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All the Buzz
HCS News and Information -- December 20, 2024
Supe Scoop
Hornet Nation,
As part of a family that celebrates both Christmas and Hanukkah, this year is a bit of an anomaly with Hanukkah beginning on Christmas evening. But, as I shared with my daughter last night on the phone, I have seven extra days to get gifts to California for her and my son-in-law!
In all seriousness, over the next two weeks we will see three big holidays that a variety of folks celebrate, in addition to all of us welcoming in 2025: Christmas on December 25, Hanukkah from sundown on December 25 through January 2, and Kwanzaa from December 26 through January 1. Respect for the way anyone chooses to worship, or to not worship, was a key theme of Holocaust survivor Irene Miller's story shared with our community on December 12 (see pictures below).
Respect is also the Guiding Belief we are celebrating this month in asking staff to nominate fellow colleagues, who will be recognized in January when we return. Stated again below, it reads: We believe in an inclusive and respectful learning environment for all, and we value the diverse background of each individual."
Regardless of which or how many holidays you may celebrate between now and when we return, on behalf of all us please enjoy the time with your children. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Holidays, Season's Greetings, and Happy New Year!
In partnership and with Hornet Pride,
Judy Walton
HCS Mission Statement
The staff of Harrison Community Schools, in the spirit of a growing and changing community, pledge to educate all students by teaching the District Curriculum and beyond, ensuring the development of responsible learners prepared to take an active role in a complex society.
Guiding Beliefs
Honesty: We believe in being truthful in our actions and communications, and fostering a culture of honesty, trust, and integrity.
Openness: We believe in a culture of collaboration and transparency, where students, staff, and families openly share ideas and information.
Respect: We believe in an inclusive and respectful learning environment for all, and we value the diverse background of each individual.
Neighborliness: We believe in being welcoming and inviting to each person who walks through our doors. We also believe in being a good neighbor beyond our schools’ walls, actively engaged with our local community, and instilling a sense of civic pride and responsibility.
Excellence: We believe in striving for excellence in all we do, and encouraging both academic and personal growth through hard work and commitment.
Trust: We believe in a culture of reliability and confidence, where students, staff, and families work together to foster trust.
Stewardship: We believe in embedding good stewardship and governance into our decisionmaking to ensure long-term success and well being.
Honored by the VFW
Michael Long
K-5 Teacher of the Year
Teresa Dancer-Humphres
9-12 Teacher of the Year
Eli Wing
2nd Place, Voice of Democracy writing competition
Storm Gallagher
3rd Place, Voice of Democracy writing competition
The 9-12 Crew
Introducing the VFW Presenters at Larson
Weather Delays and Closings
It is definitely that time of year again! If the weather causes us to delay or close our schools, you will be notified in a number of ways. Using our Thrillshare platform, we send an alert to all who have signed up for text messages/phone calls. In addition, it will be posted on our website, our social media sites, and we also call it in for display on a variety of regional TV channels.
Irene Miller: Author, Advocate, Museum Docent, and Holocaust Survivor
On Thursday, December 12, all secondary students were invited to listen to the story of Irene Miller, author of the Into No Man's Land. Mrs. Miller's time with our students was spent recalling the flight of her family from the Nazis, from Warsaw, to the frozen field of no man's land between Poland and the Soviet Union, then to a Siberian labor camp, then to a poor village in Uzbekistan until the end of the war. Despite starvation, the death of her father, and the constant threat of landing back in the control of the Nazis, Mrs. Miller related a story of courage, determination, perseverance, and the power of the human spirit.
Is Your Child a HS Athlete?
This is a reminder that if your child is playing a sport at the high school level, the parent/guardian must sign up to work concessions during the season. Please reach out to the sports boosters, carriejwhitaker@gmail.com, for the concessions link.
GSRP: Fun with 5th Grade Pen Pals
Larson Elementary
Middle School
Hive HS Campus
Letters to Veterans
Representing the Hornets on the Court
Cards for Senior Citizens
Main HS Campus
Display Night - Future Aspirations
Display Night - Art
Display Night - Math and Science
Pew Research Center: Teens, Social Media and Technology
"YouTube, TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat remain widely used among U.S. teens; some say they’re on these sites almost constantly..." Read more from the national research here. The results of the Developing Assets survey done right here with our own Hornets demonstrates that when young people are online three or more hours a day (non-school purposes), the reports of mental health issues drastically trends upward.
Holiday Crafts and Activities
From PBS: "The holidays can often be stressful and seem like they are centered around gift giving. This year, take some time to focus on loved ones, share good food, and participate in - or make some new - family traditions. Check out these ideas to learn how to simplify holiday stress, entertain your child with snow day activities, and cherish the memories you create with your family."
HCS Strategic Plan
Linked below.
Interested in Volunteering?
Would you like to be more involved in your child's school? Do you have time during the school day or just after to volunteer? We would welcome you with open arms!
In order to volunteer, you simply fill out and submit an iChat form (linked below). This enables us to run a criminal background check in short order, to ensure the safety of all students you may come into contact with. Assuming nothing of concern shows up, you are all set to help out wherever your school may need you -- the cafeteria, the playground, the gym, a field trip, or an individual classroom, just to name a few. If you would like to view our Board Policies in regard to volunteering, please view Board Policy 4205 on our website.
If your home/work responsibilities don't allow you to spend time with us during or right after school, there are still ways to support. Perhaps that might be chaperoning an evening event, or helping to organize a fundraiser for a team or group. Just reach out!
Excused Absences
When communicating that your child will be absent, the following are coded as "excused" per Board Policy 5301:
- the student’s physical or mental illness (verification from a physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner is required after 4 consecutive days of absence for illness);
- severe weather;
- medical appointments for the student;
- death or serious illness of the student’s family member;
- attendance at a funeral, wedding, or graduation;
- appearance at court or for other legal matters;
- observance of religious holidays of the student’s own faith;
- college planning visits; and
- personal or family vacations (form must be completed and turned in at least five (5) days beforehand; see principal for form).
Updated COVID-19 Information
Based on information from the CDC and our local health department, upon testing positive, children should stay out of school until: 1) if there was a fever, 24 hours of being fever-free without the use of medicines to reduce fever; and 2) symptoms are improving. It is also recommended that a mask be worn for 5 days after returning to school. We will be following the same protocol for our staff.
The ABCs of a BOE Meeting
All Board meetings are open to the public, and are conducted in compliance with the Michigan Open Meetings Act. On rare occasions, the Board may go into closed session, but only as allowed by the OMA.
If it is your first time attending a Board meeting, you may not be familiar with the structure. Make sure you pick up an agenda on your way in, and if you intend to speak during the portion designated for public comments, please pick up a copy of Board Policy 2504, which is near the copies of the agenda. This will explain the parameters of the public comment portion of the agenda.
As you observe the Board conduct its business, the agenda will guide you. Common agenda sections are as follows:
- Opening of the Meeting (welcome, Pledge of Allegiance, additions/corrections to agenda/minutes, building instructional highlight, any other "organizational" items)
- Consent Agenda (items for approval that do not require a roll-call vote, and without objection from a Board member, can be considered all together)
- Non-Consent Agenda (one or more items that require a separate roll-call vote, such as budget approval)
- Informational Items (examples include resignations, other presentations, etc.)
- Public Comments (3 minutes each, Board members do not respond during the 3 minutes so that each speaker gets their full time; after, Board members may, but do not have to, pose questions or make statements)
- Communication (Superintendent's Report - includes subject matter of public comments; any other Board communication)
- Discussion Items (other matters any Board member may choose to speak about; may relate to public comments but not required)
- Adjournment
Within 8 business days of the meeting, minutes are posted on our website.
See below for information on our next meeting.
Board Members
Zachary Driver -- Kendra Durga (President) -- Therese Haley (Secretary)
James Neff (Vice President) -- Chelsea Roland (Treasurer) -- Betsy Ulicki -- Carrie Whitaker
Board of Education Meeting
Monday, Jan 13, 2025, 05:30 PM
December/January Calendar Information
December 21-January 5: Holiday Break
December 23: Community Dinner (3:00-6:00 pm, HS Cafeteria)
January 6: Return to School
School Contact Information
- Early Childhood & Larson Elementary, 989.539.3259 (Principal Andrea Andera, aandera@harrisonschools.com, Assistant Principal Sandy Hargraves, shargraves@harrisonschools.com)
- Middle School, 989.539.7194 (Principal Jennifer Thrush, jthrush@harrisonschools.com)
- Hive, 989.539.7417 (Principal Stacey VanAntwerp, svanantwerp@harrisonschools.com)
- High School, 989.539.7417 (Principal Joe Ashcroft, jjashcroft@harrisonschools.com, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director Brad Carlstrom, bcarlstrom@harrisonschools.com)
District Contact Information
Superintendent, 989.539.7871 (Judy Walton, juwalton@harrisonschools.com)
Special Education (Stacey VanAntwerp, svanantwerp@harrisonschools.com)
Homeless Child/Youth Services (Shannon Haines, shaines@harrisonschools.com)
Bus Services, 989.539.7082 (Kelli Whitaker, kwhitakerclaffey@harrisonschools.com)
Bus/Vehicle Pick Up and Drop Off
Allowed waiting area for afternoon pick-up at Larson is on West Hornet Drive, highlighted in orange