
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord. Psalm 127:3
Morning Devotion
- Philippians 2:12, 13, 14
- Psalm 136:1
- Psalm 127:3
Student Column: Missions
By: Kenzy Nail, CCS Freshman
This summer I had the opportunity to go to Kenya with my mission-minded Bible study small group. We departed on July 10, 2024 and came back on the 23rd. It was Pearl and Marie’s first time going to Nyaduong, Kenya. Pearl has spent most of her life in Ethiopia and has only been in the United States for three years. Marie has never been out of America so it was a new experience for the both of them. We were able to mud a widow’s home, share a message of hope at a prison, pray over women at a hospital, speak at a school, and visit with the feeding program children.
One of the first things we did when we settled in the village was visit the Migori Women's Prison. My cousin, Winnie, had visited the prison before and wanted us to come speak. We went to the women’s side first. I crocheted some baby blankets and we were able to hand those out to the women that had children staying with them in prison. We were able to give them sewing supplies and fabric as well, so when they get out of prison they may possess some skills and will be able to get a job. Once we spoke to the women's prison, they requested that we also visit the men's prison which had over 700 inmates. We were able to give out a few Bibles to both the women and the men.
The second thing we did was mud a home for a local widow whose home had collapsed during all the intense rain storms. She was staying at a local orphanage and had no home. In addition to her home improvements- through generous donations- we were able to provide her a water tank, platform, and gutter so that she would have easy access to water.
One highlight of the trip was visiting with family. I have cousins that we keep in contact with in addition to my grandmother. My grandmother lives in a mud hut that traveling to is a very difficult task. Washed out with only large boulders to drive over, the road is almost impossible to navigate. You must also walk through several farms and compounds before getting to her home. She has no running water or sanitation. The floor is made of a mixture of mud and cow dung.
On Wednesday we got to visit one of my friend’s schools. We were told the night before that we would be speaking at Gift’s school called HARVARD. Pearl prepared a small speech about loving one another and I spoke about being made in God's image. They have a small computer lab and we were able to donate a refurbished computer. Marie called this a “Divine Appointment.”
Three times per week we provide beans and rice for the most vulnerable kids in the village through our local village church and pastor. This is a program that has been in place since 2013. The kids count on this meal, and seem to be very grateful. We were able to visit with them and play games like “avocado toss” – like hot potato but with an avocado that is growing in the church yard. We have essentially grown-up with these children over the years and developed life-long friendships with them.
One of the last things we did was visit a hospital. We brought biscuits, apple juice, and solar bibles to give to the women in the maternity ward. We were able to pray over them and congratulate them. While at the hospital, we were able to minister to many individuals. One woman, Pauline Akinyivwho, was a 23 year old whose baby did not survive. She had gotten a c-section and the baby had gotten an infection. We requested to pay her hospital bill. One of the men there followed us outside to ask for a solar Bible we were blessed to have one left to give to him. If you would like to join us next year please let us know! It is truly a life-changing experience.
James 1:27
A Look Back at the Week
Morning and Afternoon Carline
Thank you everyone for being so patient as we have tried to become more efficient with our drop off and pick up lines! Although the line can get stressful, it is truly some of our favorite times to get to greet students and talk to parents. It is a great way to start and end the school day!
Open Air
The upper school students have been enjoying some cooler temperatures this week. When the weather is nice, the garage-style doors are open in the cafe. And... we only had to get Dr. Boyd and Mr. Yearwood to chase a ping-pong ball that escaped once or twice!
Sharing Morning Devotion with Grandparents
It was so wonderful spending some time on Friday morning with some of our grandparents! A few of the lower school classes shared their morning devotion time together with family members. Family members got to sing the morning worship song with us, hear the morning devotion, sing the doxology, and visit the classroom.
*We love having family members at school with us! If you would like to volunteer, please pick up an application from the front office at the Beech campus to learn more and to start your approval process.
Military Visitor
Mrs. Griffin's Career Prep class had a special visitor this week from the Army. Students learned more about military career possibilities and how Baeli's dad has served our country.
*Note for November: We will have our Veterans Day Program again this year! Watch for information soon on the date, time, and other details.
College Plans are Underway
On Thursday, CCS Juniors and Seniors had the opportunity to attend the ALACRAO College Fair at Wallace State College. During the fair students were able to meet college and university representatives from around the state. They learned more about available degree programs, admission requirements, and scholarship opportunities.
Paper Sculptures
2nd and 3rd grade students had a blast this week in art class making some very unique and creative paper line sculptures. Each student came up with their very own structure and explanation to match. We love seeing their creativity bloom!
Football Fun
5th and 6th graders have been enjoying the opportunity in PE to learn more about the game of football. They love playing flag football and you can always expect some friendly competition.
Special Visitor in Art Class
Students in Kindergarten classes had a special visit this week from Mona Lisa. They had a great time learning more about this famous work of art and Mona told them all about how long she had to sit still to be painted this way!
See More Photos from September 3-7, 2024
NEW to CCS: The Chronicle
Students in the upper school Journalism class will be producing a special publication created, developed, and edited by students. The Chronicle will be released every few weeks with articles about things happening at CCS.
We hope you enjoy this first issue!
Dates to Remember
Praying Parents
Tuesday, Sep 10, 2024, 08:00 AM
1803 Beech Avenue Southeast, Cullman, AL, USA
Upcoming Items on the Calendar
- September 9 - BBQ Potato Plate Orders Due
- September 9 - Mum Orders Due
- September 9 - Volleyball at Meek (JH,V)
- September 12 - BBQ Potato Supper
- September 12 - 4H Robotics after School
- September 12 - Volleyball vs Hanceville (JV,V)
- September 13 - $1 Dress Down Day
- September 14 - JV Volleyball Tournament
- September 14 - XC at Fairview Invitational
- September 16 - Volleyball at JB Pennington (JH, JV, V)
- September 17 - Volleyball at Parkside (JH)
- September 19 - Upper School Talent Show
- September 19 - Volleyball vs Addison (JV,V)
- September 21 - XC at Harmony's Two Pine Invitational
- September 26 - PK-K Johnny Appleseed Day
Talent Show
Mrs. Warden and Mrs. Griffin will be hosting a Talent Show for CCS students in grades 4-12.
- Thursday, September 19 will be the Upper School Talent Show.
- Thursday, September 26 will be the Lower School Talent Show. Lower school students (4th-6th grades) will be transported to the DC campus auditorium for this event. Only upper school drama and chorus students will be in the audience for this show. All other upper school students will be in their regular classes.
*We're so sorry, but this event will be for students only for a couple of reasons. One, our space is limited, so we will not have sufficient space for guests. Two, the talents that the students will be showcasing will also potentially be part of our Christmas Show. The December show will be our event open to guests.
For questions: Email kristi.warden@cullmanchristian.com or marisa.griffin@cullmanchristian.com .
BBQ Potato Plates
With the help of the PTF, our Varsity Cheerleaders will be hosting a BBQ Baked Potato Plate sale on September 12th.
Order forms will be going home with each student asap with more info.
Please contact Brittany Smith- (256) 507-1901 or
Amanda Rice - amanda.rice@cullmanchristian.com
For any questions or to help serve.
Mum Sales
The Junior High, JV, and Varsity Basketball Teams (boys and girls) will be selling 1/2 bushel size mums for $25.
These mums are HUGE! (See foot in photo for reference.)
Mums are available for purchase by ordering from a player or the school office. The deadline to order is September 9th.
Dress Down Days
Students who dress down (out of uniform) on Dress Down Days will be charged $1 in Gradelink.
Shorts/skirt length and modesty rules still apply.
1st Semester Days:
- September 13, 27
- October 11, 25
- November 15
- December 6
Tell Your Friends
We’ve had lots of phone calls and questions about future year waitlists at Cullman Christian School. If you know someone who would like to receive notification of when lists open, they can sign up to receive information. This will help us plan space for the growth we are experiencing.
A few more items...
Visitors & Volunteers
We love having visitors and volunteers on campus!
If you are visiting, please be sure to check in at the main desk.
If you would like to volunteer, applications are available.
CCS Alumni Spotlight
The upper school students had the chance to hear from CCS Class of 2014 graduate, Parker Allen, at this week's chapel. It is so great seeing our Lions living and serving God out in the community. Parker is currently serving as an associate pastor at 7th Street Baptist Church.
Volleyball Game Reports
Keep up with the latest from the CCS Varsity, JV, and Junior High volleyball teams by following their Facebook page.
Saying Goodbye to the Lobster
In the coming weeks we will begin sanding and painting on the gym floor. We will be sad to see the green lobster go, but we are looking forward to having our lion and our school colors in the gym!
The latest video message...
Cullman Christian School
AdvancED Accredited
Email: office@cullmanchristian.com
Website: https://www.cullmanchristian.org/
Location: 1803 Beech Avenue Southeast, Cullman, AL, USA
Phone: (256)734-0734
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ccsedu