Pinewood News
An e-newsletter from Pinewood Elementary School
Monday, February 26th
8:30 Chess Club
Tuesday, February 27th
5th gr. Orch. large group at EW
Wednesday, February 28th
4th gr. Orch. large group at EW
5th gr. Band large group at EW
4:05 Basketball Skills
Thursday, February 29th
4:15-7:00 Communication Night
This Week, Students Celebrated the 100th Day of School!
Vision and hearing testing is coming up on Monday, March 4, 2024. If you are interested in volunteering your time, we have available openings for morning and afternoon, please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090F4BA9A728ABFF2-48153307-vision
NHS ART FAIR on February 25th
The event is centered on receiving student submissions from anyone in the MV District and displaying them in a gallery. Students have the choice of placing them for auction at certain prices, in either a judged category with the theme of "Community and Diversity" or an open submission. Portions of the proceeds will be donated towards the North Suburban Center for the Arts and the artists of the pieces.
The event itself is a flat five dollars for admission. We'll have concessions, a raffle, pottery, face painting, bracelet making, and a group mural alongside other activities.
The event will be 2/25 at MVHS from 12-4pm, and submissions will be due 2/16.
EDGEWOOD 5th-6th Grade Parent Information Night
Edgewood's Parent Information Night for students entering 6th grade (in 2024-2025) is on Tuesday, March 26th, from 6-7:30 pm.
All employee bargaining group contracts have been settled for the next two years.
Volunteer for Rock the School House
The Mounds View Schools Education Foundation is seeking volunteers for their annual Rock the School House event on November 9, 2024. To join the volunteer committee, fill out this form.