Jan. 8, 2025
The weekly newsletter of School District U-46

January 8, 2025
Stay tuned for upcoming events with our District website calendar available here.
Thursday, Jan. 9: African American Advisory Council. Details here.
Thursday, Jan. 9: Dual Language Informational Session. Details here.
Saturday, Jan. 11: Unite U-46 Session - Larkin Network. Details here.
Monday, Jan. 13: Board of Education meeting. Details here.
Thursday, Jan. 16: Community Advisory Council planning meeting. Details here.
- Monday, Jan. 20: Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday. No classes, offices
Johnson on the Job
A lot of work happens behind the scenes as U-46 preps for snow removal! Watch this video to see U-46 Superintendent Dr. Suzanne Johnson spend time at the Plant Operations building with Shop Foreman Gary Deskins and Grade A Mechanic Leo Bedolla, learning how to prep a snowplow for winter service.
Dual Language Program
Parents and guardians of incoming kindergartners and 1st graders are encouraged to attend one of the Dual Language informational meetings being offered this winter and spring.
The first one is being held via Zoom tomorrow, Thursday, Jan. 9, at 6:30 p.m. You can see an entire schedule here.
These sessions will outline how learning takes place in a Dual Language classroom, benefits for students who learn in a bilingual setting, and next steps for families who are interested. By attending a meeting, you are not obligated to sign up your child for the Dual Language program, but you will be able to make an informed decision. Choose the session that works best for your schedule! More details are available at u-46.org/duallanguage.
African American Advisory Council
“Staying Connected with U-46” will be the focus of the next African American Advisory Council, being held via Zoom tomorrow, Thursday, Jan. 9, at 6 p.m.
Members of the Multilingual & Multicultural Education Department and the Communications & Community Relations Department will speak on how parents and guardians can support their child’s success. All are welcome.
Unite U-46: Mapping Our Future
The Larkin Network will be the focus of the next “Unite U-46: Mapping Our Future” session in which community members are invited to provide feedback on preliminary attendance boundary recommendations. It is being held Saturday, Jan. 11, from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at Larkin High School, 1475 Larkin Ave., Elgin.
The two remaining sessions will focus on the South Elgin Network (Thursday, Jan. 23, at South Elgin High School) and the Streamwood Network (Wednesday, Jan. 29, at Streamwood High School.)
The new boundaries are expected to go into effect for the 2026-27 year. More details are available at uniteu46.org as well as videos of the boundary recommendations for the Elgin and Bartlett networks.
School Environment Webinar
A webinar being held at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 15, will focus on U-46’s commitment to fostering respectful and inclusive school environments. Register at info.u-46.org/inclusivewebinar.
MLK Holiday
Monday, Jan. 20, is the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. There will be no classes for students on Jan. 20, and our offices will be closed. Find calendars for this school year as well as 2025-26 at u-46.org/calendar.
Report Cards
First-semester report cards for middle and high school students are now available to view online via Infinite Campus Parent. Elementary students are on a trimester schedule, and their first-trimester report cards were posted in the fall.
Visit u-46.org/reportcards for an overview of U-46 Student Progress Reports and Report Cards. Remember that parents can customize the settings to be notified about assignment and grade updates.
Dual Language Support Group
The next meeting of the group designed to support parents of children in U-46’s Dual Language is Wednesday, Jan. 22, at 6 p.m. It’s being held virtually and can be joined by clicking info.u-46.org/BPAC-DualParent.
The Dual Language Parent Support Group is offered as part of the meeting of the Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee, which works to establish a clear and collaborative voice between families with students in the Dual Language Program at our school sites and School District U-46.
During the virtual gathering, parents of students in the Dual Language program will connect with other Dual Language families, as well as members of the Multilingual and Multicultural Department, and can ask questions and get tips for supporting their child’s education. Support groups will be offered in English and Spanish. More info is available here.
U-46 Job Fair
Come be part of our team at U-46! Discover our employment opportunities on Friday, Jan. 24, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday, Jan. 25, from 9 a.m. to noon at the U-46 Welcome Center, 1019 E. Chicago St., Elgin. On-site interviews will be conducted at the event. Learn more at u-46.org/careers and direct questions to humanresources@u-46.org.
More Resources
Weekly Message from Dr. Johnson
Each week, Superintendent Dr. Suzanne Johnson shares a message with U-46 employees and community members. You can read the latest message here.
Board of Education
The Board of Education meetings are streamed on the District’s YouTube channel and via Zoom. Written highlights from the meetings, as well as presentations delivered to the Board, can be found here.
Care Solace
Care Solace is a complimentary and confidential service provided by School District U-46 to help locate a provider for mental health care or substance use treatment. It’s available to U-46 students, staff, and their family members. Learn more here.
Visit our U-46 Online Backpack to find information on community events, activities, and resources for our U-46 families and students.