The Patton Post
Friday, November 1st

- Principal's Message (NEW POST!)
- Halloween Fun (NEW POST!)
- Veteran's Day (NEW POST!)
- Halloween Candy Donations (NEW POST!)
- Lost and Found (NEW POST!)
- Celebrating our PTA (2nd POST!)
- Homework Club: November & December (2nd POST!)
- Erin's Law Presentations (FINAL POST!)
- Yearbook Orders (FINAL POST!)
- PTA Reflections (UPDATED POST!)
- 2024-2025 Calendar (Ongoing Post)
- Dates to Know (Updated Post!)
Friday, November 1st
What a SPOOK-tacular week we had at Patton! It was so WAND-erful to see everyone in their costumes yesterday and I hope those of you that were able to attend the parade enjoyed it! I was so glad that the weather cooperated and we were able to show off our costumes! Thank you to our room volunteers for hosting all the class parties and for giving your time to make sure our students had a fab-BOO-lous time!
Please remember that we have NO SCHOOL on Monday, November 4th and Tuesday, November 5th. Parent Teacher conferences will take place on Monday and Patton is a polling place on Tuesday.
I hope you all enjoy the longer weekend and I look forward to seeing many of you at Parent Teacher conferences on Monday.
For our families who celebrate it, I wish you a joyful and prosperous Diwali.
Ellie Chin
Take a look at some of these wonderful costumes! What fun we had yesterday! Thank you for always making our costume parade so fabulous and fun!
This year, the students and staff at Patton would like to invite any veterans or active service members that are immediate family members of our students to join us at our Veteran’s Day assembly. We are very grateful for your service and would love to honor and recognize you as we celebrate Veterans Day together. Please complete this google form if there is a Veteran or active service member in your immediate family who would like to attend our Veterans Day assembly. Today is the last day to RSVP for this event.
Thank you to those of you that have submitted posters of the Veterans in your lives. We are so proud to share them with the rest of the school.
For the assembly on Monday, November 11th we would love to have students come to school in patriotic colors. Our Student Council has planned for different grades to wear different colors to create a lovely patriotic visual during the assembly!
K & 1st Grade: Red
2nd & 3rd Grade: White
4th & 5th Grade: Blue
Picture Makeup Day - TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12th (NEW POST!)
Pictures went home this week! If you are not happy with yours, don't panic! Picture makeup day will be held on the morning of Tuesday, November 12th! Please have your child bring their picture packet back with them and have your child tell their teacher they would like to have their picture retaken. The office will make an announcement in the morning to call down anyone that would like to have their picture retaken.
If you have any leftover candy after Halloween or if you just can't face another Tootsie Roll, please consider dropping it off here at Patton. We are collecting donations and will be preparing a care package to be sent out to our troops and other places such as the Wheeling Township, depending on how much we collect.
We will accept any type of candy. Please drop candy off in the front office.
Our Lost and Found pile is looking chock full! Hoodies and jackets and coats OH MY! The tables will be out during Parent Teacher conferences so please take a few minutes to stop by when you are in the building and have a rummage.
We will be donating all leftover items on Friday, November 8th.
We are so delighted to share that the Patton PTA won 2 awards at the Northwest Cook Region Annual Meeting and Award Ceremony. It received the 2024 Local Unit Honor: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award for its wonderful "Patton Spreads Joy" event and also won the Yellow Ribbon Membership Award for increasing Patton's PTA Membership. It also achieved Bronze Membership status for last year's membership.
We are so grateful to our PTA leadership for all the work they put into creating such a wonderful sense of community.
HOMEWORK CLUB: NOVEMBER & DECEMBER - 4th and 5th Graders (Ongoing POST!)
4th and 5th Grade homework club provides a quiet space for students to complete assignments or read in a relaxing setting. Mr. Morkert will be available to answer questions and provide help when needed.
It is important that you note whether you will pick up your child or if they will walk home. Mr. Morkert will bring the kids to the front doors at 4:25pm. Please be there waiting at this time.
Please reach out if you have questions. (tmorkert@sd25.org)
This club will run on Thursdays, 3:35-4:40pm.
If your child is interested, please SIGN UP HERE and be sure to enter your child's name when signing up!
Erin’s Law, Illinois Public Act 097-1147, requires public schools to provide child sexual abuse prevention education for students in early childhood through twelfth grades. Age appropriate research-based instruction helps students recognize unsafe situations, keep themselves safe, and understand how to respond to unsafe situations. During the months of November and December, our school social worker, Mrs. Donahue, will work with each grade level to provide age appropriate information. Erin’s Law information and curriculum information can be found in this slideshow. The optional opt-out form can be found on the District’s website. This form needs to be completed each year and submitted to the building principal by any family who wants to opt their child out of Erin’s Law.
Year books are available for a 10% discount through October 31, 2024. Two free customizable pages are included. Teachers will be updated shortly if you have any problems please contact yearbookpatton@gmail.com
Final day to purchase for a discount: October 31, 2024
Final day to purchase for school delivery: April 30, 2025
Personalized pages due: April 8, 2025
If there are any financial issues please contact: Barb Donahue bdonahue@sd25.org
Looking for a way to showcase your child’s talents and artistic expression? Encourage your child to submit entries for this year’s national PTA Reflections program, with the theme: Accepting Imperfection.
Students can submit their completed works of art in one (or more) of the art categories: dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography and visual arts. Please read through these specific PTA reflections rules for each category submission.
All projects must be submitted to Patton’s main office by the end of school day on November 20th. Please fill out this student entry form to accompany each project. Feel free to reach out to Tina Shah (tinashah1@gmail.com) with any questions!
2024-2025 SCHOOL CALENDAR (Ongoing Post!)
Should you want to print this calendar as well, please click HERE.
Monday, November 4th - Parent/Teacher Conferences NO SCHOOL
Monday, November 5th - Election Day NO SCHOOL
Monday, November 11th - Veteran's Day Assembly
Tuesday, November 12th- Picture Make Up Day
Wednesday, November 13th - 5th Grade Band Concert
Wednesday, November 20th - PTA Meeting
November 25th - 29th - Fall Break - NO SCHOOL
Please be sure to click on the Patton PTA website button above for information about other upcoming events
Main Line: (847) 398-4288
Fax #: (847) 394-6681
Absence Procedure
Twitter: @AHSD25Patton