are excited about these early enrollment numbers. We look forward to the long-term benefits of this program and anticipate it will increase parental involvement in their child's educational experiences and lead to improved student success.
2023-2024 Title I, Part A Comparability of Services Requirement
In November 2023, all Texas local educational agencies (LEAs) were required to submit documentation to TEA to demonstrate compliance for the 2023-2024 school year with the comparability of services requirement found in Title I, Part A, Section 1118(c) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act, to be eligible to receive Title I, Part A funding. On February 21st, the District received a letter notifying us that based on TEA’s review of the documentation submitted, Bonham ISD is in compliance with that requirement. No further action regarding comparability of services for school year 2023-2024 is required from our district.
EMAT / Instructional Materials Allotment Ordering System
The instructional materials ordering system known as EMAT will close for the 2023-2024 school year on March 29, 2024. Bonham ISD has submitted allotment disbursement requests for all materials needed for the 2023-2024 school year and payments for those requests have all been received by the District. EMAT is scheduled to reopen for ordering materials for the 2024−25 school year on May 15, 2024. Our 2-year (biennium) allotment for 23-24 and 24-25 was $331,406.38 of which we've used $34,053.71. We have been conservative in using IMA funds this year in anticipation of the significant expenses associated with Proclamation 2024 Science Curriculum Adoption material purchases for the 2024-2025 school year. With the $12,303.99 carried over from the previous biennium, we have $309,656.66 available for next year's regular materials purchases and purchases of newly adopted Science materials.