Waukazoo Newsletter
September 6th, 2024
Principal Report:
Dear Waukazoo families,
We have had a GREAT start to the school year! Sometimes, students have a hard time communicating what they did in a day though- it's a lot to remember! Asking specific questions can help them remember something interesting to share about their day. I'd encourage parents to have conversations about the school day by asking questions like:
- What was the best part of your day at school?
- Did you learn something new today? What was it?
- Who did you play with or sit next to at lunch/recess?
I hope your students have come home with fun and memorable stories to tell about their first few days of school. And if they forget, try asking one of these questions!
The fall is always an exciting and busy time of year around any school, and ours is certainly no exception! Here are some fun events coming soon to Waukazoo and our district that your students can look forward to:
- Monday, September 9- PTA meeting from 5-6pm (babysitting provided)
- Wednesday, September 18- 1/2 day for students- dismissal at 11:52am
- Friday, September 20- HOME football game!
- Friday, September 27- Fun Run Kickoff!
- Week of September 30-October 4- Fun Run Spirit Week
- Friday, October 4- PTA Fun Run
- Friday, October 4- Homecoming Football Game
Thank you for being part of our Waukazoo FAMILY!
Mrs. Bolhuis
Pick-up/Drop-Off Reminders:
Thank you so much, parents, for making our drop off and pick up procedures go so smoothly! It is with all your efforts and support that our students arrive and leave school SAFE! Please make sure to continue following these rules:
Rules of the Road:
- Do not turn left around the left turn lane
- Do not block residential driveways on Lakewood
- Do not drop off or pick up students in unsafe areas, which include:
- ON Lakewood Blvd.
- Driveway to back bus loop
- East side of crosswalk in front parking lot
Drop Off:
- All student drop off will begin at 8:30am; doors will not open until 8:30am
- We will not have any playground or student supervision prior to 8:30am
- ALL parent drop off students will enter the building at the front entrance
- Please remember that the Parent Drop Off is a “kiss and go” lane - have your child ready to exit the car and please make sure they ALWAYS exit to the sidewalk or out the passenger side of the car
- It is essential to traffic flow that no one park along the curb and no one exit the car aside from the students onto the curb
- Please utilize a parking space if your child needs assistance in exiting the vehicle
Pick Up:
- Parent Locations for Pick Up:
- IF YOU ARE NOT IN THE CAR LINE: Please wait in the GRASS at the grade position on the map for your child
- Please help us make sure our students go home with the right parent/guardian by following these rules
- Parents may wait in their car in the pickup/drop off lane for their child to arrive and leave the parking lot as the line moves forward. Please do not park and exit your vehicle in the pickup/drop off lane.
- If your child needs assistance with their car seat or buckling - please pull into a spot
- If you park - please utilize the crosswalk at the table top across from the main entry/exit doors when traversing the lot
- Students will exit with their classroom teacher in a group during parent pick up.