Ivy Hill PTA Happenings
PTA events coming up...
- Picture Retakes November 8
- Ivy Gives Back: Cold Weather Gear drive November 11-15
- Spirit Day: Red, White & Blue day November 11
- PTA General meeting November 13
- Book Fair November 15
Picture RETAKE Day November 8
If you missed Picture Day or didn't like your child's photo, please send them for Retake Day.
Here is an overall review of what to expect.
- Any student wishing to have a retake should bring their original picture package to exchange for the retake image.
- When an order is placed online, the parent/guardian will receive a camera pass via email. This can either be printed or texted to the student and brought to picture day. The photographer will photograph the printed camera pass along with the student.
- If a student is not able to print their camera pass, that is not a problem. We will match up the student to their order manually in the production process.
- A parent may order from the flyer up until 24 hours after picture day. After 24 hours, the online ordering access may close. This will allow our imaging team to "Pull" all orders submitted and match them with the students photographed.
- When pictures are returned to school, all students that purchased pictures will receive their prepaid package. Any student that was photographed but did not order a package, will receive a "Proof" (PX) of their picture that was taken on picture day.
Ivy Gives Back: Cold Weather Gear Clothing Drive
Closet clean out for a good cause!
Please bring your gently used coats, snow pants/boots, hats, gloves and scarves to Ivy Hill between November 11-15. We will be collecting the items in bins in the commons area of the school. All donations will benefit POC (partners for our communities) which is run in cooperation with NCH Healthcare. POC works with the underserved population in our area.
POC said that if you know of anyone who could benefit from these winter items, please visit them anytime at their location to pick up the items. No appointment is necessary. The POC address is 1585 N. Rand Road, Palatine.
If you have any questions, please contact Katie Hacias at katie.hacias@hotmail.com
Scholastic Book Fair
Book Fair is coming Friday, November 15 after school 3:35pm - 7:30pm.
Ivy Hill Spirit wear
Spirit Wear is always available for purchase, click the link below.
2024-25 Ivy Hill PTA Committee & Board Member Listing
Are you interested in planning an event? Being a liaison for Thomas Middle School or the School Board? Or reading the Spring Scholarship applications? If YES, take a look at the PTA Committee Sheet linked below. There are plenty of events happening this year and opportunities to be on a PTA Committee.
Members may add themselves to this sheet if they are interested in joining a committee this year.
If you are looking to volunteer time or donate items, watch for Sign Up Geniuses throughout the year as things come up. Some items are one time events (Ex: Fall Fest) and some are spread throughout the year (Ex: Staff Events). **This is NOT the sign up for Room Rep (room parents who plan parties).
Join the PTA!
- PTA provides the opportunity for parents to take an active role in their child's educational environment.
- PTA sponsors many school events such as Fall Fest, Field Day, Movie Night, Book Fair, Picture Day and Yearbooks.
- The PTA provides birthday books for all students.
- Opportunities to volunteer in your kids classroom and lunch periods.
- Get access to the school directory. (Please note the district compiles the directory and when it is available (typically Sept/Oct) those that signed up for it during PTA registration will receive an email how to set up the app.)
- Priority volunteer opportunities for school events such as Fall Fest, Field Day, Movie Night and Book Fair.
- Visit pta.org for membership discounts available.
To Register:
- Scan the QR code or click the link below to purchase a membership. https://ivyhill.memberhub.com/store?limit=21&live=true
Yearbook Picture Submission
The Yearbook committee will be accepting the pictures from the following events to include in this year's yearbook:
Last School Year (2023-24)
- Field Day May 29, 2024
Current School Year (2024-25)
- Welcome to Kindergarten August 20, 2024
- New Family Welcome Night August 21, 2024
- Meet the Teacher and Ice Cream Social August 28, 2024
- First Day of School August 29, 2024
- Picture Day September 16, 2024
- Fall Fest September 20, 2024
- Movie Night September 27, 2024
- Fun Run October 9, 2024
- Halloween classroom parties October 31, 2024
Please submit these photos to Megan Cook at ptayearbookivyhill@gmail.com
Thank You:
Friday November 8 - Picture retakes
- Monday November 11 - Spirit Day Red, White & Blue day
- Wednesday November 13 - PTA General meeting
- Monday November 11 through Friday November 15 - Ivy Gives Back Week - Cold Weather Gear Drive
- Friday November 15 - Scholastic Book Fair
PTA General Meeting
Please join us for the PTA General Meeting in the LMC of Ivy Hill at 6:30pm for a Meet and Greet followed by 7pm meeting.
Wednesday, Nov 13, 2024, 06:30 PM
Ivy Hill Elementary School, North Burke Drive, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Contact Us
Email: ivyhillhappenings@gmail.com
Location: 2211 N Burke Dr, Arlington Heights, IL 60004
Facebook: facebook.com/ivyhillelementarypta
Twitter: @ivyhillpta