February 28, 2025
CUSD Superintendent Search:
Carlsbad Unified is looking for a new superintendent.
As you know, longtime CUSD superintendent Dr. Benjamin Churchill accepted a new position at Poway Unified School District.
Earlier this month, the Board hired Education Support Services (ESS) to conduct the search for the District’s next superintendent. Dr. Suzette Lovely, Ms. Beverly Hempstead, and Ms. Vicki King are the ESS advisers who will be taking on this crucial assignment.
To begin this undertaking, the ESS team is focusing on finding answers to these key questions: What is Carlsbad Unified looking for in a superintendent? And how will the Board go about identifying candidates with the qualifications, experience, and essential leadership attributes needed to be successful in this position?
The team’s information-gathering process has already kicked into high gear, with a Community Forum, an online survey, and key focus group discussions to delve into those critical questions.
A Community Forum was held on Tuesday evening at Kelly Elementary, where employees, parents, and members of the public were asked for their input. Attendees shared their perspectives on District strengths (“academic excellence,” “award-winning athletics and programs,” “great teachers”), challenges and needs (financial uncertainties, budgetary priorities”), and offered descriptors of the ideal qualities (“successful communicator,” “empathy,” “commitment to District goals”) the next Superintendent should hold. One teacher explained “We need to be part of the process. Our superintendent impacts our work in the classroom every day.”
An online survey, offering staff, students, families, and the greater community a chance to share their opinions, was distributed. If you would like to participate in this survey please access it here.
The ESS team is also currently meeting with groups of stakeholders across the district and the community, holding focus groups to listen to their perspectives and concerns. The information gathered will be summarized by the ESS search advisers in a Leadership Profile Report, which will be presented to the Board on March 12.
The Superintendent vacancy announcement is currently posted on EDJOIN, EdCal and other publications, and the ESS advisers are utilizing various local, state, and national networks to identify possible candidates.
The actual process of reviewing applications and interviewing candidates is highly confidential. Applicants are screened and selected for interviews based on District needs and ideal leadership qualities highlighted in the Leadership Profile Report. In late March, the Board will receive and review confidential candidate application materials. Then, in closed session, it will identify the best qualified candidates. Finally, the Board will conduct interviews in early April, select their candidate for the superintendency, and will anticipate to take a formal action to hire at the May 21 meeting.
The new superintendent’s contract will start on July 1, 2025.
Superintendent Search Online Survey:
The survey is open through March 3, 2025. Please click on the links below to access the survey.
Superintendent Search Online Survey (English)
Superintendent Search Online Survey (Spanish)
If you need translation services for the online survey in languages other than English and Spanish, please email the requested language to
Please visit our superintendent search webpage for additional information, timeline and frequently asked questions regarding the superintendent search process.
CUSD Stories - #proudtobeCUSD Video of the Week!
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Carlsbad Unified School District
Location: 6225 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA, USA
Phone: 760-331-5000