Westminster Weekly
June 15, 2023
Hello Westminster Families!
What a wonderful year it has been. Our last day of school is next Tuesday, June 20th and this will be our last Westminster Weekly of this school year. We are wishing all families a fun and safe summer and you'll be hearing from us in August!
6/16 4th Grade to hike the Pinnacle
6/16 Report Cards go home to families
6/16 Last Day for ASP
6/19 No School; Juneteenth
6/20 Last day of school for students; Early Release, 11:45 Dismissal
7/5 First Day of Summer Camp
Family Survey Will Close on June 20th
Our district values your feedback! To ensure we continue to provide high quality, rigorous learning experiences that meet the needs of our learners, we need your feedback. We want to know what you think.
For the next few weeks, we will be asking you to take a brief survey to tell us about your experience at Westminster Center School. This survey is 100% anonymous and your answers are not connected to you in any way.
The survey will begin on OPEN DATE and you’ll have until the end of the school year to take it. You will be able to take the survey online at home or anytime that you come to Westminster Center School.
In order to access the online survey, you can go to: https://surveys.panoramaed.com/wnesuvt where you will be asked to put in your child’s school’s specific code. This will give you immediate access to the survey. Our school access code is: 3552523956
Another way to access the survey is to use your phone camera to scan this QR code. This will take you directly to your school’s survey. If you have students in different schools, you should receive a separate email with a different access code/QR code so that you can give feedback to that school, as well. We thank you in advance for your thoughtful responses. If you have any questions about the survey administration, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 802-722-3241
FREE MEAL KITS FOR KIDS WEDNESDAY, June 28, 2023 Pick up at BFUHS from 1-3:30 PM
1:00-3:30 PM --DRIVE THRU
The WNESU School Nutrition Program is offering FREE Meal KITS for ALL children 18 & under. Pick-up is EVERY WEDNESDAY from 1-3:30PM at BFUHS. Each kit will include a combination of bulk and ready-to-eat items equivalent to 7 days worth of breakfast & lunch for one child (items include: VT produce, fresh local bread, artisan cheeses, organic bananas, breakfast cereals, and much more!).
Please help us ensure we prepare enough kits by signing up ASAP. Each week's sign up will be posted on Thursdays.
When you drive to BFUHS, please remember to come with an empty trunk or clear rear seats as these kits are take up a lot of space! When you pull up, park, open your trunk, and roll down your passenger side window to tell us how many children you are getting boxes for. See you soon!
Please remember that Free Summer Meals are for children 18 years of age and under only-- children may only receive 1 breakfast and 1 lunch per day and cannot receive meals from multiple Summer Food Service Program sites. Thank you!
Field Day Fun!
Summer Health and Safety Tips from Nurse Kat
Westminster Center School
Email: elizabeth.harty@wnesu.com
Website: wcs.wnesu.com
Location: 301 School Street, Westminster, VT, USA
Phone: (802)722-3241
Facebook: facebook.com/westminstercenterschool